What the hell?!? I can't go online on Conan Exiles. Or get into it at all! I click the button right, the first little things happen like the main "Conan Exiles" show up and then the screen goes black... for ½ second before I'm back to the my own desktop.
Every time.
It's annoying.
As fuckin hell.
So I can't play it. But you know what? I've got another game that I've been digging myself in to. It's called Mass Effect Andromeda. Now I know it sucks and all that, but it actually doesn't. The only things that suck about it is the faces and the movement of the characters which is bonkers stupid and low quality. But the rest of the game, is good.
I just started a second character... still picked the girl but with a new look instead of the preinstalled look... and I put the difficult level about 2 levels higher then normal.
Oh boy do I feel that increase... goddamn my ammo runs out fast as hell and the enemy is still alive and kicking my ass.
Still haven't gotten around to take a screenshot of it thou, so you'll have to imagen the game... go ahead and try to imagen a space game in a different galaxy... Yea, not that easy huh? Unless you've played the game yourself that is, then it's easy.
My life, with everything that entails. Toughts, ideas, games... what ever I feel like writing.
torsdag 31 augusti 2017
lördag 26 augusti 2017
Food All Day
Yesterday my mom asked me to get her some sausages from the market today. I told that yea sure, I'll swing by tomorrow, thats today, and pick up the money.
I go down to town and swing by her place where I am forced to go to the store and buy some eggs and milk to get the money as I would also need to take out the money for the sausages. But yea, I kind of figured that all ready so off I go and I'm back again before she could even says "hello". Well not really obviously, but still, I'm faster then she is.
After that I go to my "half-dad" to pick some more stuff up but ofcourse I picked the wrong bus and ended up at the market! So I figure that fuck it, I'll just walk to him from there, and after that, I walked back to the market.
Now the market was small. I mean very very small. I am ashamed of calling it a market. Yea sure they had rides and stalls, but nothing even close to what they used to have. It was a damn shame too as if they had had what i was used to, they would also have the damn sausages!!
Not a single stall had them!
I really wanted a few wildboar sausages...
So I had to go back to moms and tell her then I went home. Stayed home for about half an hour before i had to get back outside to go do some food shopping. I didn't go to my store, I went to the largest food store in my town, as they have bigger packages for chicken and minced meat. And a few other things.
After that i came home, cooked some food and then I fell a sleep for an hour or so.
Well that's that.
I go down to town and swing by her place where I am forced to go to the store and buy some eggs and milk to get the money as I would also need to take out the money for the sausages. But yea, I kind of figured that all ready so off I go and I'm back again before she could even says "hello". Well not really obviously, but still, I'm faster then she is.
After that I go to my "half-dad" to pick some more stuff up but ofcourse I picked the wrong bus and ended up at the market! So I figure that fuck it, I'll just walk to him from there, and after that, I walked back to the market.
Now the market was small. I mean very very small. I am ashamed of calling it a market. Yea sure they had rides and stalls, but nothing even close to what they used to have. It was a damn shame too as if they had had what i was used to, they would also have the damn sausages!!
Not a single stall had them!
I really wanted a few wildboar sausages...
So I had to go back to moms and tell her then I went home. Stayed home for about half an hour before i had to get back outside to go do some food shopping. I didn't go to my store, I went to the largest food store in my town, as they have bigger packages for chicken and minced meat. And a few other things.
After that i came home, cooked some food and then I fell a sleep for an hour or so.
Well that's that.
fredag 25 augusti 2017
Tube Games
Been watching a few videos on the tube and I have to say that I am slightly worried about the future of mankind. Now I mean what I said there, I am worried. Not by much, yet, but still. Now the videos I've seen have all told about a future, and told it rather well, that is about what the left side of the political sphere is about to do. But also what the right side is all about as well.
Now it's not exactly a secret that I am on the right side of politics, but not so much that people might become scared of me, but I am on the right side. I don't agree with the immigration politics, I do want to end the struggeling unemployment situation and I do not want the current political factions to sit on their throne for much longer as they are clearly idiots. According to me at least.
Enough of that huh?
So I've been playing more Conan Exiles, and earlier today something rather funny happened. I found myself without legs! I still had my belt on, why I don't know, but I still had it on and could run around like a mad woman!
All thou I did quit the game rather quickly after that and restarted the game with my legs in the visible again. Very nice, very nice indeed.
So what did I do after that, I built a small house on the top of the hill next to my house and a small balcony next to the lake I've set my house next to.
It looks great.
But truth be told, I'm kind of bored with gaming these days, all I want to do is run away or go to bed or maybe build a small cottage in the middle of nowhere and just sit there and enjoy life.
What ever I'll do... I guess I'll keep playing games until the day comes.
Now it's not exactly a secret that I am on the right side of politics, but not so much that people might become scared of me, but I am on the right side. I don't agree with the immigration politics, I do want to end the struggeling unemployment situation and I do not want the current political factions to sit on their throne for much longer as they are clearly idiots. According to me at least.
Enough of that huh?

All thou I did quit the game rather quickly after that and restarted the game with my legs in the visible again. Very nice, very nice indeed.
