As its finally been a bit cold for a few days now, and the snow is building. The roads have become increasingly dangerous to ride a bike on. They plow, they do, but its not like they do that every hour on the hour. And when the weather is like this..... its even more of a challenge to ride a bike anywhere.
I love the snow, I do, the cold... not so much, but who realy does? I'd love it if the snow could be here, but its still 25 degrees in the air. But this is reality, so no luck. But its also windy.... sometimes, alot. And the cold weather and the new snow combined with cold winds, creates dunes of snow... on the sidewalks where I ride my bike. And that is not fun at all!
Imagen if you will, trying to ride a bike on a beach. You've probebly done that at some point. Now the back wheel is the first to say; Hang on a second, what is this? Followed shortly by your front wheel saying: Look what I can do!
Then you as the rider, have to get the wheels to understand that this is no time for fun and games, and get their shit together, couse you are swerving all over the goddamn place... and not in a fun way either. But in a way that makes your mind go "Oh my god I'm gonna dieeeeeee" kind of way.
But I did promise myself that I would ride my bike to and from work every day no matter what the weather is like, sunny, rainy, snowy. If its slippery or dry, hot or cold. I'm gonna ride my stupid bike. And I do. 6 kilometers there and back. 4 days a week...
But in weather like this.. I am not enjoying it.
No pictures of those dunes thou... You are just gonna have to go out and look at them yourselves. Well go on... go outside and look at those hellish, dangerous and pretty things called snow dunes. I'll wait.
You gone yet?
Are they gone?
Good... *burp*
Oh you're back! Hi... no I didn't say anything... Got to go...
My life, with everything that entails. Toughts, ideas, games... what ever I feel like writing.
fredag 31 januari 2014
söndag 26 januari 2014
Deadly Screenie
For years upon years, the city of Morthal has been a quiet and rural town. Friendly faces and good neighbours, where noone is enemy and everyone knows everyone. The marshes they border on, the only thing to watch out for.
A town most of us would like to call home.
But lately, there has been a string of mysterious happenings. For one, a well known and respected mill worker, is now suspected of foul play, in that he with intent, burned down his own home with wife and child still inside.
Noone can prove this ofcourse, or he would have been executed long ago for such a horrible crime.
And at this moment... I walk into town. Or well.. my character walks into town.
The dragonborn comes to save the day!
So I offer my help to solve this mystery, and find the true murderer.
I found her...
This is the end result of our encounter.
The only sure way to know that a vampire is dead... cut of their head!
Actually.. that was just a "lucky shot"... its not often a fight ends with a beheading. But this one did. And as the head rolled into the coffin, and stayed upright.. I had to screenie it.
Anyway.. the story didn't end there kids... you see, in the vampires journal, I found who her master was... an old Master Vampire living in a cave not far from town was the main couse of all this horror and death.
So I joined a merry bunch of towns folk, and set out to kill him proper.
I think the game glitched thou, couse they never actually followed me into the cave.. so I just thougt: fuck em, I'll kill him on my own. And I did.
And as a gift for this.. I got to buy a lot on the Jarls ground, and build my very own steading. And I did... and it kind of looked like THIS. But at a different location.
A town most of us would like to call home.
But lately, there has been a string of mysterious happenings. For one, a well known and respected mill worker, is now suspected of foul play, in that he with intent, burned down his own home with wife and child still inside.
Noone can prove this ofcourse, or he would have been executed long ago for such a horrible crime.
And at this moment... I walk into town. Or well.. my character walks into town.
The dragonborn comes to save the day!
So I offer my help to solve this mystery, and find the true murderer.
I found her...
This is the end result of our encounter.
The only sure way to know that a vampire is dead... cut of their head!
Actually.. that was just a "lucky shot"... its not often a fight ends with a beheading. But this one did. And as the head rolled into the coffin, and stayed upright.. I had to screenie it.
Anyway.. the story didn't end there kids... you see, in the vampires journal, I found who her master was... an old Master Vampire living in a cave not far from town was the main couse of all this horror and death.
So I joined a merry bunch of towns folk, and set out to kill him proper.
I think the game glitched thou, couse they never actually followed me into the cave.. so I just thougt: fuck em, I'll kill him on my own. And I did.
