Just remembered something I wanted to share... something that is related to.. you guessed it, Guild Wars 2.
Just a few things that makes me laugh.
In MMO games, you can recive mail, both from other players, and npc's (non-playing characters, in other words, computer characters). Normally you would have to visit a mailbox in order to get them, or you can just open what ever mail you get from where ever you are, like in GW2. But its the way you are informed that you have gotten mail that is so awesome.
As soon as a mail has arrived, you can see, very quickly I might add, a white bird (probebly a pigeon) fly down towards your head and then swoop up and fly away.
Thats how you get mail.
The funny thing is, that you are not the only one that can see it... everyone else can too. And you can see when others get mail... couse you see that bird all of the sudden swoop down from the skies to the players head and then wisp away.
I love that... makes it so much more fun to get mail, knowing a bird just delivered it to you :)
Captain? |
I did a "jumping puzzle" on sunday night that was quite fun too.. hard, but fun. Now, a jumping puzzle is basicly what it sounds like. In order to solve the puzzle and get the "phat loot", you have to jump around to various points, if you miss, you usually have to start from scratch, can be annoying as hell if you are having difficulties with a section of the puzzle, like one in Sylvari lands that had you pushed of ledges and what not by wind that was hard to predict.
But this one reminded me of a movie... The Goonies. When they find the pirate ship towards the end. Even had the dead captain in the room with the chest of loot in it. Loved it.
At one place, in Norn country, I found a "heart" quest that had me scare rabbits towards Sacred Owls... so the owls could eat the rabbits.
Laughed my ass off.
I also did another heart quest that had me answer a bunch of questions.
Lets see if you know this one, its not hard, and it was even easier for me as I got to choose between three answers.
"I come from all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor. What is my name?"