My computer is finally back online!! No the internet hasn't been down, its been working fine, its the computer itself thats been down... since monday evening. Its thursday now... granted, it was up and runing (somewhat) already last night.. but all I did then, was install shit.
So here's the deal. I bought a new motherboard and processor... couse the stuff I had, was old. So ofc I needed to reinstall windows, and everything else. You see, when putting in new mayor hardware, the windows os that is already on the harddrive, doesn't know what the hell happened. And it seems that Windows 7, is even more of a douche, and wouldn't even allow me to make a backup of everything on a "old windows map", which would have meant that I wouldn't have to backup all my files on some other computer or external harddrive... and since I'd been stupid and not made partitions of my current HDD... I had to workout what, and how, to save the media files and what not, so as not to loose em forever.
I was happy to get help with all of this from my neighbour... as my other computer genious friend, basicly lives on mars (or the netherlands as it is). Anyway, the neighbour helped out with stuff like moving shit from my HDD to my external... the only issue was... I had around 550 GB of data to save... and only had 500 GB on the external :P
But it all worked out in the end... and most of the stuff I wanted to save, is now saved. And also transfered over to the main computer, and no longer taking up space in the external.
Hopefully, I will buy another HDD to give myself even more space to fill with movies, music, porn and other stupid shit. And also some new, and better, rams... still have the old ones in, so sitting on 8 GB of ram, want to dubble that.
Anyway.. I am back. Sweet.
(one issue thou... get a blue screen once a day)
My life, with everything that entails. Toughts, ideas, games... what ever I feel like writing.
fredag 30 augusti 2013
söndag 25 augusti 2013
Blood Screenie
Resently, I've been playing alot of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. Its a stand alone "DLC" you might say, shorter then the original, but doesn't require Far Cry 3 to work.
I'll just give you the screenie first, then I'll tell you why its awesome.
Now then, why is this game so awesome you ask? Well I'll tell ya. The game play is great, simple, yet demanding enought to make you need to use what brains you have. It was the same as in Far Cry 3 (hence forth, only be known as FC3). Some of the features that you had to earn in FC3, you got right away in this one... like being able to hide from an enemy, then when he was close enough, just emerge from a bush or what ever, grab him, and put a knife in his chest, then, if you were lucky, you could aim the camera view so you could see your next enemy, and throw a "ninja star" at him, getting two kills at once. Its awesome.
Or like jumping from a higher altitude then your target, and just give him an extra breathing hole by his collar with the same cool knife.
Anyway... those are just a few of the simple reasons why this game is so cool... now we get down to the real reasons.
If you are around my age, or older, then you probebly remember all those shitty action/sci-fi movies that came out during the 80's? Movies like Cyborg or Time Cop or Screamers (even that one was made in the 90's). Now add alot of the action movies of the time, their oneliners, action and also their music, which seemed to be made by one and the same guy every time. And you have this game.
I ripped out a heart in the game (you do that alot, and dont worry, all you enemies are robots that have blue blood and hearts), and as soon as the heart was tucked away, in what ever I keep those in, my character said; "Heart broken? He he."
I took out an enemy with an explosive, and the following line was spoken; "I'm on fire, and so are you."
The following are all tips I got from loading screens.
"Enemies in range can be shot."
"We blew alot of our credits on colored fonts."
"Shotguns are easy to shot, sucks to reload."
"Grenades explode."
Some very helpful tips, wouldn't you say?
One of my favorites thou is; "Sniper rifle... the perfect close combat weapon for when you picked the wrong weapon."
Quick note on the "Blood Dragons"... noone knows where they came from.. they like to eat the hearts I rip out (so good for decoy, or luring), they are almost blind but they shoot fire through their eyes. And takes a shit long time to kill.
Well thats it for todays screen shot post.
I'll just give you the screenie first, then I'll tell you why its awesome.
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The creature that gave the game its name. |
Or like jumping from a higher altitude then your target, and just give him an extra breathing hole by his collar with the same cool knife.
Anyway... those are just a few of the simple reasons why this game is so cool... now we get down to the real reasons.
If you are around my age, or older, then you probebly remember all those shitty action/sci-fi movies that came out during the 80's? Movies like Cyborg or Time Cop or Screamers (even that one was made in the 90's). Now add alot of the action movies of the time, their oneliners, action and also their music, which seemed to be made by one and the same guy every time. And you have this game.
I ripped out a heart in the game (you do that alot, and dont worry, all you enemies are robots that have blue blood and hearts), and as soon as the heart was tucked away, in what ever I keep those in, my character said; "Heart broken? He he."
I took out an enemy with an explosive, and the following line was spoken; "I'm on fire, and so are you."
The following are all tips I got from loading screens.
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Mission Briefing |
"We blew alot of our credits on colored fonts."
"Shotguns are easy to shot, sucks to reload."
"Grenades explode."
Some very helpful tips, wouldn't you say?
One of my favorites thou is; "Sniper rifle... the perfect close combat weapon for when you picked the wrong weapon."