And as a gift for this.. I got to buy a lot on the Jarls ground, and build my very own steading. And I did... and it kind of looked like THIS. But at a different location.
torsdag 23 januari 2014
Green Revelations
I came to a halt last night at work. A revelation had come across my mind. Something about my life had changed, a long time ago, yet never realy noticed until now.
I eat a shitload of veggies!
I know I know, whats the big deal right? Well its not that I eat some veggies every week like everyone else, no I mean that except for breakfast (then too thou), my meals contain atleast one third veggies, usualy frozen from the fridge couse its just easier, but still as healthy.
I always liked veggies, but I never had more then maybe a 5th of the meal filled with the stuff. But now its close to a third, and well fine, it isn't EVERY meal, but I do swear, that every meal on work days, is like this.
And I like it. Thats the main point here I think. I like that I am enjoying my veggies so much, that I want to make sure a large portion of my meal is veggies. It makes me happy.
Now lets all just cross our fingers and hold our thumbs, that I will keep this shit up for the rest of my life or so, and I dont fall back on: Yea veggies are nice, but I want fat and suger! :P
I eat a shitload of veggies!

I always liked veggies, but I never had more then maybe a 5th of the meal filled with the stuff. But now its close to a third, and well fine, it isn't EVERY meal, but I do swear, that every meal on work days, is like this.
And I like it. Thats the main point here I think. I like that I am enjoying my veggies so much, that I want to make sure a large portion of my meal is veggies. It makes me happy.
Now lets all just cross our fingers and hold our thumbs, that I will keep this shit up for the rest of my life or so, and I dont fall back on: Yea veggies are nice, but I want fat and suger! :P
söndag 19 januari 2014
Unfortunate Screenie
When walking around in the land of Skyrim, far in the north of Tamriel, you see many wonderful things. Adventure, lost ruins, enemies of all sizes and towns with its folk.
But sometimes.. you come across a small pond, beautifuly situated between some rocks and cliffs, just begging you to take a swim, or just gaze at for awhile.
Well some poor girl got that idea too it seems. You see I found such a pond, and next to it, was some cloths neatly folded, a ring and a necklace and a small satchel, all lined up and waiting with a towel and a journal aswell.
In the journal, there had been written that some girl from a nearby city, had grown tierd of her over protective father not allowing her to journey to this pond to take a swim, as the Forsworn was mostly in control of the wilderness. But she thought, that with the ongoing war between the Empire and the rebelious Stormcloaks, that the Forsworn would be mostly hiding in their caves...
Now if you look closely at the top of the rainy pond, you'll see the naked, and very dead, body of that girl. It would seem that the Forsworn wasn't all hiding.
Oh well.. a silver ring and necklace for me!
But sometimes.. you come across a small pond, beautifuly situated between some rocks and cliffs, just begging you to take a swim, or just gaze at for awhile.
Well some poor girl got that idea too it seems. You see I found such a pond, and next to it, was some cloths neatly folded, a ring and a necklace and a small satchel, all lined up and waiting with a towel and a journal aswell.
In the journal, there had been written that some girl from a nearby city, had grown tierd of her over protective father not allowing her to journey to this pond to take a swim, as the Forsworn was mostly in control of the wilderness. But she thought, that with the ongoing war between the Empire and the rebelious Stormcloaks, that the Forsworn would be mostly hiding in their caves...
Now if you look closely at the top of the rainy pond, you'll see the naked, and very dead, body of that girl. It would seem that the Forsworn wasn't all hiding.
Oh well.. a silver ring and necklace for me!
torsdag 16 januari 2014
Magic Forrest
So there I am.. walking around, or well, sneaking around... sniping enemies in their faces... when all of the sudden.. the forrest becomes magical and wonderful...
It bugged out in other words :P
No idea what happened... I figured, when it becomes an issue, I'll just save and exit the game, that usualy fixes those kind of bugs, but I never did... well sure, I did, but a few hours later when I was done playing.
But I kind of like bugs like that.. making the world a fucked up, but spectacular, place. It didn't ruin my game play, it didn't kill me and it didn't hinder my progress in what ever I was currently doing. But I did raise an eyebrow a few times wondering what the fuck was going on.
Guess my games doesn't like some of my mods :P Probebly the 2K HD mod.
Anyway.. I can hardly wait for sunday to come along... the screen shot I have in store for you all is just awesome... but I hope it doesn't come too soon... want to enjoy my time off after all.
Also.. I've now realy beaten the amount of hours I've played in Fallout: New Vegas... that had 164 hours. Skyrim, is now at wrighting moment, at 205...
