My weekend has begun! As soon as I left work tonight, I considered my weekend to start, and boy do I have plans! Gonna be busy busy busy... I hope. Cause otherwise, I got jack shit planned.
So what am I going to do? Well one thing, is get some stuff and some things and some wood, so that maybe my ratcage project can continue, also wash some cloths and try to write some, something I usually do at work, but I want to get that going at home too, but usually, my big computer, the one I'm infront now, steals my attention, which I am growing more annoyed at.
Also going to try and get my old dishwasher out of the apartment. It's been a loyal and good friend for ages now, I do believe I got it as a birthday gift when I turned 30, so its been around now for 7 years, but now a days, every time I use it, I have to wash all the dishes due to a thin skin of residue that is still on all the utencils, plates and what not.
So I'm going to go back to basics, get a drying rack to place pots, pans, plates and utencils in after I washed them. Might be better, but true, more time away from what ever I'm doing. But since my dishwasher is now crap, it's better. Far better.
Just have to get the damn thing to the recycling place... and that thing is big enough, to be a hassle to carry.

Also going to go back to a girl I started flirting with a bit, but as she's actaully in a relationship, I first gave up.. but no! I'm gonna see if she wont find me to be an "upgrade", and change "hardware"... yes, I am a geek.
What else did I have planned?
Well lets see now, I have to figure out what to post on sunday... and I'm at a bit of an impasse here, I don't really know what to post. So let's see what you want to see? I have 3 ideas. And you, yes YOU... get to pick which it is. Let's see if there will be a war between the people on facebook, or maybe even here. Who knows.
Here are your options.
1. Something about gaming. You know, a screen shot of one of the many games I play with something written about it, what has happened, or will happen in the screen shot presented.
2. A picture or two about my woodworking project (if I get the things and stuff for a good and reasonable price that is), and I talk about what I've done and what the next step is and what not.
3. I talk about the book I'm currently writing, with maybe a taste of what I've written, a passage somewhere in the book, and talk about the difficulties, the idea's and what not.
Or maybe option number 4.. what ever you guys are just burning to know...
If noone says anything... I'll just post what ever I feel like at the time.