söndag 19 april 2015

Three Screenies of Old Shit

Almost bought GTA 5 this weekend... but then I started using my logical brain, and didn't.
Now, don't think I did not buy it cause of the prize or something foolish like that, I was ready to pay the 59,99 euro for it.
What stopped me from buying it, was my own computer... it needs to be updated before I go for such a spec heavy game. I do have most of the things required to play this game, some even more than enough. But I also have a graphics card that is singing on it's last tunes.

This means, I won't be getting GTA 5 until sometime after the taxreturns have come in, and I have bought a new graphics card and made sure my computer has more power too (electricity that is), I don't think 600w will do when the new graphics card is put in... should go to around 800-900w probably... just got to make sure it's the right dimension on it first so it fits in the chassi of my lovely computer.

Anyway, this means, I've played a lot of Minecraft and even some Skyrim.
You're probably wondering: But Daniel, didn't you just get 2 other games? One where you kill cars with a car and one where you are the evil Underlord bent on world domination?
To that I say: Yes I did!
I haven't forgotten about them, nor grown tired of them. I just haven't played them all that much, and when I have... I keep forgetting to take screenies :P
So that is why you wont see any screene shots from those games...
But you still need a screen shot... so here... get some Skyrim ones :P

For those that have played, you'll know this place. Our First Word is learned here.

Skyrim is beautiful... but even a place like this, makes grown men wee in their pants.

My latest character, just "born". And she's already a vampire. Poor girl.
Enjoy these screenies, save em to your harddrive, use em as desktop images (1920x1080p is their size if you go do that) or scroll past them in an effort to find boobies... in which case, I have bad news for you... there aren't any here.


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