Between rounds in Guild Wars 2, I play a lot of other games too. One of these games, is Dawn of War II, where you take the roll of a commander of a Blood Raven squad and is tasked with cleaning up a sector filled with Ork's and Tyranids.
The Ork's aren't that much of a hazzle, they are always somewhere in the universe causing problems. But the Tyranids thou... they are mindless beasts who's sole purpose seem to be to consume every living world in the galaxy.
Fun times!
Here me and my team of super soldiers and a big box of "Oh-God-Dont-Hurt-Me-Please", have found a rather nasty Ork called Deff Dread. Basically an ork inside a can with buzz saw blades and other fun toys.
We killed him and then didn't bother much as we kept going forward to the main objective... thats how much we care about the ork's when we play space marines.
In other news... I seem to have attracted a very nasty cold. Woke up saturday morning totally clogged up, and for the first 8-9 hours, I had violent sneezes that made me double over, burned my chest and hurt my back, not to mention giving me a very sore throat.
The first 5 hours I couldn't even breath through my nose.. so every sneeze came straight out of my mouth. On top of that, my face feels like its going to either explode or implode, and while I sit on my ass, doing nothing, I go through a shitload of toilett paper... so far, 1½ rolls of it.
I sure do hope I can work on monday... but as it looks now. I'm gonna have to call someone to fill in for me.
My life, with everything that entails. Toughts, ideas, games... what ever I feel like writing.
söndag 31 augusti 2014
fredag 29 augusti 2014
Quittin Time
As so many others, I check
my facebook feed more often then I would ever need to. I might not
click a like button, comment or wright something every time I go on,
but I do check in. At work, I'm in every 20 minutes or so. At home
before work, at least 5-10 times and after work I clock in a
staggering amount of check ins.
So in essence: I look at
that blue and white news feed, way to many times.
And when I check the news
feed, do I find anything of interest? No... not anymore. I sometimes
click the like button or comment, but then its hopefully cause I
agree with something, but more then usual, its cause I find that I
must. And when ever I do get that last feeling, I never really know
why I get it.
But before I get to the
point, here are a few reasons to further illustrate my reason for
being sick of facebook.
First: All the hatred.
There is a lot of hate flowing in the news feed. Currently, 95% of
the hate, is against a specific political party known as
Sverigedemokraterna (Swedish democrats).
Now I know that most, if not all, of my friends I have on facebook,
dislike SD, or even hate them.
But when most of the
people you have as friends all hate the same thing, I don’t
understand why you have to point this out once or more times a day.
For me, its just annoying, cause all I see is hate and anger, and I
don’t know about you, but this isn't really what you want to be
subjected to every time you login.
Now it should be
mentioned, that I agree with a lot of SD's things, so I admit that it
annoys me a bit more then it might others, but I generally just
ignore it and keep scrolling. I used to read everything, but one can
only handle so much hatred and anger. Now what I don’t do, is tell
people about it, and why I don’t is rather simple, scary, but
simple. If I tell someone that I agree with SD, it is a very big
chance that I would be called a racist, nazi or that I am ignorant,
maybe all three. So that’s why I rarely speak of my own political
You should also know, that
I think that everyone will always disagree with others, but for me,
as long as my friends remain “metalheads”, they will be my
friends for life. I just hope they don’t mention their own
political views, specially who or what they hate, every five minutes.
Two: All the baby
pictures. Now I'm not saying I hate your babies, kids or pets. I love
em, and I always will. But some people but up pictures of their kids
or pets 5-50 times a day. Most people, or maybe its just me, want to
know your child, dog, cat or significant other, is alive and well.
Thats all we really need. We don’t need a photographic version of
“The Truman Show”. This goes for Instagram too btw.
Three: The small updates
about what people are doing currently. I'm taking a bath, I'm having
coffee with Mr/Mrs Friend, I'm cutting my toenails (not that I've
ever seen that one yet thou, thank the gods). Do we need this
information? And we do have a special place for all these tidbits,
its called Twitter. I have twitter, but I never wright anything on
it, but that is the perfect place for short informations like that.
These are only a few
things that annoy me about facebook. And these are a few of the
reasons I have now decided to end my account on it. Within the next
few hours, hopefully no more then 24 hours, I will be closing down
facebook. I might be back, but I hope it wont be for a looooong time,
preferably ever.
