Its the very last sunday of 2012... THE very last one. For tomorrow is monday, New Years Eve, and the day after that, its a whole new freakin year! The first day if 20... what comes after 12? 6? 471? Well what ever the year is, I bet its gonna suck!!! ;)
Naa, its gonna be a good year, just like this one has been. It will have its ups and downs, its good days and its bad days. But in the long run, I bet a buck that it'll be a grand year.
But today is still sunday, very early sunday too couse I cant fucking sleep, so I thought I might aswell get this weekly sunday screen shot done with.
A few days ago, I got the Steam special offer THQ Collection for the very low price of 24,95 euros... one hell of a save there. And one of the games (there was like 23 of em or so), was Darksiders 2. And I found a nice looking view I thought would be good to share with my friends and what ever followers I have.
The guy in the middle is the one I play. His name is Death, and is one of the four horsemen of the apocolypse. His current mission, is to prove the innocence of his brother War, and to do that, I, as Death, have to bring back humanity to the land of the living, as the demons of hell have wiped them out.
Not everyday your mission in a game is to save the human race.. AFTER they have been extinct :P
My life, with everything that entails. Toughts, ideas, games... what ever I feel like writing.
söndag 30 december 2012
torsdag 27 december 2012
Calvin Confiming Present
After playing a fair share of Minecraft, from a downloaded copy, I found that I would actually like to own my own copy, for two reasons; 1st becouse its an awesome game that deserves my money, 2nd couse I want to be able to play with Technic Launcher, do some Tekkit or the likes (dont worry if you dont know what all this crap means, just rest assure it will make the game more fun).
So I went to their website and clicked the "BUY NOW" button and was redirected to their company's site where I had to first register an account. After I did that, I would have recived a confirmation mail... but thats when I found out that they are having some serious issues with their mailing system, so noone is getting any mail (think they were backed up at around 250 000 mails that didn't go out).
When I finally decide to actually buy the game.. I cant!! :P
I cant buy the game until I have confirmed my email, and to do that I need to first recive the confirmation email... that they are unable to send.
Yea it kind of sucks.
On to more happy news thou. CHRISTMAS!!! Yep, its over, so relax. But it was good, well rather good. Both me and the missis was having some issues with our poor little bellies, poopin way more then we would have liked, but all and all, a good weekend.
Even got a gift from my little brother and my half-dad that I wanted... all thou, I hadn't expected it to be so big. What I wanted was a tool box. I have a lot of tools, but never a specific place to hold them, so they have always been scattered around the apartment like litter. But the damn size of it is almost silly... or so I thought... my tools all fit, but its almost full already :)
Also got some extra tools in it too, a kit with a shitload of bits and pieces, very awesome, so thanks baby brother and half-dad.
So I went to their website and clicked the "BUY NOW" button and was redirected to their company's site where I had to first register an account. After I did that, I would have recived a confirmation mail... but thats when I found out that they are having some serious issues with their mailing system, so noone is getting any mail (think they were backed up at around 250 000 mails that didn't go out).
When I finally decide to actually buy the game.. I cant!! :P
I cant buy the game until I have confirmed my email, and to do that I need to first recive the confirmation email... that they are unable to send.
Yea it kind of sucks.
On to more happy news thou. CHRISTMAS!!! Yep, its over, so relax. But it was good, well rather good. Both me and the missis was having some issues with our poor little bellies, poopin way more then we would have liked, but all and all, a good weekend.
Even got a gift from my little brother and my half-dad that I wanted... all thou, I hadn't expected it to be so big. What I wanted was a tool box. I have a lot of tools, but never a specific place to hold them, so they have always been scattered around the apartment like litter. But the damn size of it is almost silly... or so I thought... my tools all fit, but its almost full already :)
Also got some extra tools in it too, a kit with a shitload of bits and pieces, very awesome, so thanks baby brother and half-dad.
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If I ever get a kid, I want him to be like Calvin... well maybe a bit less Calvin then Calvin |
söndag 23 december 2012
Snowman Sunday Screenie
As some, or most, of you know, I am currently not at home. I am with my fiancée in our nations capitol... or nation is a bit of stretch, country will do.
Either way, we are here in Stockholm where this years christmas celebrations will take place, the food, the gifts, the ornaments, the glögg and the social life.
But this doesn't mean I cant still put out a screen shot for you on this, the day before santa drops his load... of presents. I know, some countries dont give out gifts on christmas eve, America and England are prime examples, but we here in Sweden do... no idea what other countries do too.. if you live in one, a country that is, that gives out their christmas gifts on the Christmas Eve, and not the Christmas Day, let me know in the comment section below... if you get yours on the Christmas Day, tell me that too (just remember to wright down the country too :P )
But its not that you are here for... you are here for the weekly screen shot entry.
