Found the color "Iron" a few hours earlier, thats why he looks so dark, he's mostly dark grey and brown in color now, which you have to admite, looks a bit sinister. In other words, perfect for a Norn Warrior... althou this particular Norn has alot of Dignity, and not alot of ferocity or charm (a choise you make when you create your character). Couse I wanted my warrior to be a dignified warrior with a good heart that would be willing to die for his people, and die for all of Kryta (the world we reside in btw), not just be a good warrior that can take on most anything then brag about it on the pub. No a good and solid man with a heart of gold.
I bet you are wondering what the other game is huh? Well about 6 months ago, I pre-purched the game Torchlight II, and that is the game I have now installed in my box of technology, and I also tried it a bit late last night. I loved Torchlight I, but it was a bit linear. This is still a pretty much linear game, but with way more open space and you actually have too look around to find where you are going.
Made an Embermage to start with that has a panther at her side to fight, carry shit and run off to town to sell or even buy stuff for me :) I love that feature, never realy have to go into town yourself unless its for returning a quest.
So now, if I get bored with one game, I can always switch, and if I get bored of both games, I can always look for porn on the interwebz ;)
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