It bugged out in other words :P

Guess my games doesn't like some of my mods :P Probebly the 2K HD mod.
Anyway.. I can hardly wait for sunday to come along... the screen shot I have in store for you all is just awesome... but I hope it doesn't come too soon... want to enjoy my time off after all.
Also.. I've now realy beaten the amount of hours I've played in Fallout: New Vegas... that had 164 hours. Skyrim, is now at wrighting moment, at 205...
söndag 12 januari 2014
Cold Stabbing
Had fight on a snowy mountain top today... a fight with an Elder Dragon... it was epic, it was bloody and it was sweet as honey.
But the damn screen shots turned out crap :(
So I thou.. fuck it.. lets show you a screen shot of another dragon, I was about to fight. I actually recorded that fight... so you might get to see it later on, but its a cool looking dragon... specially, since I do belive, its one of a kind.
I was out to find a special staff to save the Collage of Winterhold, a magic school. And just as I enter the dungeon... the very dark, damp and scary dungeon... that thing poped out of the ground.. surounded by a horde of skeletons with a wide range of weapons...
But as they were skeletons, they were also appearently blind and very brittle... couse I sneaked up on each and everyone of them and stabbed them in the back, granting me a 15 times damage bonus, making it all instant kills... The dragon thou, saw me in the last second, and I had to swing my dagger and sword, made from dragon bones actually, a few times before he was dead... and I mean "a few".. couse that fucker was weak. His living brothers would be ashamed of him, so it was a good thing I put him out of his misery.
But the damn screen shots turned out crap :(
So I thou.. fuck it.. lets show you a screen shot of another dragon, I was about to fight. I actually recorded that fight... so you might get to see it later on, but its a cool looking dragon... specially, since I do belive, its one of a kind.
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He needs to eat more.. he's all bone... not even skin, just bones. |
But as they were skeletons, they were also appearently blind and very brittle... couse I sneaked up on each and everyone of them and stabbed them in the back, granting me a 15 times damage bonus, making it all instant kills... The dragon thou, saw me in the last second, and I had to swing my dagger and sword, made from dragon bones actually, a few times before he was dead... and I mean "a few".. couse that fucker was weak. His living brothers would be ashamed of him, so it was a good thing I put him out of his misery.
lördag 11 januari 2014
Missing Mods
Been away a bit, in the land of pixels and combat... Damn this game, its so much fun, that it's eating up my days. I am so glad I have an alarm on the phone every work day to warn me 30 minutes before I have to go to work, or I would have been late every day since I bought Skyrim.
Lately thou, I'm been playing around a bit with more estetic modifications in the game, like both my face and npc faces, make em better looking in other words, couse the original, is very "square". But then, it is a rather old game, gaming wise that is. New hair styles, armours and stuff.
All thou, something happened when I added a mod for fixing the female npc's faces and a mod for fixing some new hair styles... and that is, that my skills went bonkers.
Alright, I'll try and explain it the best I can, so even you non-gamers can understand it. And if you still dont, well... then tough luck, couse I aint explaining it again in the next post. :)
So in this game, when you use a skill, suck as two handed weapon skill, by using a two handed weapon, you level it up. In other words, you increase your skill in it. The more you increase the skill, the better you become. So when it comes to weapon skills, you do more and more damage to your enemies. If its armour related skills, you'll be able to mitigate more and more damage. Or lets say you increase your alchemy skill, your potions get better and better.
And so on and so on. And to further better these skills, there are "tree's" you can put something called perks in, and each time you increase in character level, which you do from increasing skill level, that allows you to even further become better at that specific skill, say further increase damage, or get better results in alchemy or what have you.
Now for me, I had a few skills maxed out, 100 skill, in Two Handed Weapons, Heavy Armour and a few more that I liked to use. But when I added the hair and npc face mod... something fucked up, and all of the sudden, those skills I had worked so hard to gain, was down to their starting points again... and I didn't like the idea of going up against level 40 enemies and work away their health with a skill level of a level 1... so I abandoned that girl, and started a new one.
This one, I made into a rogue like thief and assassin, sneaking around with a dagger cutting the throat of anyone being foolish enough to not be a dear friend or a dragon. And just to drive the nail home, I also added a few more mods to have some more fun with my new sneaky girl... so my old girl would get jealous... (I like to pretend that she is, in real life, she doesn't actually exist now does she?)
