So on friday, I got this at the orthopedics, the backside has the plaster, under the long brown tape runing from my wrist and up, the rest is just bandages. Since it was just a fracture in the freakin elbow, I never needed a full cast, or surgery for that matter. The bones where damaged yes, and a bit broken, but the were in the right place, so no need to put a full cast on. And with just a fracture, I will loss this package on monday afternoon, and hopefully wont need more bandages or plaster. *crossing fingers*
But since my injury, I've had to learn how to do things with just one hand/arm. And the first obsticle I came across, was a simple thing like opening my phone. Now pushing the buttons was nothing, I already do that with one hand, but as its in a case that kind of look like a wallet, I'm used to working with 2 hands to open it. So making my first call after the accident... bit of a challenge to be honest. But to be fair.. I was in a lot of pain then... 2-3 minutes after the fact, was easier after, and even easier after the cast was on.
But lets head to "heavier" things... like putting on a pair of pants. Yea you heard me. PANTS! They are NOT meant for onehanded folk I tell ya. It was way harder then I thought, and even taking em off is a damn workout... well not realy, but still.
And speaking of taking em off. I usually wait a long time with going to the bathroom for "Nr 2", becouse I like the feeling of finally getting to drop that turd when its such a panic that you almost have to clench your buttocks with your hands to keep from shitting your pants.
But now... when I feel that I might need to go.. I GO! Couse pulling down the pants, even the sweatpants I walk around in these days, just takes to fuckin long.
Ofc you know about my gaming deal, so no need to go further into that... Can only work with my fingers, cant bend the wrist... you get the idea.

But then the next problem comes... the itching. A minute before I was done in the shower, it started... and it took 2 hours to stop.. was driving me fuckin insane... so I might not shower anymore until I stink worse then a bonefire with tires and rotten corpses, surrounded buy 4 week old fruit. Then maybe.
So yea, not a picnic realy... but definitely an interesting experience... cant wait for it to be over thou :P