onsdag 23 april 2014

Murder Gym

Was watching the news today, and they were showing how they had unearthed an old king of ours, Erik the Holy, who had been given the statues of saint after his death.
This was done to give experts the opportunity to examine the body, too learn of a bunch of stuff.. like what kind of sicknesses the royalty in the 10th century might have had and so on.
Erik with his Crown
But what struck me as odd, was not the fact that he was dug up, or that they were going to examine his remain, or even that he had been given a saints statues.
No, it was the fact that they said he had been MURDERED!!!
He died on the field of battle, granted, due to the fact that he was king, they stuck him a few extra times with swords and spears and frying pans or what ever they had at their disposal, and then cut of his head. But it was war, and he was king, so when you are the enemy of said king, wouldn't you too make sure the fucker was dead?
So I say, he was killed in action, fell in combat, was a casualty of war. Not murdered.
What do you guys think? Was he murdered?

Anyway, had to cut my workout at the gym short today, I did not like that.
First, I had forgotten to bring a shirt, so I had to workout in my shirt I've had been wearing since this morning, so I figured, yea, I'll shower at home. Didn't want to have to remove a sweaty shirt, just to put it back on after a shower there.
Then when I started, my stomach reminded me, that it needed food... so working out with a hungry stomach, was not fun.. so I shortened it, to about half. Just did the main muscle groups on my legs, and instead of a set of 3, I only did 2, then home I went.

Anyway... the week is almost up.. again... where does the time go? Anyone got any plans the for weekend? (if anyone reads this that is :P )


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