So I got a mod that allowed me to increase my first proper home... increase as in, expand. I now have some proper gardens, a pool, bar, a few caves of which one has 3 pet dragons in em.. guessing they are pups or what ever a dragon baby is called, a guard tower, servants house and a fishing place... all surounded by walls and gates to keep any pesky robbers out.
And it even comes fully equiped with 4 guards, a necromancer, gardener, maid and a few more helpers around the house.
Anyway... work is good, arm never bothers me and my heart beat is present.. so there... you need anything else? No? Alright then.
Lately thou, I'm been playing around a bit with more estetic modifications in the game, like both my face and npc faces, make em better looking in other words, couse the original, is very "square". But then, it is a rather old game, gaming wise that is. New hair styles, armours and stuff.
All thou, something happened when I added a mod for fixing the female npc's faces and a mod for fixing some new hair styles... and that is, that my skills went bonkers.
Alright, I'll try and explain it the best I can, so even you non-gamers can understand it. And if you still dont, well... then tough luck, couse I aint explaining it again in the next post. :)
So in this game, when you use a skill, suck as two handed weapon skill, by using a two handed weapon, you level it up. In other words, you increase your skill in it. The more you increase the skill, the better you become. So when it comes to weapon skills, you do more and more damage to your enemies. If its armour related skills, you'll be able to mitigate more and more damage. Or lets say you increase your alchemy skill, your potions get better and better.
And so on and so on. And to further better these skills, there are "tree's" you can put something called perks in, and each time you increase in character level, which you do from increasing skill level, that allows you to even further become better at that specific skill, say further increase damage, or get better results in alchemy or what have you.
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An example of a skill tree. |
This one, I made into a rogue like thief and assassin, sneaking around with a dagger cutting the throat of anyone being foolish enough to not be a dear friend or a dragon. And just to drive the nail home, I also added a few more mods to have some more fun with my new sneaky girl... so my old girl would get jealous... (I like to pretend that she is, in real life, she doesn't actually exist now does she?)
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The girls taking a break at the bar. |
And it even comes fully equiped with 4 guards, a necromancer, gardener, maid and a few more helpers around the house.
Anyway... work is good, arm never bothers me and my heart beat is present.. so there... you need anything else? No? Alright then.
söndag 5 januari 2014
Take That Dragon
First screenie of the year 2014 is here... I know how anxious you have been, waiting and waiting like you were sitting on an ant hill with no pants couse its been so difficult to sit still and just wait patiently.
But fear not my friends! The hour you have been waiting for is here!!!
There I am, in full Dwarven Armour with a Dwarven Greatsword, going in for the killing blow on a pesky fly (dragon). Must be number 40+ by that time... killed soooo many, that I just dont care anymore :P
But I've changed my look since then, that was ancient history, atleast a few days ago :P
For last night you see, I went on a trip, did a few quests, saw some cool places and then.. I came out looking like this...
See that dark face? Those burning glowing eyes? Yea, thats new, not that you would know, but my eyes, used to look normal, just like anyone elses. The black marks from the eyes and mouth thou, were there from the start, its called warpaint. And that style was just so hot and sexy, I just had to have it.
So why the "makeover" you ask? Well, turns out, that the quests I did, lead me to a big ass dungeon deep under a mountain, that had a girl imprisoned in a stone casket, a casket that was kindly left upright, and hidden under a bunch of moving stone rings that essentially was the floor.
This girl, was a vampire... and for saving her, I was given a gift (if I wanted it) from her father... the Lord of all vampires... and that gift, I excepted.
And thats the moment I became a Vampire Lord.
If you are good, I'll give you a screen shot of what that looks like... couse the image you see, with the burning eyes, is my normal human form (even thou people tend to comment on my wierd and not so healthy look). But when I go hunting for blood... I turn into the Vampire Lord, and I... well.. I look different.
So you want to see or what?
Hello? You left already? Its just a game guys... come back! ... Cowards.
But fear not my friends! The hour you have been waiting for is here!!!
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Is she dancing with the dragon or kicking him in the chin? |
But I've changed my look since then, that was ancient history, atleast a few days ago :P
For last night you see, I went on a trip, did a few quests, saw some cool places and then.. I came out looking like this...
