So my computer is finally back on track!!! WOHO!!
All it took, was another 1200 sek, some fiddeling and silent screaming, but it is back!
So what the hell happened?
We don't realy know. We suspect, that the last time I installed hardware, I made a mistake, that when I now installed new hardware, got corrected, which caused a mayor shock to the harddrive and DVD burner, and fucked them up for good.
So once I had payed 4102 bucks for the new Nvidia GTX 960 and the Cooler Master V850 Power Supply, I also had to pay 1248 bucks for the new HDD.
Then, it took awhile to update windows once that was installed.
But now, it's all good my friends, all good.
And wouldn't you believe it? My buddy down in the Nethers, got me a "Welcome back" gift, Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition. If he weren't so damn far away, I'd kiss him! And I'd go deep with it too! ;)
But I have to say, that thou I did loose alot of stuff when my HDD burned up, it feels kind of nice to have a clean installation of Windows again. No loose files clogging up and making a hassle.
Anyway, hopefully, I'll also be back on track with the blog now too.
My life, with everything that entails. Toughts, ideas, games... what ever I feel like writing.
måndag 29 juni 2015
söndag 21 juni 2015
Destruction Disk
No screen shot this week. Some may know why, other may not... basically, all those that do not have me on their facebook.
So I installed the new hardware, but I made a small, yet critical, mistake. I seem to have put a cable in the wrong hole, and potentially destroyed my harddrive.
Not the best thing that has ever happened to me and my box-of-fun. But shit happens.
Hopefully, It's just a small problem (should know soon), and the whole harddrive, or at least save data, can be saved. Worst case scenario, I'll have to start from scratch.
But if I do have to start from scratch, I will at least have a much cleaner computer when I get back on track, and until then, I'll have to play around with my laptop, that is NOT designed for gaming. I bought it only for writting, not gaming.
So here are the scenarios, in order, of what might happen in the end.
1, I get the old harddrive back, good as new, with all the data intact.
2, I get a new harddrive, but with all my data saved and stored on this new one.
or 3, I have to buy a new harddrive, and reinstall my OEM windows on, which anyone can tell you , requires more than just a few disks and time.
I'm hoping, obviously, for the first option, or the second, cause the third will be one hell of a hassle.
But there is one thing I had to fix before I got back the HDD, and that was my official email, the one I use for all the important stuff, like work mail for example. And after my former internet provider has sold everything to a new company, I feared that they might not be able to provide me with the old passwords, so I could access my normal email, instead of the new providers email that I might never use.
But as luck would have it, they are sending everything I need. And boy will I ever save those papers for the rest of my life! :P
Ayway, we'll see how long it'll take before I can get back on track.
So I installed the new hardware, but I made a small, yet critical, mistake. I seem to have put a cable in the wrong hole, and potentially destroyed my harddrive.
Not the best thing that has ever happened to me and my box-of-fun. But shit happens.

But if I do have to start from scratch, I will at least have a much cleaner computer when I get back on track, and until then, I'll have to play around with my laptop, that is NOT designed for gaming. I bought it only for writting, not gaming.
So here are the scenarios, in order, of what might happen in the end.
1, I get the old harddrive back, good as new, with all the data intact.
2, I get a new harddrive, but with all my data saved and stored on this new one.
or 3, I have to buy a new harddrive, and reinstall my OEM windows on, which anyone can tell you , requires more than just a few disks and time.
I'm hoping, obviously, for the first option, or the second, cause the third will be one hell of a hassle.
But there is one thing I had to fix before I got back the HDD, and that was my official email, the one I use for all the important stuff, like work mail for example. And after my former internet provider has sold everything to a new company, I feared that they might not be able to provide me with the old passwords, so I could access my normal email, instead of the new providers email that I might never use.
But as luck would have it, they are sending everything I need. And boy will I ever save those papers for the rest of my life! :P
Ayway, we'll see how long it'll take before I can get back on track.
tisdag 16 juni 2015
Package Arrived
Got a text on my phone today, letting me know, that I had a package to pick up at my local post office (inside my local food store).
When I was waiting in the queue, I was looking at my own ID card, and realized, that it had expired close to 2 years ago!!
Noone noticed?
I've picked up packages on this ID card alot of times in these two years.
I've bought booze with this ID card.
Noone noticed that it's no longer valid??
So yea, have to get that sorted asap.
Anyway, I got the package, even thou the girl behind the counter noticed the same thing I did. But due to me being "famous", as she put it, they knew full well who I was, and didn't bother so much, and gave me my package.
Thanks Annis.
That's the package I walked home with. It was heavy, but not very big.
And due to it's value, I walked home fast.
I live in a neighbourhood that is full of assholes, so walking around with a package, that granted, only I know is full of valuables, is somewhat scary. Didn't want to get it nicked after all.
So I speed my way home and put it on the couch, and then, procced to have a late lunch, as per usual on a work day.
Inside the package, could be found 2 other packages. Smaller, but OH so much more interesting.
One Cooler Master Power Supply, 850 volts, which should be enough to handle my computer without difficulties. Now, my 600 volts power supply has been just fine so far. But considering what the other package is, I thought it might be best, to get some more power in there.
Smaller package 2: ASUS Geforce GTX 960 GDDR5 4GB. A good graphics card, for a good price.
It will allow me to connect 3 screens (that I won't), and ofcourse, it allows for HDMI screens... which will be good.
I haven't instllad anyof these yet, and I won't do it either until after work. So later tonight, I'll turn my computer off, open her up, remove the old ones, and put in the new.
After that, all I have to do, is cross my fingers, that my computer won't go "haywire", and complain.
But it's just a graphicscard... I doubt it will throw a tantrum for that.
When I was waiting in the queue, I was looking at my own ID card, and realized, that it had expired close to 2 years ago!!
Noone noticed?
I've picked up packages on this ID card alot of times in these two years.
I've bought booze with this ID card.
Noone noticed that it's no longer valid??
So yea, have to get that sorted asap.

