I don't know for how long this has gone on, but it is years, I know that much, probably more then five years... which anyone can tell you (or tell me if you feel like telling me stuff I already know), is close to six years too long.

Just yesterday, I woke up after having slept for less then 2 hours, in a panic, be cause my nose had clogged up. Took me another 2 hours to get it working again (with nasal spray), and I could get some sleep again.
Today, it took an hour after waking up before one nostril opened up. But that is when I decided, that it is time, to suffer some panic... for a week or two.
Luckily, if I also put pieces of paper in my nostrils, toiletpaper, as it's softer and easier then newspapers or cardboard, that if I put that up there, making sure I can't breath on my own, I don't panic.
It's like a reverse psychology thing. If I'm controlling it, even a little, my brain just goes: Yea alright, I'll keep cool for ya.
Now the real bad thing... If I can't breath through my nose... It's even more difficult for me to sleep.
Normally, it can take me a good hour or two to fall asleep. Without a functioning nose... double that.
Add to that, that I won't be going to the gym... can't do my routines properly if I can't breath right... and of course... who would want me there if I also "drool" from my nose on all the equipment.
I only have one more day left at work this week... but that day... is not gonna be fun.
Sure do hope I get some sleep at a good hour. Need to do some shopping tomorrow too.
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