No worries thou, I picked it up again quickly. But for those of you that might want to try it, once you see the screenie, and reading about the basics of the game... do try it, it is one of the best games ever made. I'll fill you in on why right after you've had a chance to marvel at the screenie... which will come now.
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The fuck you lookin at pal? |
I think that was also the reason I forgot about it for those months.
Anyway, this time around, I listened to the npc, and found out how to deal with them... by NOT shooting them in the face... or at all infact. Just stare at them, like a dumb fuck, until they left... if they didn't like me staring at them, just walk backwards slowly to give em space. Usually that worked, unless I didn't have space to move backwards into. But what happens then, I'll let you find out by playing the game.
But here are some of the reasons why this game is so good.
The graphics are awesome, and on my old computer (the same as now, but less updated) I wasn't able to run it on the best graphics, and my breath was still taken away at the details and look of the subterranean world of post apocolyptic Moscow.
And the story... holy fuck balls. The game itself is based on a book with the same name. I've read it, before I played the game. And I got to say, its a great book. But unlike the book, the game has a shitload more action, monsters and "holy-shit-I-crapped-my-pants-moments" in it. When I play this game, there is no music on in the background, no tv or movie, and usually, the lights are minimal. All that, makes this game a mix between horror and action, with a dash of humor in it.

And then, there is the other type of ghost I meet early in the game... a whole train that has become a ghost... all you realy see, is the headlights of the train, but no train.. and the lights from inside the train cars and the shadows of people inside, reflected on the walls around the tunnel.... but again, no train, just the lights I just described, and the noise ofcourse :P
I'm gonna leave you with one more screen shot from the game... wasn't planing on using it next week, so might aswell show you now. And its a screenie of what the outside world looks like in Moscow, at night... where the terrible monsters live, where the radioactive air is, and where the sun never shines as the nuclear winter is covering the sky with eternal clouds and ash.
Well I think its safe to say, that I like this game... and if you haven't tried it yet (if you are a person that occasionally likes to play some games) you definitely should try it. Dont think it costs all that much anymore either. Or you could just download it for free from some torrent site... But I'm not saying that you should.. couse thats illegal you know... just saying, that if you dont give a shit about that, its an option :P
Thumbs up