Quick note on the "Blood Dragons"... noone knows where they came from.. they like to eat the hearts I rip out (so good for decoy, or luring), they are almost blind but they shoot fire through their eyes. And takes a shit long time to kill.
Well thats it for todays screen shot post.
fredag 23 augusti 2013
New Toys
Got the long awaited paycheck today.. or, as is custom here in Sweden, to get it deposit into your account right away.... so 1 second passed midnight.. they were there. Now I dont know if they were.. it might have taken 2 seconds, what do I know. But the main thing is, they were there when I looked 15 minutes after midnight. And as I always do, I payed my bills, even did the final payment on one, a bill that usualy costs me a minimum of 169 bucks, but I figured, since I had the money to do away with it, I did... all 827 bucks. So thats atleast one less bill to worry about.
Shortly after that, I bought, and payed for some new toys... 3079 skr gone. On a new motherboard, processor and a CPU fan. Gonna be great. I am also gonna buy some new rams, but I'll take care of that later... after I bought everything else I have planed to get... like the new tools for making my own fleshtubes, the new book I've been waiting for, and some new speakers for my computer (sorry Henrik, but the ones I got from you almost 6 years ago, are old). I might also buy some new pants... if they have them in stock that is :P
I almost feel like that... like I'm about to waste every penny... but then.. I have earned all of those pennies, each and everyone of them. So its okay if I spend all of em... granted, I will still "waste" some of them on food. Enough to feed me the rest of the month, and maybe even longer. Who knows.
Shortly after that, I bought, and payed for some new toys... 3079 skr gone. On a new motherboard, processor and a CPU fan. Gonna be great. I am also gonna buy some new rams, but I'll take care of that later... after I bought everything else I have planed to get... like the new tools for making my own fleshtubes, the new book I've been waiting for, and some new speakers for my computer (sorry Henrik, but the ones I got from you almost 6 years ago, are old). I might also buy some new pants... if they have them in stock that is :P
I almost feel like that... like I'm about to waste every penny... but then.. I have earned all of those pennies, each and everyone of them. So its okay if I spend all of em... granted, I will still "waste" some of them on food. Enough to feed me the rest of the month, and maybe even longer. Who knows.
måndag 19 augusti 2013
Action Theme
As I said, I would provide an action screen shot... But instead of just posting a single image, of something you might not enjoy all that much, I figured I would make a collage of smaller pictures. Basicly, just a bunch of highlights from various screen shots, all taken this last run with my buddy JJ down in the nethers.
As you can see, I fight mostly a bunch of girls in togas, but dont let their tender and skin-showing appearence fool you, they are deadly warriors, amasons each and every one of them... and we killed probebly a hundred of them, me and JJ... it was a blast.
You might also see, that I only wield a "staff" in one of the images. Granted, that staff has a round saw blade on the top of it, but I also learned to use dual guns resently, so I tried that... and I got to say... its awesome. So thats what you are seeing in the rest of the "collection of murder and mayhem".
Now, I should probebly stop wrighting, and go to sleep... couse I got work tomorrow...
As you can see, I fight mostly a bunch of girls in togas, but dont let their tender and skin-showing appearence fool you, they are deadly warriors, amasons each and every one of them... and we killed probebly a hundred of them, me and JJ... it was a blast.
You might also see, that I only wield a "staff" in one of the images. Granted, that staff has a round saw blade on the top of it, but I also learned to use dual guns resently, so I tried that... and I got to say... its awesome. So thats what you are seeing in the rest of the "collection of murder and mayhem".
Now, I should probebly stop wrighting, and go to sleep... couse I got work tomorrow...
söndag 18 augusti 2013
Evil Screenie
Todays screen shot, will be of the game DC Universe Online, where I have a character known as Binary Frost... a staff wielding cyborg supervillian with magical powers of frost and ice.
Hey... its the DC world, anything goes.
Here he is, standing in Lex'cellence.. a bar for the villians of the game. There are a few of them around, this one is located in Metropolis, the home of Superman, Lex Luthor and Wonder Woman... And in Metropolis, it is always sunny (even at night), but in Gotham, its the opposite... always dark and depressing, just like the life of the main super hero, Batman... but its fun too... specially if you hang around The Joker and his goons. :)
I'll try and get a good action shot too... but that will have to wait.
Hey... its the DC world, anything goes.
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Picking up chicks at the bar. |
I'll try and get a good action shot too... but that will have to wait.
lördag 17 augusti 2013
Sneezing Humor
Think I've cought a cold... my nose itches, and runs, and clogs up. My face feels like its been filled with cement, my head is thick and pounding, and the wee strenght I do have, is spent just going to the bathroom.
On top of that, I sneeze every five minutes, the kind that either wont stop until it has made my ears bleed, or the ones that try and dislodge my eyes from their sockets. And if I have a snus under my lip... its not uncommon for that to go flying like a bat out of hell.
