söndag 30 mars 2014

Electrified Exile

So in my ever growing boredom, from waiting for Elder Scrolls to come out of my mail drop. I have been playing a little Path of Exile.
They had a mayor update recently... kind of an expansion, or heavy duty patch with something called Vaal... I have no idea what its all about, as I've never gotten over level 34 yet. But I have found small "corrupt" doors here and there, where the enemies inside are really touch, drop more stuff and keeps being resistance to what ever magic I happen to use on them.
And when I say "what ever magic I happen to use on em".. I mean it. If I start with say fire... they become resistant to fire, but if I switch to say lighting, they switch their resistance too. Fun times.

No screenie of that thou...

Unlimited... Power!!! Yea, old joke, I know.
So I got a screenie of some temple or something where a bunch of holy water and ribbons tried to kill me.

Also, I found a bunch of statues, as I've told you earlier, that also wanted me dead. And I have to say, that never have I seen such detailed statues since I played a bit of TERA Online. I mean, come on, do a statue realy need nipples? Isn't just the breasts enough? Whats next? Will I be able to see what religion a male statue is? But... thats not realy the important thing. The look of them, when they came to life, is. And they looked badass!

Hopefully next week, you'll get some ESO screenies... until then...


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