torsdag 6 mars 2014

The Last Dragon

I did it!! I killed a Legendary Dragon in Skyrim!!! And doing this, earned me the very last achievement that Steam had in the library.

I have now done all the 75 anchievements. It took time, some of them were harder then other, and some just took a shit load of time. Like the Legendary Dragon for example, the dragon it self, wasn't that hard, but I had to be level 78 first, finish a few quests, and then FIND ONE!!!
The other one that took time, was the Deadric Achievement. Where I had to gather 15 deadric artifacts, out of 15... on one and the same character... There were 17 Deadric Quests, all giving some kind of thing at the end, but only 15 of them were considered "artifacts". So yea... took a bit of time.

But now that I have all the achievements, and have played, according to Steam, for 467 hours... what do I do now?

Oh my god... what do I do now???

Well... hopefully, there will be more testing on Elder Scroll Online the following weekends, and during weekdays, I can always fill the time with work and other crap things. And if they dont make testing weekends... well then.. I'm just fucked! :P

Naa.. I'll try and see some friends, been awhile between visits to some of them, so might just do that anyway.


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