So if you want to get in
contact with me, call, text or get my skype name or you can always
keep yourself updated with my shitty life trough instagram/snapchat:
måndag 25 augusti 2014
War Within War
Due to me being so caught up in the gaming yesterday, with my wee little brother too (last part I wrote in a scottish accent so keep that in mind), I totally forgot about the sunday screen shot. So now that I've finally woken up and gotten my week started, I can give you the missed and beloved weekly screen shoot.
This image is taken within the Eternal Battlegrounds, a World vs. World area, where 3 teams, blue, green and red, fight over a giant castle in the middle. Its PvP but with 3 different teams instead of the traditionally 2v2, here its 1v1v1.
What we are doing in this image thou, is not stricktly PvP, but damn close to it.
We are the blues, and we are just about to take over a small "outpost" controlled by the greens. The green players thou, were nowhere near it, and the only thing we killed, was the guards and after taking down the gate with seige weapons, we killed the npc Commander, and a few seconds later, our own blue npc's took up their posts and guarded it.
I wanted to take a screenie when we were killing, or being killed by, other players. But while I was doing just that, I was so into it, that unfortunatly I didn't give you guys a single thought. But hey, thats war for ya. :P
This image is taken within the Eternal Battlegrounds, a World vs. World area, where 3 teams, blue, green and red, fight over a giant castle in the middle. Its PvP but with 3 different teams instead of the traditionally 2v2, here its 1v1v1.
What we are doing in this image thou, is not stricktly PvP, but damn close to it.
We are the blues, and we are just about to take over a small "outpost" controlled by the greens. The green players thou, were nowhere near it, and the only thing we killed, was the guards and after taking down the gate with seige weapons, we killed the npc Commander, and a few seconds later, our own blue npc's took up their posts and guarded it.
I wanted to take a screenie when we were killing, or being killed by, other players. But while I was doing just that, I was so into it, that unfortunatly I didn't give you guys a single thought. But hey, thats war for ya. :P
onsdag 20 augusti 2014
Feminist Pain
After doing a little light shopping at my local grocery store, I picked up a free news paper, Metro, to read on the way home. And it was one small article about half way into the paper, that caught my eye.
Seems a woman somewhere in America, has an idea about what the world should look like. She's a feminist, so ofcourse, she want to change the world in accordance with what the loudest feminists wants these days... less men.
She thinks that the 50/50 idea will never work, so she thinks we should lower the amount of men, by 90%.
What I think this means, is that she wants the popuilation to stop being 51% women and 49% men, and turn it to 10% men and 90% women.
From a personal point, I wouldn't mind to have such a world. A world where every single man, can pick and choose between several woman at any given moment... but in reality, that wouldn't work out very well.
And to add, the paper did tell us that she wont go on a all-male-killing spree, but that she wants this to happen through controlled birth. Which I guess is morally better.
I would love to hear from any and all of my readers, if any of you, truelly, agree with this woman. Should we lower the amount of men to just a mere 10% of the current population?
In other news, I have come to the conclusion, that I need to take a week off from the gym. I know I know, it doesn't sound good. But I also have to listen to my body, and when I do many of the various excersices, I feel pain in, elbow, shoulder, neck and lower back, in a way it shouldn't.
In other words, I need a break couse the body cant keep up, or just need a rest.
I hate it.
I didn't go yesterday, I thought I would loose the battle and go anyway, even after I had gone to bed, I still wanted to just get up, get dressed and get my butt to the gym and sweet.
10 bucks says I will feel the same today.
And dont worry, that is not my warface at the gym... first of all, my face is way more red.
Seems a woman somewhere in America, has an idea about what the world should look like. She's a feminist, so ofcourse, she want to change the world in accordance with what the loudest feminists wants these days... less men.
She thinks that the 50/50 idea will never work, so she thinks we should lower the amount of men, by 90%.
What I think this means, is that she wants the popuilation to stop being 51% women and 49% men, and turn it to 10% men and 90% women.
From a personal point, I wouldn't mind to have such a world. A world where every single man, can pick and choose between several woman at any given moment... but in reality, that wouldn't work out very well.
