torsdag 5 juni 2014

Serious Saves

Just made my 1000nd save in Skyrim!!
Or something. I know you guys probably dont care one bit about that.. but for me, its a rather big thing. I've never played a single player game this much before.
The only other games I've played more of, is World of Warcraft, 7 years, and Diablo 2 on, 2 years. But both those games, are online. Granted, Diablo 2 is a single player game, that has online functions, but Skyrim, doesn't have any of that. So its a single player game only.
And who would have guessed I would clock in 550 hours of game play and 1000 saves? I didn't... I did NOT see that coming. Specially from a game I first tried and didn't like.. then tried it again, and freakin loved it! :P

This image, was taken just a few seconds before I made my 1000 save. These two creatures, do not normally exist in the normal world of Skyrim, they come from a monster mod I have. One of them, the green one, is a deadra monster, and the brown one that is also on fire, is a cyclops.
When I came in to the cave, I found em doing battle. The deadra lost, and to avange his death... I killed the cyclops. All thou, if the cyclops had lost ,I would have "avanged" him too :P

You all know what this means right? You get a free screen shot entry.. in the middle of the week!!!
Aren't you guys just sooooo happy? You didn't have to wait until next sunday after all!!
I know, I know, you want to shower me with thanks and flowers and hugs, but I'm just doing what I know you want, its my.... duty!!!

I. Will. Never. Fail. Your needs for more screen shots...


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