And as its christmas time, I thought it would be cool to find a christmas-y screen shot, and wouldn't you belive it, most, if not all, MMO's currently live in the world, have some form of christmas theme going right now.
So I give you...
... a snowman of giant proportions, inside a snowglob of equal giant proportions in the center of Lion's Arch in the game Guild Wars 2 (if you didn't get that already). Lots of stars are hanging around, lanterns, snowmen, piles of magic snow in warm climate areas and the odd big gifts in some not so friendly areas, that when opened, spills out small toys that for some reason is not friendly either :P
Either way, we are here in Stockholm where this years christmas celebrations will take place, the food, the gifts, the ornaments, the glögg and the social life.
But this doesn't mean I cant still put out a screen shot for you on this, the day before santa drops his load... of presents. I know, some countries dont give out gifts on christmas eve, America and England are prime examples, but we here in Sweden do... no idea what other countries do too.. if you live in one, a country that is, that gives out their christmas gifts on the Christmas Eve, and not the Christmas Day, let me know in the comment section below... if you get yours on the Christmas Day, tell me that too (just remember to wright down the country too :P )
But its not that you are here for... you are here for the weekly screen shot entry.
And as its christmas time, I thought it would be cool to find a christmas-y screen shot, and wouldn't you belive it, most, if not all, MMO's currently live in the world, have some form of christmas theme going right now.
So I give you...
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Snowman snowglob! |
fredag 21 december 2012
The End
Its the end of the world!!! Why are you on the freakin internet? Go get laid! Go eat unhealthy food! Go kick a hobo in the nuts! ANYTHING!!!
I wonder how many people will kill themselves on this day? How many people that will realize they spent so much money on survival kits, dry food, shelters and what not, that they all of the sudden will be in debt for the rest of their lives? And I wonder how many will be dissapointed that it didn't end?
All I know, is that I have plans for the days after this day... and I am 99,99% certian, that I will be doing them (who knows, I might die from getting hit by a car on the way to the trainstation)
I have never belived that the world will end becouse of some prophecy, nor will I ever. Now, if the world ends today, I will still not belive in dooms day prophecies, mainly couse I'm gonna be dead anyway, but also, couse I will think of it as a fluke.
People have said for thousands of years, that the world will end, and most of em, have had specific dates attached to them, the people at Jehova's Witness church/cult, for example,told thier followers, and anyone else stupid enough to lend an ear, that the world would end no less then 10 times over the years. First one sometime during the year 1874, and latest in 1994.
Here's the funniest one yet thou. According to the Church of !BLAIR! (yea I had never heard of it either), all humans will die at 03:28 GMT in 2047. This is becouse the gods will then lift their "protective hand" from earth, and then Astro-lemurs (aliens with lemur bodies in the color of the rainbow) will attack the humanrace and club them to death will giant burritos. (I secretly hope that will actually happen just becouse its so fuckin stupid)
Anyone with any kind of proper intelligence will see all these silly prophecies for the fuckin shit they are.
Now for something else. I wont be home on sunday, but I will try and get a sunday screen shot entry out anyway. Will be adding a screen shot to the usb stick that will then be brought with me to the beautiful woman that is the love of my life, and then I will hi-jack her crappy laptop and do the entry there :)
Hope its christmas-y enough for you :P
I wonder how many people will kill themselves on this day? How many people that will realize they spent so much money on survival kits, dry food, shelters and what not, that they all of the sudden will be in debt for the rest of their lives? And I wonder how many will be dissapointed that it didn't end?

I have never belived that the world will end becouse of some prophecy, nor will I ever. Now, if the world ends today, I will still not belive in dooms day prophecies, mainly couse I'm gonna be dead anyway, but also, couse I will think of it as a fluke.
People have said for thousands of years, that the world will end, and most of em, have had specific dates attached to them, the people at Jehova's Witness church/cult, for example,told thier followers, and anyone else stupid enough to lend an ear, that the world would end no less then 10 times over the years. First one sometime during the year 1874, and latest in 1994.
Here's the funniest one yet thou. According to the Church of !BLAIR! (yea I had never heard of it either), all humans will die at 03:28 GMT in 2047. This is becouse the gods will then lift their "protective hand" from earth, and then Astro-lemurs (aliens with lemur bodies in the color of the rainbow) will attack the humanrace and club them to death will giant burritos. (I secretly hope that will actually happen just becouse its so fuckin stupid)
Anyone with any kind of proper intelligence will see all these silly prophecies for the fuckin shit they are.
