fredag 9 augusti 2013

K9 Guardian

This weekend, starting in roughly 23 hours, I will be watching a dog for a few of my friends... one dog... one weekend... no problem. But that damn dog is so full of energy at times, and is so strong, its gonna feel like having a juiced up wrestler in the house :P

In mom's lap
I skiped workout at the gym tonight too, becouse it was raining as hell, and I didn't feel like showering 3 times in one night, so I'll do it tomorrow.... this means, that with the dog, I will have atleast 2 hyperactive moments with her... First time when she comes here... second time when I get home from the gym. Gonna be great.

Gonna try and film her a bit with my camera phone, mash it all together and post it on the tube. And if I do, I'll let you know.

Perhaps I'lll even add some music to it.. make a music montage of little miss Crazy Dog! Or I wont... what ever.

Until then...


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