fredag 6 februari 2015

Mending Heart

I finally told a woman that I've been interested in for a long time, that I am in fact, interested in her.
Long before I told her, I knew what the answer would be, but now, I have it confirmed. I told her that unless she specifically tells me that no, she does not want me to ”court” her, I would try and win her heart over the months or so it would possibly take, but in the end, she said no.
But now I know. For sure.
So now, I can start to put her out of my mind.

But I'm sick of being alone all the time, and seeing as how “easy” it is to find a woman to cuddle with, I think I should just go on the offensive, and ask any girl I find attractive and nice, out on a date or cup of coffee or something.
Change my presentation on the dating sites I haven't been on for ages, to just indicate I want sex, and nothing else... as looking for love, got me jack shit.

I'm going to try and be aggressive, be confident and just ask straight out: Hey, wanna fuck? Or: Hey wanna grab a cup of coffee? Or: Date?
What ever pick up line I'll use, I'll use em on anyone I find appealing.

Wish me luck.


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