Now for something else. I wont be home on sunday, but I will try and get a sunday screen shot entry out anyway. Will be adding a screen shot to the usb stick that will then be brought with me to the beautiful woman that is the love of my life, and then I will hi-jack her crappy laptop and do the entry there :)
Hope its christmas-y enough for you :P
söndag 16 december 2012
Action Screenie Sunday
Time for the weekly Screen Shot Sunday! Todays special, ACTION!!!
I resently got a chance, with my ranger, to fight and kill the dragon Tequatl the Sunless, a dragon that just loves to spawn big ass undead things, small annoying undead things, and undead things that go BOOM when they touch you :P
The fight wasn't very long, but it was intense and lots of fun. Just like the other dragons. (except for the frozen one, that fight is fun too, but very long)
I resently got a chance, with my ranger, to fight and kill the dragon Tequatl the Sunless, a dragon that just loves to spawn big ass undead things, small annoying undead things, and undead things that go BOOM when they touch you :P
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I am in this shot somewhere, throwing axes at his feet. |
torsdag 13 december 2012
Cold Giraff Love
Its cold outside. negative 19 degrees.. celcius. Not faren-whatever.
Got to get out on this day too. Got a package waiting at the post office, buy a ham for christmas, also get a thermometer for said ham, and book a time in the laundry room so I can clean my socks so they'll warm my feet again (ofc I need to clean some shirts, underwear, pants and shit too)
Heard the other day that the united states of 'merica, is slowly changing their ways. Hope they dont start a second civil war over this thou, couse lets face it, there are some nutty people in that country... nutty enought to go to war for not wanting the metric system.
Yes I am talking about the metric system, meters, kilometers and the little milimeter. And nooooo I dont think its gonna couse a damn war.
Anyway, saw a video of Neil deGrasse Tyson that he told us that the metric system is "sneaking" its way in to the lives of americans. Medicin, soda bottles, and what not, he mentioned alot more then I can remember at this time, are getting, or already have, their measurements in metric instead of imperial. And to be fair, I think most people can agree that calculations in metric for both distance and volume is far easier when using the metric system then the imperial. So I belive its a good thing that they are switching to it.
I also want to share something else. My beloved hasn't been told yet, but gonna wright it down here anyway.
I feel that my love for Isabelle has re-blossomed latetly. I love her like never before. Which just means that not seeing her this weekend is gonna be that much more of a pain, but also that christmas eve is gonna be the best christmas eve ever.
Cant wait to have her near again.
Was gonna share a picture too... but cant for the life of me remember which one... so lets see if I cant find something else for you to read/watch.
*scanning folders*
*detecting funny stuff*
*trying to make up mind*
*search complete*
Got to get out on this day too. Got a package waiting at the post office, buy a ham for christmas, also get a thermometer for said ham, and book a time in the laundry room so I can clean my socks so they'll warm my feet again (ofc I need to clean some shirts, underwear, pants and shit too)
Heard the other day that the united states of 'merica, is slowly changing their ways. Hope they dont start a second civil war over this thou, couse lets face it, there are some nutty people in that country... nutty enought to go to war for not wanting the metric system.
Yes I am talking about the metric system, meters, kilometers and the little milimeter. And nooooo I dont think its gonna couse a damn war.
Anyway, saw a video of Neil deGrasse Tyson that he told us that the metric system is "sneaking" its way in to the lives of americans. Medicin, soda bottles, and what not, he mentioned alot more then I can remember at this time, are getting, or already have, their measurements in metric instead of imperial. And to be fair, I think most people can agree that calculations in metric for both distance and volume is far easier when using the metric system then the imperial. So I belive its a good thing that they are switching to it.
I also want to share something else. My beloved hasn't been told yet, but gonna wright it down here anyway.
I feel that my love for Isabelle has re-blossomed latetly. I love her like never before. Which just means that not seeing her this weekend is gonna be that much more of a pain, but also that christmas eve is gonna be the best christmas eve ever.
Cant wait to have her near again.
Was gonna share a picture too... but cant for the life of me remember which one... so lets see if I cant find something else for you to read/watch.
*scanning folders*
*detecting funny stuff*
*trying to make up mind*
*search complete*
tisdag 11 december 2012
Memory Fun and Cold Feet
When ever I get an idea that I want to wright down here, I always get these ideas on my way to, from or at work, and thus, I never remember them properly when I finally get home. So last night, I had enough and got an app for the phone so I can record my own voice and just talk the idea into it, and then I wont have to waste millions of brain cells on remembering it.. only a few thousand to remember that I had an idea and have it recorded.
