The thought was; What if magic exists, but no one has mana?
In virtually every game in the world, excluding Guild Wars 2, that has magic in it, you also have a "mana bar", an indicator letting you know how much mana you have, and if there is no mana in it, you cant cast spells like fireballs or make someone all of the sudden freeze in place.
So what if magic does exist in our world, its all around us, and anyone could cast fireballs or conjure water or make a golum of ice appear at will, but the element that is lacking, is mana?
The earth, and the surounding area, has magic, but there is no element that we could call mana anywhere near us, and becouse of that, we are unable to access magic.
I wonder what would happen if we did find an element like mana, and we could all of the sudden use magic...

Already started packing for the journey, but haven't put it in the bag yet, as I will need the bag later tonight. Why? Well I wont have time to go to the gym tomorrow, so I will be doing my thursday legday tonight instead. And then my normal routine on friday in Gothenburg, as my gym also has a place there. Win!
I'm expecting a good weekend, and a good end to the vacation. Cause on monday, its back to normal routines. 'Bout freakin time too.
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