Today I had a "duuuuh" moment while playing Sniper Elite 2.
Now I'm gonna try and set this up for you as best I can, but unless you play games like this, you are probebly not gonna get it anyway, but lets try.. who knows, it might be fun.
First of, Sniper Elite 2, hence forth known as SE2, is a game set in World War 2. You are an allied (in other words an american) sniper who's job is to kill a few scientists couse they have been bad and helping the nazi's, except one, who turned and became an ally... we did not kill him.
So as a sniper, you sneak around and shoot people in the head, an example of this you can see HERE, not being shoot yourself, and some times plant bombs, trip mines or throw rocks around to make the silly nazi's or communists look in a different direction.
I am currently as far in the game as to try and find a very elusive scientist names Wolff, who built, or designed atleast, a big ass rocket that could take out all of London.
So before I go and shoot this Dr Wolff, I need to stop this bad rocket.
Now ofc, as I have gone pretty far into the game by now, who knows it might be 60 missions left for all I know, I didn't expect this to be easy. I expected heavy resistance, lots of patrols and a fair number of enemy snipers... and let me tell ya, enemy snipers can be a bitch to find some times.
So off I went t o go mucking about in a trench, then out of the trench, into a train station, kill some dudes in there, then defend my position until the rocket was fully fulled, then take out the rocket.
Here's where I got stuck.
In order to take out the rocket, I had to "snipe it down".. meaning use my sniper rifle to destroy it. For all I now, I do NOT have armour piercing rounds, which means I had to find a weak spot...
The tip wasn't it.
The end of the rocket wasn't it.
The fuel tank next to it wasn't it.
After looking up and down, side to side, I got feed up and looked online where I was suppose to shoot that thing, or what I was suppose to shoot.
Thats when I had my "duuuuh" moment.
It wasn't on the top of the rocket, or the bottom, or some silly fuel tank in the background...
It was the fuel porthole on the damn rocket... on the left side about half way up it!!!
And it was flashing red too... so how the hell do I miss it??? Would you? Probebly... couse there was a lot of smoke and a lot of angry red's and germans around who didn't like me for some reason (guessing it was couse I had killed a bunch of their buddies, but it might be couse I have comfy slipper on too). So seeing something like that when you have precious few seconds before it launches, doesn't realy help.
But either way... a "duuuh" moment was had, and much to the joy of the locals...
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