And to add, the paper did tell us that she wont go on a all-male-killing spree, but that she wants this to happen through controlled birth. Which I guess is morally better.
I would love to hear from any and all of my readers, if any of you, truelly, agree with this woman. Should we lower the amount of men to just a mere 10% of the current population?
In other news, I have come to the conclusion, that I need to take a week off from the gym. I know I know, it doesn't sound good. But I also have to listen to my body, and when I do many of the various excersices, I feel pain in, elbow, shoulder, neck and lower back, in a way it shouldn't.
In other words, I need a break couse the body cant keep up, or just need a rest.
I hate it.
I didn't go yesterday, I thought I would loose the battle and go anyway, even after I had gone to bed, I still wanted to just get up, get dressed and get my butt to the gym and sweet.
10 bucks says I will feel the same today.
And dont worry, that is not my warface at the gym... first of all, my face is way more red.
måndag 18 augusti 2014
Melandru Going Down
In one of the worse places in Guild Wars, there are events going on every second of every hour of every day. And one such event, looked like this.
A fight with a large, and rather mean looking, undead Priest of Melandru.
We fought him to gain control of the Melandru Statue. We wanted control over it in order to further our war against the most foul dragon of all... The Elder Dragon, Zaitan, ruler of the undead.
The whole land is full of death and decay, and if we leave it be... it will just spread to the rest of the world. And we cant have that now can we?
So yea... death and decay :)
A fight with a large, and rather mean looking, undead Priest of Melandru.
We fought him to gain control of the Melandru Statue. We wanted control over it in order to further our war against the most foul dragon of all... The Elder Dragon, Zaitan, ruler of the undead.
The whole land is full of death and decay, and if we leave it be... it will just spread to the rest of the world. And we cant have that now can we?
So yea... death and decay :)
söndag 10 augusti 2014
Dark Gathering
A few days ago, I was runing around to various locations in GW2, hunting down something called "World Bosses". Basically big ugly enemies that only pop up every few hours, a thing, dragon or humanoid creature, that requires a whole lot of people to take down, and usually takes anywhere from a minute to fifteen to take down, and that always give some rather nice rewards (unless you've already killed it once that day).
I'm in there somewhere, waiting with a few others, for The Shatterer to arrive so we can kill the fucker.
Sometimes, I almost feel sorry for the dragons, worms and shadow beasts that we keep killing all day long... until I remember that they are all pixels and binary code. And when I remember that, I crackle manicly while I slaughter them all!!! :P
I thought I'd share with you, my badass girl in her dark and dangerous outfit. Those guns man, freakin awesome guns. Eyes hidden slightly by a hood, and a pair of gloves that looks like they are on fire, which means that if I punch someone, they are not only gonna get a bruise, but third degree burns too. And with my fragmented ghost wings, noone likes to meet me in a dark alley.
Khora Busst, is one hell of a girl with a pair of guns... together with potions that make her even more awesome, and some turrets that shoot fire and rockets, yea... stay clear if she's on her period.
I'm in there somewhere, waiting with a few others, for The Shatterer to arrive so we can kill the fucker.
Sometimes, I almost feel sorry for the dragons, worms and shadow beasts that we keep killing all day long... until I remember that they are all pixels and binary code. And when I remember that, I crackle manicly while I slaughter them all!!! :P

Khora Busst, is one hell of a girl with a pair of guns... together with potions that make her even more awesome, and some turrets that shoot fire and rockets, yea... stay clear if she's on her period.
lördag 9 augusti 2014
Beer Guardian
Went to see the movie Guardians of the Galaxy last night with an old friend. Also took in a few beers afterwards at two different locations, and met up with some other friends.
But the movie... how should I put this... it was... freakin AWESOME!!!
I dont think I've laughed so much in the theaters for years. The action was super, the acting was perfect, the story close to flawless and the photography, sweet as fuck.
The various character in the group were all so different, that the old saying; Band of Misfits, hardly comes close. A human who thinks himself larger then life, a green skined assassin woman with heavy trust issues and anger management problems. A giant grey and red guy who dont get either metafors or irony, but has a vocabulary that would make any english teacher envious. A genetically enhanced racoon who can build anything and wants only money, that also is accompined by a living tree that can only say; I am Groot.
