So me and my powertech is currently working our way through the jungles of Dromund Kaas. Stopped today at lvl 14, where I got my first proper tanking skills Guard and Ion Gas Cylinder which will make tanking a whole lot easier, and with Ion Gas active, PvP also got a weee bit easier... win win :)
So while in the jungle killing shit, what do you do when there are no enemies around?...
I work... kind of. Me and my trusty side kick Mako scour the landscape looking for piles of metal trash, then we scan said piles of metal trash to find useful things we might need for our "crewskill", like Desh or Silica.
This work is never ending realy, you can do it until your deing day. Which kind of happens every day in this game... unless you are über 1337, a total awesome super skilled ninja... or just stand around and do nothing. But death will happen, have no fear. Specially in pvp.
But all that work, in a damp wet and cold jungle gets to even the best hunters. So I thought it would be best to cover up a bit.
So I got a hat.
Doesn't match my cyber eye implant, and it makes me look like a tricked out nomad on a killing spree. But its cool, makes my look suspicious and mysterious :P
Personally I dont like that hat... looks dumb in a sci-fi game like star wars, but hey, works for low lvls I guess.
But I do like my chest piece, got like lights on the shoulders, think I'm gonna keep it for a bit and just upgrade the armouring and mods on it til I get something that looks even better. And I know for a fact that wont happen for a long time. Unless I buy a pvp chest at lvl 20... in which case it wont happen for another 6 lvls :)
Easter is right around the corner, and tonight, when I get home from work, I will find my beautiful fiancée in my bed... or standing ready in the hallway to give me a welcome home kiss and hug. So today I want the time to realy fly.
Come on time, go faster...
*look at watch*
Not fast enought!!
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