onsdag 20 augusti 2014

Feminist Pain

After doing a little light shopping at my local grocery store, I picked up a free news paper, Metro, to read on the way home. And it was one small article about half way into the paper, that caught my eye.
Seems a woman somewhere in America, has an idea about what the world should look like. She's a feminist, so ofcourse, she want to change the world in accordance with what the loudest feminists wants these days... less men.
She thinks that the 50/50 idea will never work, so she thinks we should lower the amount of men, by 90%.
What I think this means, is that she wants the popuilation to stop being 51% women and 49% men, and turn it to 10% men and 90% women.
From a personal point, I wouldn't mind to have such a world. A world where every single man, can pick and choose between several woman at any given moment... but in reality, that wouldn't work out very well.
And to add, the paper did tell us that she wont go on a all-male-killing spree, but that she wants this to happen through controlled birth. Which I guess is morally better.
I would love to hear from any and all of my readers, if any of you, truelly, agree with this woman. Should we lower the amount of men to just a mere 10% of the current population?

In other news, I have come to the conclusion, that I need to take a week off from the gym. I know I know, it doesn't sound good. But I also have to listen to my body, and when I do many of the various excersices, I feel pain in, elbow, shoulder, neck and lower back, in a way it shouldn't.
In other words, I need a break couse the body cant keep up, or just need a rest.
I hate it.
I didn't go yesterday, I thought I would loose the battle and go anyway, even after I had gone to bed, I still wanted to just get up, get dressed and get my butt to the gym and sweet.
10 bucks says I will feel the same today.

And dont worry, that is not my warface at the gym... first of all, my face is way more red.


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