Kind of hope that more of my brain farts will make it to the blog now :P
Today I found a tumbler site that just made me bend over dubble in laughter. Its just a bunch of "Iphone" text dumps between a man and his dog... and I dont know it he has a buddy or not wrighting with him on an acutal iphone, or not, but its hilarious!!!
I just searched for "dog texts" in google and vóila! there they were.
In other news, I've "snowed in" on a man named Neil deGrasse Tyson latetly. He's an astrophysict from america, and he is by far, the smartest AND the funniest guy around.
I'll give you an example.
Just search on his name on youtube, and lean back... he's awesome, funny and way way more intelligent then most people :P
Also... I need to clean my socks, they dont warm my feet well enough anymore... I get cold feet :P
Kind of hope that more of my brain farts will make it to the blog now :P
Today I found a tumbler site that just made me bend over dubble in laughter. Its just a bunch of "Iphone" text dumps between a man and his dog... and I dont know it he has a buddy or not wrighting with him on an acutal iphone, or not, but its hilarious!!!
I just searched for "dog texts" in google and vóila! there they were.
In other news, I've "snowed in" on a man named Neil deGrasse Tyson latetly. He's an astrophysict from america, and he is by far, the smartest AND the funniest guy around.
I'll give you an example.
Just search on his name on youtube, and lean back... he's awesome, funny and way way more intelligent then most people :P
Also... I need to clean my socks, they dont warm my feet well enough anymore... I get cold feet :P
söndag 9 december 2012
Screen Time Sunday
This sunday, I dont have a new screen shot for you, so I'm just gonna give you an old screen shot from guild wars 2 that I have in my screen shot folder... hmm that is, I think, the most I've ever written the words "screen" and "shoot" in a single sentence. :P
This is an image of your typical dredge mining halls, somewhere deep in a mountain somewhere. Cant remember where, but they are everywhere, specially in Norn areas.. so there is a large chance that outside, there is snow.. kind of like it is here in Sweden now :P
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Mining Operation Underway! |
onsdag 5 december 2012
Snow Motherfuckers!
Its snowing here in Sweden... lots of it too. And when I say lots.. I mean lots and lots and lots of fuckin snowing. To help you get an idea of just how much, without using pictures, couse I haven't taken any worthwhile yet. I can tell you that today alone, atleast 1,5-2 decimeters of snow has fallen... or well, falling is not really accurate, couse we have also had some wind... wind and snow... that has actually killed people today, and gotten a whole slew of cars, buses and trucks get stuck or crashed all over the country.
In the capital, Stockholm, the storm was even worse (or they are just pussies and claim it was worse :P ), lot of blackouts, no subways in major parts of the city, buses were late by 40 minutes to hours.
Even SJ, the railway system for the country, told people to NOT take the train today unless they realy had too, even then they should try and just not take the train.
All and all... its been a hell of a day...
And I thought that sure... its a storm outside... but I'll walk to work anyway =D
I started work today at 10 in the morning, had about 7 kilometers to go... in headwind. Yea... sucked monkey butt. Hard winds mixed with tiny fuckin snowflakes straight in to the eyes... for atleast 6 of those 7 kilometers. And then there was the snow dunes...
The wind had changed sligthly for when I started walking home, this time, from my steady job, 6 kilometers home. So I had the same issue most of the way home too :P
But enough with the complaining. Winter is here, the snow is here.. and even with the hell of the storm... its still beautiful.
Took a pic last night of the area I work in, from across the water.
Taken after a blues concert (a bad blues concert)... and we just liked the image. So we took a, rather bad, snap shot of it. But its still rather beautiful.
In the capital, Stockholm, the storm was even worse (or they are just pussies and claim it was worse :P ), lot of blackouts, no subways in major parts of the city, buses were late by 40 minutes to hours.
Even SJ, the railway system for the country, told people to NOT take the train today unless they realy had too, even then they should try and just not take the train.
All and all... its been a hell of a day...
And I thought that sure... its a storm outside... but I'll walk to work anyway =D
I started work today at 10 in the morning, had about 7 kilometers to go... in headwind. Yea... sucked monkey butt. Hard winds mixed with tiny fuckin snowflakes straight in to the eyes... for atleast 6 of those 7 kilometers. And then there was the snow dunes...
The wind had changed sligthly for when I started walking home, this time, from my steady job, 6 kilometers home. So I had the same issue most of the way home too :P
But enough with the complaining. Winter is here, the snow is here.. and even with the hell of the storm... its still beautiful.