Groot thou... holy fuck balls is he the most awesome hero of all time. He can do everything a gamer would love to play in an MMO game, he can tank, heal, do single target damage or even area of effect damage, light up a dark room and even resurrect dead friends and himself. AND he's a sweetheart. Cant get much better.
The movie is filled to the brim with awesome scenes, feelings and laughters. I for one, think this movie, is one for the ages, and most definitly one of the best Marvel movies of all time.
Good beer after the movie too... and another good movie when I got home that I enjoyed with some taco's.
But the movie... how should I put this... it was... freakin AWESOME!!!
I dont think I've laughed so much in the theaters for years. The action was super, the acting was perfect, the story close to flawless and the photography, sweet as fuck.
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Groot |
Groot thou... holy fuck balls is he the most awesome hero of all time. He can do everything a gamer would love to play in an MMO game, he can tank, heal, do single target damage or even area of effect damage, light up a dark room and even resurrect dead friends and himself. AND he's a sweetheart. Cant get much better.
The movie is filled to the brim with awesome scenes, feelings and laughters. I for one, think this movie, is one for the ages, and most definitly one of the best Marvel movies of all time.
Good beer after the movie too... and another good movie when I got home that I enjoyed with some taco's.
söndag 3 augusti 2014
Boom Sticks
Like I briefly told you in the last entry here on the blog, I have begun to play Guild Wars 2 again. So far, I've tried to go back to my old Necromancer and even my Guardian, but in the end, I liked my Engineer better. Runing around killing things with a gun in each hand, drinking and tossing potions around and from time to time, drop a gift package on the ground, that either heals my friends, or starts to furiously kill and snare my enemies.
Her name is Khora Busst, and she has both a great figure (something you get when runing like a mad woman everywhere you need to go) and a deadly aim.
Here she is, proving what I just told you.. great figure, and deadly aim... as well as some cool fragmented wings that flap around on her back.
I joined a guild, and so far, they are nice people, spent about an hour with three of em last night in the place you see in the screen shot, the Citadel of Flame, path 2. There are 3 to 4 paths you can take in each dungeon, and you can only run one at the time, so if you want to take another path, you'll have to reset the dungeon, and get back in to kind of "re-do it". But that makes it fun and keeps it kind of fresh.
We'll see what you get next week.
Her name is Khora Busst, and she has both a great figure (something you get when runing like a mad woman everywhere you need to go) and a deadly aim.
Here she is, proving what I just told you.. great figure, and deadly aim... as well as some cool fragmented wings that flap around on her back.
I joined a guild, and so far, they are nice people, spent about an hour with three of em last night in the place you see in the screen shot, the Citadel of Flame, path 2. There are 3 to 4 paths you can take in each dungeon, and you can only run one at the time, so if you want to take another path, you'll have to reset the dungeon, and get back in to kind of "re-do it". But that makes it fun and keeps it kind of fresh.
We'll see what you get next week.
lördag 2 augusti 2014
Painful Wars
I finally have some muscle aches again!! Been so long since I had it, that I had almost forgotten what a hassle it can be. Takes a few steps before I can walk like normal every time I've been seated for any period of time, ranging from just 10 seconds, to how ever long a movie is :P
And why do I have these pains? Well I was talking to a guy at the gym on tuesday, a guy that used to work as a physical therapist, and he informed me, that certain excercis' I do, is done slightly wrong. Like squats. Having a large barbell behind my neck and then bend my legs down and then push back up, is no biggy. Well I usually did it with bending just to 90 degrees... but he told me, which also sounded logical to me, that if you bend an aditional 15 degrees, the knees wont take any damage.
Well I started doing it that way, and now.. it hurts to sit down :D
Also, you can expect to start seeing Guild Wars 2 screen shots again, as I've reinstalled it, and begun playing around with it again. Its so far fun, but hey, that can change just as fast as I kill shit in the game :P
In other news... time for bed.
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Squats |
Well I started doing it that way, and now.. it hurts to sit down :D
Also, you can expect to start seeing Guild Wars 2 screen shots again, as I've reinstalled it, and begun playing around with it again. Its so far fun, but hey, that can change just as fast as I kill shit in the game :P
In other news... time for bed.
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