Thanks Annis.
That's the package I walked home with. It was heavy, but not very big.
And due to it's value, I walked home fast.
I live in a neighbourhood that is full of assholes, so walking around with a package, that granted, only I know is full of valuables, is somewhat scary. Didn't want to get it nicked after all.
So I speed my way home and put it on the couch, and then, procced to have a late lunch, as per usual on a work day.

One Cooler Master Power Supply, 850 volts, which should be enough to handle my computer without difficulties. Now, my 600 volts power supply has been just fine so far. But considering what the other package is, I thought it might be best, to get some more power in there.
Smaller package 2: ASUS Geforce GTX 960 GDDR5 4GB. A good graphics card, for a good price.
It will allow me to connect 3 screens (that I won't), and ofcourse, it allows for HDMI screens... which will be good.
I haven't instllad anyof these yet, and I won't do it either until after work. So later tonight, I'll turn my computer off, open her up, remove the old ones, and put in the new.
After that, all I have to do, is cross my fingers, that my computer won't go "haywire", and complain.
But it's just a graphicscard... I doubt it will throw a tantrum for that.
söndag 14 juni 2015
Combat Medic
Still going with Star Wars The Old Republic. But seeing as the end game, is rather boring (mostly due to idiot tanks). I've gone over to just seeing stories. Currently, I'm working on a Trooper.
I am Theri'ah, Commanding officer of the Havoc Squad. I became the commander of the squad after the rest of the team, excluding me and a cat guy, defected to the Empire.
These traitorous swine is now hunted by me, their former "New Blood". And so far, none of them have been a match to me.
That big robot, is the latest member to Havoc Squad. His name: M1-4X, a k a Forex. He is the latest in Combat Droids with only the best defences and weaponry, and is my trusted companion in the current build I'm sporting.
While he takes the hits, makes sure the enemy is focused on him, I make sure he lives to fight another day. Behold, the green beam of healing!!
And those beams, come in handy when meeting one of the traitors. Have no fear thou, I have other gadgets to make sure Forex stays alive.
Yes dear reader.. I'm a combat medic! I can keep you fighting! I can cut off a leg if needed! And I can kill your pesky neighbour if he gives you shit about the mailman delivering your mail to him by accident.
For the Republic!!! (says the devoted empire man)
I am Theri'ah, Commanding officer of the Havoc Squad. I became the commander of the squad after the rest of the team, excluding me and a cat guy, defected to the Empire.
These traitorous swine is now hunted by me, their former "New Blood". And so far, none of them have been a match to me.
That big robot, is the latest member to Havoc Squad. His name: M1-4X, a k a Forex. He is the latest in Combat Droids with only the best defences and weaponry, and is my trusted companion in the current build I'm sporting.
While he takes the hits, makes sure the enemy is focused on him, I make sure he lives to fight another day. Behold, the green beam of healing!!
And those beams, come in handy when meeting one of the traitors. Have no fear thou, I have other gadgets to make sure Forex stays alive.
Yes dear reader.. I'm a combat medic! I can keep you fighting! I can cut off a leg if needed! And I can kill your pesky neighbour if he gives you shit about the mailman delivering your mail to him by accident.
For the Republic!!! (says the devoted empire man)
fredag 12 juni 2015
Very Far Lines
Finally went out on my inlines again! Yey!
2 hours of sweaty, hot and agonizing rolling. When I left the apartment, it was 21 degrees in the shade (celsius), and I went out in black military pants and a black t-shirt. Not the best choice when it comes to a hot summer day and inlines, but not to worry, I had water with me.
Anyway, I traveled for a total of 12,84 kilometres, that's 7,45 miles for all you imperial idiots ;)
Just to make you all understand how much of an achivement this is for me, it was the second time I went out (properly) for a long run, first time, I did a 7,3 kilometre run.
So soon, soon, I'll be able to roll all the way to my buddy that lives roughly 15 kilometres away, but he's gonna have to drive me home... cause I don't think I can roll home after that.
A specific muscle in my left leg complained the first km, but that was just cause I didn't relax more in my feet. But after the second km, that was all fine.
But I got to tell ya, the last 3, was horrible. My lower back was killing me! So instead of going around my neighbourhood, I just made a B-line for home.
Once home thou, I was sweating something aweful. It was literally dripping from my face. So as soon as I hade removed my elbow, knee and wrist protection and the inlines themselves... I stripped down to my underwear. You would too.
Gonna head out tomorrow again, but try and not go that long... unless my ass and legs are just fine, then I'll do that long again :P
2 hours of sweaty, hot and agonizing rolling. When I left the apartment, it was 21 degrees in the shade (celsius), and I went out in black military pants and a black t-shirt. Not the best choice when it comes to a hot summer day and inlines, but not to worry, I had water with me.

