You start with 10 exiled people, some provisions. And then, its up to you, to make sure they survive.
Plant crops, grow fruit tree's, chop wood for warmth during cold winter nights and coats to keep them warm when they are not in their homes.
This is a difficult game, and you cant rush it. I did in the begining, and all of the sudden, my citizens started droping like flies, dead from starvation usually, or some died from freezing to death.
I have found the game challenging, and alot of fun.
Thou it is a slow game, much of it, is just looking at the screen, sometimes telling them where to fell trees or harvest stone and iron if needed, but rarely actually building things.
Here's what one of my cities looked like, until I got most of em killed and then had a pasture get a bug, killing all my cows.
Then a fire broke out, burning down a third of all my buildings, including that market you see with all the lovely colors.
I rage-quit after that, and started a new town, where I hoped they wouldn't be so stupid... or more... where I wouldn't be so stupid :P

And I got to ask you... all of you, what kind of fucked up world was the middle ages? I mean, was it okay back then to be a guy in his 30's, to fuck a girl at the age of 12-13 for the purpose of producing a kid? I am so glad I live in this day and age, and in this country, where I, at least, hope that never happens.
Anyway, wonderful game, you should try it.
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