Today, for another 20 minutes, its midsummers eve. A day we dance around a "maj stång"... a phallus symbol with flowers on, and sing song like "Little frogs, little frogs"... We are a strange people.
Pink/purple drink, that was white. |
I was gonna go down to a place to see one of these giant flower cocks, but unfortunatly, I had an old friend over last night, and we started drinking beer nad booze and talking about old times, stuff we've done, stuff we want to do again and.. well we were basicly flashbacking on hyperdrive ;)
Drinking Buddy! |
The evening was great ofcourse, and I look forward to the next time... how ever, I dont think I will be drinking that heavy again, atleast on both beer and booze. Becouse today, I got a hangover that lasted until now.
Got up at 10 in the morning ,and had a massive headache, and a stomach that wanted to make me vomit (I didn't btw) every time I moved. So when I found that the person I was going with to this phallus flower, had to cancel, same guy I was drinking with last night, I thought: YES!!! And promptly went to bed to try and sleep off the headache.
It did not work..
Later, I had a lovely dinner with a cake for dessert at another friends house, with my little brother and 2 annoying kids ;) too... aswell as a dog.
Even thou I had one hell of a hangover.. it became a rather good day.
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