torsdag 26 september 2013

Return of the Dark Side

Started playing Star Wars: The Old Republic again. It has become a F2P game (Free to Play), but as I was an old subscriber, I got to be a "Preffered Player", or something like that anyway. All this realy meant, was that I got a few more perks then the F2P people, but the only difference I saw, was that I could have a total of 6 characters, not 2, and I could have 50 000 more credits in the game, or maybe it was 150 000... what ever the case, it wasn't a big step up.

But as I was playing it a bit on a few new characters I just made, I started wondering why I ever left in the first place. Asked my friend JJ this question, as he picked it up again too. And we came to the conclusion, that the things we missed the first time around, was now fixed, like say the group finder for instances... didn't exist then, does now.

Tana'he, the Sith Juggernaut
So I thought, why not give this shit a try for real, and bought a 2 month subscription. That way, I would have full access to everything. And to top it off, I also got the expansion called "The Rise of the Hutt Cartel", 5 new levels, a new world to explore and more end game then what was around the first time we played.

Tried my hands on my old Bounty Hunter.. but when you have virtually no memory on how the game worked, it was knind of hard to get back in the same swing again... so I almost died on several occasions due to poor memory :P
So I started a new girl, a Sith Warrior that was gonna act as a meat-shield. A tank in other words. And JJ, my good old buddy, went with an Imperial Agent, and will go the path of the healer. So when we can play together this weekend, we will take the world of Balmorra with storm, nothing will stop us, nothing will stand in our path, and no tasks will be too hard... unless we find a 4 man elite quest... in which case, we probebly should add some tactics to our murder spree... ;)


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