As I said last time we spoke... or the last time you read my blog, I hope... I said I would give you a short story I wrote at a meeting I had with my job... the "Kick Off".
It's basically a scene taken from a bigger story, but the bigger story, doesn't exist. I have no intentions at this time, to write a book, novel or anything of the sort, in this genre.
But I had an idea, a scene, in my head, and I wrote it down.
Here it is.
A Short Scene
Dark rings were the first thing Frank noticed about the man. Deep
dark rings under his eyes. Either he had not slept for days, or he
was an addict
Whatever the case, this man in front of Frank was the only lead he
had, and exhausted or not, he would answer his questions.
“You awake there buddy?” He asked as he moved slowly across the
rooms dirty and broken floor. The whole building had seen better
days. Ten years ago or so, it had been a hotel of some importance.
The rich and famous had graced its halls and rooms in fine and
expensive clothing, movie stars, rock stars and other VIP had been
seen and photographed there. If you were a nobody, there had been
almost no chance of gaining entrance, let alone rent one of the
luxurious rooms.
“I am... always awake detective.” The man said as Frank had come
half way across. “Sleep is something I can not... afford... not
these days anyway.”
The man fell silent as Frank made his way the last few feet.
He did not display any of the normal signs of imminent violence, and
all thou he remained cautious, he felt that he could relax enough to
show that he was calm and not a threat to the man.
For an old building, Frank was surprised as to the silence he was
meet with when he finally stopped, no more then a step from the man.
He had expected to hear cracking, the wind and the scurrying of rats
and other critters.
But there was nothing, not even his own breath was heard.
“You feel it, don't you detective?”
“Feel what?” Frank felt something, but he could not pinpoint
exactly what.
“Death detective, the ever present stillness of nothingness,
darkness... the end.”
The words so softly spoken by the man, sitting on the floor, did not
sit well with Frank.
“Death huh?” Trying to dismiss the man's comment, Frank made it
sound like he was not worried, that he was fine and that nothing
bothered him. But in reality, all he wanted to do, was run away.
“Well the whole hotel is technically dead, so I suppose you are
right about that.”
An insecure chuckle escaped Franks lips.
“That is correct detective,” the man said slowly, “but I am...
not referring to the decline and death of this building or what it
Frank blinked, which made him miss when the strange man on the floor
stood up and moved to a window ten feet away. He had not heard him
move, not seen him move, and when he was at the window, it was as if
he had been standing there for a good while. His ragged coat and long
dirty hair was still and motionless.
Frank no longer wanted to stay. He wanted to leave.
“I know you've been seeking... answers detective, for a long...
Frank wanted to say something, but his words were caught in his
throat. Even trying to move, seemed impossible.
“If my information is... correct, you have been trying to solve
these murders for... the better part of eight years now, yes?”
Frank tried to answer, but try as he might, not a sound came out of
his open mouth. He stood there, silent and visually frightened.
The strange man turned around, slowly, so slowly that the ragged
pieces of his coat did not even move as he came around.
Frank were now looking in to new eyes. Dark eyes. Like pits of tar,
reflecting next to no light. The dark rings under his eyes were now
deeper, darker, as if his eyes were weeping shadows, slowly darkening
his cheeks.
“I am truly sorry detective. But I fear... you were just to
The last thing Frank ever saw, was a nightmare of ragged cloths and
dirty hair move as in a blur towards him.
The hotel was still silent.
And the city lacked one more officer of the law.
That is it, that is all there is to that scene, no more, no less.
Let me know what you thought, and if the text's colour was not to your liking, I am sorry, but I wanted it to stand out from the normal rant...