Its early friday morning... or, as its more for me, late thursday night. But for me, its the end of the week.. the work week that is... as it always is.
Tried to get to bed early.. even stoped playing a game with my "homeboy" from the nethers at an early hour, as I was tierd.. but did I go to sleep? NOOOOO... fuck... so I instead shaved my head, took a shower and watched some Breaking Bad.
Oh you want to know what game it is? Its the free version of DC Universe Online. Superheroes and supervillians, set in the world of Superman, Catwoman, The Joker and Wonder Woman to mention a few of the bigger names. Max level is 30, out of what-ever, very few bank and inventory slots, only 2 characters and cant have more then 1500 in cash... which I get before I reach level 10... hehe... but whatever money I get beyond that, is actually saved, for when, or if, I get the premium, or legendary, version... the premium only allowes me a total of 2000 cash thou... beyond that, I dont realy know what I get... the legendary thou, gives me unlimited, shitloads of bag and inventory slots and a lot of character slots to fill... but, then I have to pay a monthly sub.... which I did for almost 7 years with World of Warcraft... probebly wont do that. Pay monthly again? Nope...
But, for now, the game is fun.. its new (for me), and my buddy is playing it too.. so when ever I play with him, its even more fun. And that counts for alot... ALOT!
Anyway... This weekend is going to be filled with dust! No, I'm not cleaning my apartment again... well a little, pick up some shit, but I am gonna make a new fleshtube, out of moose horn. Its gonna take a shitload of time.
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