Just to make you all understand how much of an achivement this is for me, it was the second time I went out (properly) for a long run, first time, I did a 7,3 kilometre run.
So soon, soon, I'll be able to roll all the way to my buddy that lives roughly 15 kilometres away, but he's gonna have to drive me home... cause I don't think I can roll home after that.
A specific muscle in my left leg complained the first km, but that was just cause I didn't relax more in my feet. But after the second km, that was all fine.
But I got to tell ya, the last 3, was horrible. My lower back was killing me! So instead of going around my neighbourhood, I just made a B-line for home.
Once home thou, I was sweating something aweful. It was literally dripping from my face. So as soon as I hade removed my elbow, knee and wrist protection and the inlines themselves... I stripped down to my underwear. You would too.
Gonna head out tomorrow again, but try and not go that long... unless my ass and legs are just fine, then I'll do that long again :P
söndag 7 juni 2015
Pink Revan
Since finding time to play SW ToR with my buddy down in the nethers, is difficult to say the least, me having shit hours, and him having long hours. I have been filling the time with a few of my "good guys".
My most recent, has been a Jedo Consular, Shadow specced. She wields a double lightsaber with a pink lightsaber crystal. It's looks absolutly DARLING!!! :P
The big lizard thing next to me... is a dude who thinks I'm some kind of Herald, and wants to protect me with his life. He's a strange one...
Other than that.. I was busy getting my Powertech to 60, and beat Revans ass. Took a bit of time, but I managed without a hitch.
I did love the Revan story line thou, realy good stuff, good story and some fantastic stuff happening on the way.
That's it for this time, I'm going out into this half storm we are having, to go to work.
tisdag 2 juni 2015
Stupid Phones
So when I got off work tonight, I found that the weather, was bad. It was raining, rather heavily too, and I knew, that my new autumn/summer jacket, would not protect me profficiently, my pants, no problem, cause I had rain pants on top.
But when riding a bike in rain, one wants to have at least music in the ears, and since I have gotten totally stuck on Paramore these past few days, it was an obvious choice on what to listen too.
So when I was standing in the lobby of the building I work in, a virtual concrete bunker, I plugged in the headphones.
Now my phone, when connected to the internet it seems, feel headphones are being connected, it suggests programs for me to use with them. In this instance, the music player. But due to not being able to reach the internet, or connect to it, it gave me a messege of: "Shut down recommended program."
Now I was fine with that.. I could just restart it.
But what it ALSO did, was completetly delete the folders I had made to make it easier for me to find what I usually use on my phone.
Why the Flying Fuck did it delete a FOLDER???
Good thing the music was so good, and the weather warm enough for me to not be angry for long thou.
Fuckin technology man...

So when I was standing in the lobby of the building I work in, a virtual concrete bunker, I plugged in the headphones.
Now my phone, when connected to the internet it seems, feel headphones are being connected, it suggests programs for me to use with them. In this instance, the music player. But due to not being able to reach the internet, or connect to it, it gave me a messege of: "Shut down recommended program."
Now I was fine with that.. I could just restart it.
But what it ALSO did, was completetly delete the folders I had made to make it easier for me to find what I usually use on my phone.
Why the Flying Fuck did it delete a FOLDER???
Good thing the music was so good, and the weather warm enough for me to not be angry for long thou.
Fuckin technology man...
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