So what did I do after that, I built a small house on the top of the hill next to my house and a small balcony next to the lake I've set my house next to.
It looks great.
But truth be told, I'm kind of bored with gaming these days, all I want to do is run away or go to bed or maybe build a small cottage in the middle of nowhere and just sit there and enjoy life.
What ever I'll do... I guess I'll keep playing games until the day comes.
onsdag 23 augusti 2017
What is Food
I'm cool for now. Have had a bunch of difficulties with the economy lately and thus my bills have yet to be paid. But I called them yesterday and got them all pushed to the middle of next month, which ofcourse is good.
Now I just have to figure out how to survive... you know... food and stuff.
Beyond that I have been playing more games. Been playing a bit of Mass Effect Andromeda, got it a long time ago but forgot about it due to the ugly ass faces and running style, and ofcourse, Conan Exiles.
No screenshots today thou.
No writing either today, haven't felt like it yet.
Now I just have to figure out how to survive... you know... food and stuff.
Beyond that I have been playing more games. Been playing a bit of Mass Effect Andromeda, got it a long time ago but forgot about it due to the ugly ass faces and running style, and ofcourse, Conan Exiles.
No screenshots today thou.
No writing either today, haven't felt like it yet.
tisdag 22 augusti 2017
Yesterdays Adventures
Yesterday I was playing Conan Exiles... all day!! It was beautiful. Died a few times and built a new home. The new home is far from done, anyone who knows anything about Conan Exiles knows that ones home is never done as that's pretty much what the game is about, that and conquering.
This is the first thing that I saw when I headed into the north. Green fields as far as the eye could see. Green fields and grey rocks.
Shortly after I came across a small lake and someones house on the south side of the river and figured that yea, I'm gonna build my home, my "kingdom" on the norht side of the same lake, and thus I started building.
Now I know what you are about to say. "Why are you naked?" Well technically I wasn't as I could click a button in the character screen in the game that allowed al my gear to be hidden from view and make me look naked. This is all part of the mod that I'm running, and that everyone else is running on the server that I am part of, and it also does alot of other things that I wont bore you with.
So that's what I did yesterday. Just playing this boring, boring game. It's fun as hell.
This is the first thing that I saw when I headed into the north. Green fields as far as the eye could see. Green fields and grey rocks.
Shortly after I came across a small lake and someones house on the south side of the river and figured that yea, I'm gonna build my home, my "kingdom" on the norht side of the same lake, and thus I started building.
Now I know what you are about to say. "Why are you naked?" Well technically I wasn't as I could click a button in the character screen in the game that allowed al my gear to be hidden from view and make me look naked. This is all part of the mod that I'm running, and that everyone else is running on the server that I am part of, and it also does alot of other things that I wont bore you with.
So that's what I did yesterday. Just playing this boring, boring game. It's fun as hell.
lördag 19 augusti 2017
Half a Day
The day started at 6 in the morning for me. I had not expected that as I had gone to bed at 1 at night... stupid Netflix had me in it's grip. Saw that they had finally released the first season of The Defenders so I had to check it out you know. I figured that yea sure, I'll watch the first and maybe the second episode, then I'll go to bed... I did not watch the first and second episode... I also watched the third, fourth and fifth episode before I had to stop and go to bed.
When I woke up and had taken care of the morning ritual I had to see the rest of them. It's good.
So after that I took up the seat... again... and started playing some games!!! Fuck yea man! GAMES!!! ... I played sims 4.
I know I know it's a lame game with very little in it... unless you mod it that is... then it's a small game with very little to do plus some extra stuff. I found a mod that is called WickedWhims that allows some sexual content to be had in the game. With some other mods your character can actually be nude, strip, have different sexual traits and ofcourse... have a shit load of sex in a million different positions!!
So yes, it's fun again.
Yes you are allowed to judge me. I don't care.
Also I played a bit of Fallout 4... like 5 minutes.
Then I was bored.
Fuck it.
It's still a good game thou. I have found my son, then I killed him with The Brotherhood, I've been to Far Harbour and done most of the content there and I've also been to the Nuka-Cola Entertainment spot with all the raiders also done the Vault 88 thing... all thou Vault 88 was done short as I told the woman that was there fuck off as soon as possible as she wanted me to do some stuff that was seriously agaisnt the conduct of humanity... and I've already done it on other characters.
Anyway... that's my day so far. How is yours?
When I woke up and had taken care of the morning ritual I had to see the rest of them. It's good.
So after that I took up the seat... again... and started playing some games!!! Fuck yea man! GAMES!!! ... I played sims 4.
I know I know it's a lame game with very little in it... unless you mod it that is... then it's a small game with very little to do plus some extra stuff. I found a mod that is called WickedWhims that allows some sexual content to be had in the game. With some other mods your character can actually be nude, strip, have different sexual traits and ofcourse... have a shit load of sex in a million different positions!!
So yes, it's fun again.
Yes you are allowed to judge me. I don't care.

Then I was bored.
Fuck it.
