lördag 14 februari 2015

Expensive Day Off

The one and only free day this week. Working all the other days... so what do I do? I spend money!!!
Some on food, some on stuff for my flowers, a little on candy, and then alot on a new keyboard.
I was going to spend 500 bucks on a keyboard, but ended up spending 1200 on a Razer Blackwidow Ultimate.

After testing it for a few minutes, a friend of mine said the ultimate line for how it sounds; like a horse on steroids.
If you are wondering why, it's because it's a mechanical keyboard. And finally, I have a keyboard that has a spacebar that works where ever you press it... so no more failed jumping puzzles or the likes.
But now I have to spend more money to get a new mouse too, cause this keyboard is green.. the mouse is blue (the lights that is). They clash... can't have that now can we?

What else happened on this free day? Well I had a sliding bit today, on the bike. Was going over an area that was not meant to be a crossing for anyone, but people still use it, so it's smooth and full of.. ice. No gravel, no open ground. Just ice.
So I set my foot down when realizing this, to try and not fall... the bike and my foot started sliding.. and did not stop for around 5 meters.
So I don't need any more excitment today :P

Before that I meet a cute little guy and his family. Always nice when you leave the house, and meet good friends. So here's to you friends! *cheers with an imaginary glas*

Also asked a girl out for coffee, but she was taken... all thou, by the sound of it, I should see her more, for when, or if, her relatonship goes down in flame. Sounded like it could go that way when we continued to speak.



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