söndag 22 februari 2015

Hobby Sunday

The vote is in... and the winner, of the 3 choice poll is... * drum roll *


But you ain’t getting any.

I am sorry. Not that I won't be giving you any woodworking stuff, but because I am putting that project on hiatus. Maybe forever.
Now I know, you were all looking forward to seeing some of the work I was planing on doing, and the gods know, I was looking forward to it as well. But when push comes to shove... I won't be able too, and one of the reasons is that the interest in it, is too low to learn all the things I need to know, in order to make it anywhere close to the way I want to make it.

Here's the deal. I suck. Plain and simple.
I have too few skills, and so far, every little thing I've done, has turned out wrong, crooked, broken or simply failed. Just sawing a piece of wooden stick, fucks up in my hands.
In order to succeed in this project, I need guidance and a teacher. And I have none of it. Not only don't I have a teacher and their knowledge to learn. I also don't really have the time. I have another thing I'm working on. The writing.
And I would rather try and make that better, as it is far more interesting to me then making a cage, a table or what ever else I had planned.

So again, sorry to disappoint, but you won't be getting any woodworking updates.
Now if you would like any kind of writer updates, I'd be more then happy to give that to you. Otherwise... well... we'll see what the future of the “Hobby Sundays” will entail.

Until then... as always.


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