Took a pic last night of the area I work in, from across the water.
Taken after a blues concert (a bad blues concert)... and we just liked the image. So we took a, rather bad, snap shot of it. But its still rather beautiful.
söndag 2 december 2012
Screenie Sunday
Its getting hard to come up with new names for these weekly sunday screen shot entries :P
But from next year, I might start calling them "Sunday Screen Week 1", and then just make the number higher as more weeks are passing.
The latest week I have been playing Spore... and thats it. Nothing else, just Spore. And I thought I would show you what it looks like for me at this point ingame.
The game itself is easy, not hard to learn, but once you get out of the tidepool, and have advanced your race with about 7-8 billion years, you get to start taking over the galaxy.
The green areas means I have allies or own planets inside... the red how ever... yea, thats the enemy. Shortly after I took this screenie, I took out one of their planets so they only have one star system left... the one at the lowest point in the screenshot (the one connected with the yellow line)
I am an industrial race in this game. Which means I can BUY the various planets I have trade with. But buying whole systems is pretty damn expensive, and getting the cash is hard. Gonna try a warrior race, or a religious race later and see if any of em are easier in taking over the galaxy. (probebly not)
Gonna try and make a video of some game play, but its mostly gonna be a compilation of all of it, perhaps a series of compilations from the tidepool and up, all around 10 minutes long or so. But we'll see.
But from next year, I might start calling them "Sunday Screen Week 1", and then just make the number higher as more weeks are passing.
The latest week I have been playing Spore... and thats it. Nothing else, just Spore. And I thought I would show you what it looks like for me at this point ingame.
The game itself is easy, not hard to learn, but once you get out of the tidepool, and have advanced your race with about 7-8 billion years, you get to start taking over the galaxy.
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Me green, red not good neighbours. |
I am an industrial race in this game. Which means I can BUY the various planets I have trade with. But buying whole systems is pretty damn expensive, and getting the cash is hard. Gonna try a warrior race, or a religious race later and see if any of em are easier in taking over the galaxy. (probebly not)
Gonna try and make a video of some game play, but its mostly gonna be a compilation of all of it, perhaps a series of compilations from the tidepool and up, all around 10 minutes long or so. But we'll see.
Cold Blisterless Bus
It was actuallly cold outside today... not just snowy, but cold.
It felt... refreshing.
Now calm down, I know that cold weather isn't exactly the most wanted thing around in this country, but lets face it, we all rather have a cold snowy winter then one that is just full of rain, grey clouds and a few degrees above freezing... which, if you have forgotten, is how our winter started.
Walked to work today, and yea I know; But Daniel, you dont work on saturdays!?!... I do, some times, not often, but it happens... gonna work tomorrow too, now get over it.
Where was I?
Oh right, walked to work... around 6+ kilometers, in the cold and the snow... in new shoes. Not the best idea I know, but it worked. Took me an hour and five minutes. and I now have sore muscles next to both my left and right chin... no blisters thou :)
For the way home, I took the bus. Couse I wanna be able to get to work tomorrow too... and the next day :P And wouldn't you know it.. the bus that I went on, took me all the way home :)
Bad news thou, I was tierd as hell at work... and I hate that. I want to be wide awake to the very last minute of work, so I dont make mistakes, forget shit or do something else I shouldn't do at this type of job... so I'm gonna keep myself awake until 2-3 in the morning, and then hopefully sleep til 10 tomorrow morning.
*Crossing fingers*
It felt... refreshing.
Now calm down, I know that cold weather isn't exactly the most wanted thing around in this country, but lets face it, we all rather have a cold snowy winter then one that is just full of rain, grey clouds and a few degrees above freezing... which, if you have forgotten, is how our winter started.
Walked to work today, and yea I know; But Daniel, you dont work on saturdays!?!... I do, some times, not often, but it happens... gonna work tomorrow too, now get over it.
Where was I?
Oh right, walked to work... around 6+ kilometers, in the cold and the snow... in new shoes. Not the best idea I know, but it worked. Took me an hour and five minutes. and I now have sore muscles next to both my left and right chin... no blisters thou :)
For the way home, I took the bus. Couse I wanna be able to get to work tomorrow too... and the next day :P And wouldn't you know it.. the bus that I went on, took me all the way home :)
Bad news thou, I was tierd as hell at work... and I hate that. I want to be wide awake to the very last minute of work, so I dont make mistakes, forget shit or do something else I shouldn't do at this type of job... so I'm gonna keep myself awake until 2-3 in the morning, and then hopefully sleep til 10 tomorrow morning.
*Crossing fingers*
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