Day 3 at the hospital completed, back home in my dark, damp and uncleaned apartment :)
No I am not sick.... but my boss is, so I have to be there to do my job... its unusual, so its that... but its also boring.. almost fell asleep in the chair today :P
In other news, the president of 'Merica was here... not in my apartment, why would he be here? Are you stupid? Oh you didnt ask if he was in my apartment? Or even at the hospital? Then what did you ask? ... What? How dare you!?!?!?! I will not answer that!! I have SOME morals after all...
He was in our capitol, Stockholm... and as suspected, there were some people demonstating about the war in Syria (is that the right country?)... a whole slew of people were there to speak their mind, a whole... 100-200 people... thats not even 1% of the goddamn population.. why would he even bother? I wouldn't. They wanted to end war in Syria... a valid and understandable thing to want. But why bother the US President about that? He's not the one who started it! He just want to make it end too... granted, perhaps he wants to end it by bombing the shit out of some of its cities or people or clouds or what ever, I dont know.
But the end thing here, before I get flamed to oblivion. He's not the couse of the war, so stop trying to blame him! Blame the idiots that keep shooting at their own civilians instead.
Right... no more talk of war and presidents.
You evil, evil man!
SvaraRaderaThat first sentence is too misleading when one has awoken only a couple minutes prior and not has his coffee, gave me nearly a heart attack! :P