Thats it... been testing Elder Scrools Online this weekend. And I am here to tell you all about it!!!
Lets give you an action shot first.
Curse on you! |
That is me, from behind, placing a curse on a not so friendly fire bug. You cant really see the bug, but I assure you, its there.
Alright, on with the review!
First off.. I am buying this game. Yes, its worth it, in my mind atleast. I'll try and split the subjects up, so I dont just go rambling on like I usually do.
There are 3 basic classes (plus a templar you only get if you pre-purchase it with the special edition... assholes), and they are Dragonknight, Sorcerer and Nightblade.
Dragonknight is the one in heavy armour (templar too).
Sorcerer is the light armoured spellcaster.
Nightblade is medium armour wearer.
Beyond that thou... you can do what you want. If you want a sorcerer that wears heavy armour and shoots a bow, then go for it. Only the classes main spells, 5 in total, are locked to your choise. But after that, you can increase skill in what ever you want, bows, one handed weapons, two handed or staves. You can wear and level any armour, and all its skills, and it seems as thou if you work hard enough, you can, in theory, max the level on all skills, but perhaps not get all the skills.
So have your dream been to cast spells, while weilding an axe in each hand and wear heavy armour... then this is the game for you. The customization is just awesome.

Well this is rather straight forward really. You talk to an npc, and you get a box with what they say, as well as a voice that actaully say what is written, which is nice ofcourse. Alot of the quests I did, as a female Nord sorceress, was the kind that had follow ups. In other words, you got a quest, but when you did what ever was needed, it was common for the same npc to then ask you to do something else that had to do with what you jsut did, sometimes it was something simple as just follow the npc to a new location to inform someone else, other times it sent me 100 miles away to kill something else or dig up something or what not.
But lets just say this, it never got boring. And soemtimes, it was down right funny as hell.
I made this. |
I was focusing on making armour for myself and some potions. But you can do them all at the same if you like, but that takes alot of material, and you only have so much space in your bags. You have professions for making potions to heal you or refill mana/stamina or just give you a boost to damage. You have a profession to make staves/shields/bows that require wood, so you get to chop some on your travels. And then ofcourse, you got professions to make all kinds of armors, weapons and even make food at a cooking fire.
The hell of these professions are how to make em. Now you can make just plain "white", say robes, that is the basic of the robe, the lowest quality possible. then you can improve the item, and for that you might need thread. And if you only use one thread (a thread you cant buy I should say), there is only a 20% chance of success... and if you dont succeed, the item is destroyed. ... Yea...
But beyond that, its easy to make stuff. And you can even research items to be able to learn new things.
Hmm what else do you wanna know? Well, I can tell ya, that the death in this game, is awesome, and if you are good, you can resurrect yourself on the spot, if you have a filled soul gem. But the look of it... awesome.

Also, each race, has their own racial abilities, or passive abilites, like the Nord for example (as I had one), has increasaed skill with two handed weapons, and can increase their health regeneration in combat. Others has better magicka regeneration or better with bows or what not.
That will have to do.. now it was a beta, so it was full of funny bugs. But thats what's to be expected realy, but all in all, it was very playable. And very fun.
Anyway... thats it.