See that dark face? Those burning glowing eyes? Yea, thats new, not that you would know, but my eyes, used to look normal, just like anyone elses. The black marks from the eyes and mouth thou, were there from the start, its called warpaint. And that style was just so hot and sexy, I just had to have it.
So why the "makeover" you ask? Well, turns out, that the quests I did, lead me to a big ass dungeon deep under a mountain, that had a girl imprisoned in a stone casket, a casket that was kindly left upright, and hidden under a bunch of moving stone rings that essentially was the floor.
This girl, was a vampire... and for saving her, I was given a gift (if I wanted it) from her father... the Lord of all vampires... and that gift, I excepted.
And thats the moment I became a Vampire Lord.
If you are good, I'll give you a screen shot of what that looks like... couse the image you see, with the burning eyes, is my normal human form (even thou people tend to comment on my wierd and not so healthy look). But when I go hunting for blood... I turn into the Vampire Lord, and I... well.. I look different.
So you want to see or what?
Hello? You left already? Its just a game guys... come back! ... Cowards.
lördag 4 januari 2014
First of 2014
Thats first blog entry of 2014... nothing else... sadly... ;)
So the new year have been at it for 4 days now.. going good so far, no earth shattering events, no doomsday rock falling out of the sky and noone has murdered me yet :)
All thou.. in a way, I have been murdered a few times this week... in Skyrim. HA!
You can probebly guess where this is going huh? Yea.. I'm gonna talk a bit about Skyrim... that stupid game I have now clocked 87 hours in. Thats 87 hours of playing the game... not owning it, playing it. And I've only had it for 9 days. I'm insane. Its no use hiding it anymore..
I am bonkers!!
But I love it!!
But anyway... Something funny happened in the game yesterday (pic unrelated) that have my wife involved. I know I know, I am a female in the game, but this lovely game dont care about shit like that, you can marry any gender... which is AWESOME!!
Anyway, my dear wife, Sylgja, is a shop owner, a merchant of various items. And once a day, I can get my share of the profits from this shop, always a hundred gold per day, last time I checked in, I got a thousand, guess I need to stop by the house more often huh?
Anyway, it seems she had some customers over one day, that liked her... liked her so much, they kidnapped her!
And then they had the guts to ask me for 5000 gold to get her back! I probebly would have payed them... unless I also like they idea of justice, which I do.. so I found their lair, and killed them all!! And to realy drive it home, that I didn't approve of their actions.. I chopped the head of one of their girls.
It was epic!
The wife seemed untroubled thou... And just went back to being the usual cold shoulder ;)
Also, I learned a new spell last night... that turns unrefined iron ore into silver ore, and then the silver ore to gold ore (pic related). Which is a completetly uselss skill to have as gold is rarely used in smithing other then jewelry. But if you have a mod that allowes to you make coin from gold.. its awesome.
Tune in tomorrow for a screenie of some "minor" action in Skyrim.
So the new year have been at it for 4 days now.. going good so far, no earth shattering events, no doomsday rock falling out of the sky and noone has murdered me yet :)
All thou.. in a way, I have been murdered a few times this week... in Skyrim. HA!
You can probebly guess where this is going huh? Yea.. I'm gonna talk a bit about Skyrim... that stupid game I have now clocked 87 hours in. Thats 87 hours of playing the game... not owning it, playing it. And I've only had it for 9 days. I'm insane. Its no use hiding it anymore..
I am bonkers!!
But I love it!!

Anyway, my dear wife, Sylgja, is a shop owner, a merchant of various items. And once a day, I can get my share of the profits from this shop, always a hundred gold per day, last time I checked in, I got a thousand, guess I need to stop by the house more often huh?
Anyway, it seems she had some customers over one day, that liked her... liked her so much, they kidnapped her!
And then they had the guts to ask me for 5000 gold to get her back! I probebly would have payed them... unless I also like they idea of justice, which I do.. so I found their lair, and killed them all!! And to realy drive it home, that I didn't approve of their actions.. I chopped the head of one of their girls.
It was epic!
The wife seemed untroubled thou... And just went back to being the usual cold shoulder ;)
Also, I learned a new spell last night... that turns unrefined iron ore into silver ore, and then the silver ore to gold ore (pic related). Which is a completetly uselss skill to have as gold is rarely used in smithing other then jewelry. But if you have a mod that allowes to you make coin from gold.. its awesome.
Tune in tomorrow for a screenie of some "minor" action in Skyrim.
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