It's still a good game thou. I have found my son, then I killed him with The Brotherhood, I've been to Far Harbour and done most of the content there and I've also been to the Nuka-Cola Entertainment spot with all the raiders also done the Vault 88 thing... all thou Vault 88 was done short as I told the woman that was there fuck off as soon as possible as she wanted me to do some stuff that was seriously agaisnt the conduct of humanity... and I've already done it on other characters.
Anyway... that's my day so far. How is yours?
onsdag 16 augusti 2017
Strange Bedtimes

Been up since then, playing Fallout 4 and watching some videos on the tube. In Fallout I have started a new character... for the 100th time now... that is currently just over level 50, which btw is amasing as I have not had a single character over level 50 in ages! I usually just start a new girl (yes I only play girls) around level 30 or something due to various reasons.
So what I have been doing latetly? Well I've been writing and playing pc games. That's pretty much it really. And I've had some fun, no doubts about it, fun has been had. So besides the gaming, what have I been writing? Well my book. I've started again, from scratch, which means that it's boring... well right now it is. But I still want the story out there so I'll get through it eventually. All thou I am kind of busy writing other things as well. I did write a "fan-made" love story about my newest favorite girls in the gaming world, Max and Cloe... the two girls in the image at the top of this site... incase you needed a hint. Now that story was writen in haste, for what reason, I don't know, so it's not the best story ever. But it was enoug for me at the time, and at that time, the story was meant mostly for me and noone else. I did how ever share it on my wordpress site... but perhaps I should share it here as well?
Anyway, that's it for now. I'll talk to you later.
fredag 11 augusti 2017
I'm Back!
Well now... it's been around a year... a damn year!! Since I wrote something on this blog. Now I don't know about you, but that is too damn long. A year of nothing only to try and get this blog up and running again like nothing special has happened.
Well what ever the case I'm gonna try and get it up and post some various stuff like updates on my life, writing, gaming and what ever else is happening in my little life. Sound good to you? Good.
The past year, what has happened? Firstly, I wont go into details, that's pointless, noone wants to know anyway. Secondly I wont tell you EVERYTHING, why you ask? Couse noone want that either. So now I will go through what has happened over the last year in very few words...
First I got fired from my job, sad I know, but fuck it right?
Second I ended my studies and became a Sex Advisor, got a diploma to prove it.
Thirdly I started a new business about the "second" thing. That didn't go so well as I had heard that everyone, and I mean everyone, had said that it was needed... too bad that everyone that actually needed it never had the guts to actually call and get advice.
Fourth... well now I'm back here.
So what am I going to do now? Finding a job obviously but when you are 39, almost 40, it's almost impossible to find a job. It was a 1000 times easier when I looked for the job I had earlier. And to top that it was a million times easier a mere 10 years ago.
So without a job, no money. No money... well then you are where I am right now. Gonna get my ass to the unemployment office on monday (again, don't ask) to get myself under the unemployed catagory and get some money from some goverment branch, or I'll be writing this from the couch of someone who will be kind enough to let me stay with them.
But I'm not worried... yet.
But I have been in the business of selfemployed and seen that whole thing from the inside... it sucks at the moment... and I've crashed that into the hole.
Also I've changed the image uptop. It's of Max and Cloe from the game Life is Strange. I love them, both of em. And since I suck ass at doing anything like making my own images in such a fashion, I had to find it somewhere. Now if the original owner of this image find this spot and don't want me have it up there, then show me evidence of your ownership (I know that will probably be somewhat impossible) and I will be more then happy to take it down.
Well what ever the case I'm gonna try and get it up and post some various stuff like updates on my life, writing, gaming and what ever else is happening in my little life. Sound good to you? Good.
The past year, what has happened? Firstly, I wont go into details, that's pointless, noone wants to know anyway. Secondly I wont tell you EVERYTHING, why you ask? Couse noone want that either. So now I will go through what has happened over the last year in very few words...
First I got fired from my job, sad I know, but fuck it right?
Second I ended my studies and became a Sex Advisor, got a diploma to prove it.
Thirdly I started a new business about the "second" thing. That didn't go so well as I had heard that everyone, and I mean everyone, had said that it was needed... too bad that everyone that actually needed it never had the guts to actually call and get advice.
Fourth... well now I'm back here.
So what am I going to do now? Finding a job obviously but when you are 39, almost 40, it's almost impossible to find a job. It was a 1000 times easier when I looked for the job I had earlier. And to top that it was a million times easier a mere 10 years ago.
So without a job, no money. No money... well then you are where I am right now. Gonna get my ass to the unemployment office on monday (again, don't ask) to get myself under the unemployed catagory and get some money from some goverment branch, or I'll be writing this from the couch of someone who will be kind enough to let me stay with them.
But I'm not worried... yet.
But I have been in the business of selfemployed and seen that whole thing from the inside... it sucks at the moment... and I've crashed that into the hole.
Also I've changed the image uptop. It's of Max and Cloe from the game Life is Strange. I love them, both of em. And since I suck ass at doing anything like making my own images in such a fashion, I had to find it somewhere. Now if the original owner of this image find this spot and don't want me have it up there, then show me evidence of your ownership (I know that will probably be somewhat impossible) and I will be more then happy to take it down.
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