Fun huh? No not realy... but I want to share some fun with you anyway. Couse thats just the kind of guy I am.. I like to know that I've spread some humor around. Think I might even share some non politically correct humor just to perhaps get some lovely hate mail :)
Lets start this humor off shall we?

And now... for some inappropriate jokes ^^
Q: What do you call a black man that goes to collage?
A: A basketball player.
Q: Who was the best jewish cook?
A: Hitler
Q: How many sorority girls does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: 2, one to screw in the lightbulb, and one to take pictures of it.
Well thats it for now... tomorrow; Screen shot!
On top of that, I sneeze every five minutes, the kind that either wont stop until it has made my ears bleed, or the ones that try and dislodge my eyes from their sockets. And if I have a snus under my lip... its not uncommon for that to go flying like a bat out of hell.
Fun huh? No not realy... but I want to share some fun with you anyway. Couse thats just the kind of guy I am.. I like to know that I've spread some humor around. Think I might even share some non politically correct humor just to perhaps get some lovely hate mail :)
Lets start this humor off shall we?

And now... for some inappropriate jokes ^^
Q: What do you call a black man that goes to collage?
A: A basketball player.
Q: Who was the best jewish cook?
A: Hitler
Q: How many sorority girls does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: 2, one to screw in the lightbulb, and one to take pictures of it.
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Chinese Restuarant in Saints Row 2 |
Well thats it for now... tomorrow; Screen shot!
fredag 16 augusti 2013
End of the Week
Its early friday morning... or, as its more for me, late thursday night. But for me, its the end of the week.. the work week that is... as it always is.
Tried to get to bed early.. even stoped playing a game with my "homeboy" from the nethers at an early hour, as I was tierd.. but did I go to sleep? NOOOOO... fuck... so I instead shaved my head, took a shower and watched some Breaking Bad.
Oh you want to know what game it is? Its the free version of DC Universe Online. Superheroes and supervillians, set in the world of Superman, Catwoman, The Joker and Wonder Woman to mention a few of the bigger names. Max level is 30, out of what-ever, very few bank and inventory slots, only 2 characters and cant have more then 1500 in cash... which I get before I reach level 10... hehe... but whatever money I get beyond that, is actually saved, for when, or if, I get the premium, or legendary, version... the premium only allowes me a total of 2000 cash thou... beyond that, I dont realy know what I get... the legendary thou, gives me unlimited, shitloads of bag and inventory slots and a lot of character slots to fill... but, then I have to pay a monthly sub.... which I did for almost 7 years with World of Warcraft... probebly wont do that. Pay monthly again? Nope...
But, for now, the game is fun.. its new (for me), and my buddy is playing it too.. so when ever I play with him, its even more fun. And that counts for alot... ALOT!
Anyway... This weekend is going to be filled with dust! No, I'm not cleaning my apartment again... well a little, pick up some shit, but I am gonna make a new fleshtube, out of moose horn. Its gonna take a shitload of time.
Tried to get to bed early.. even stoped playing a game with my "homeboy" from the nethers at an early hour, as I was tierd.. but did I go to sleep? NOOOOO... fuck... so I instead shaved my head, took a shower and watched some Breaking Bad.
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But, for now, the game is fun.. its new (for me), and my buddy is playing it too.. so when ever I play with him, its even more fun. And that counts for alot... ALOT!
Anyway... This weekend is going to be filled with dust! No, I'm not cleaning my apartment again... well a little, pick up some shit, but I am gonna make a new fleshtube, out of moose horn. Its gonna take a shitload of time.
söndag 11 augusti 2013
52nd Screen Shot Edition
I counted.. I have made a total of 52 screen shot entries on this blog. More actual screen shots, but 52 entries in total. Nothing special perhaps, but its still fun to keep track. If you come up with a different number, let me know... not that I will give a rats ass, but please, do tell me :)
So this screenie, is of the game Tourchlight 2. I had been watching a TGS Podcast, where one of the "casters" talked about this mod to T2, and how it made the game 100 times better. I figured I'd try it, the game is fun, but I've completed it once already, so might aswell try a mod that might make the game even better.
The mod is called Synergy, and it did make the game 100 times better. First off, it spawns a shitload of more enemies, loads of "veteran", "hero" and named enemies. The drops are better, and they added an npc that allowes you to completetly respec your character, this wasn't possible before, only get your last 3 skill points refunded... doesn't realy help if you are level 37 and want to try a different path.
They also added a portal in the first town that allow you to enter a dungeon with several floors, where the enemies will always be close to your level, and be even more in numbers... once I actually had around 20-30 deadly fuckers on me, and 6 of them were heros and one was a named enemy (they are realy fuckin hard). I thought I was dead, but I managed to survive, and so I opened a personal portal to sell some stuff and when I poped back in... the room... wasn't empty... it was again, full of enemies.. and not the same ones.
Anyway, time to give you a screenie.
That was floor 5 I think... what is that??? Where is that?? Who lives there?
It was a fun place.. full of annoying mobs... :)
Another thing that the mod had, was new classes, 2 of them, Paladin and Warlock, was unfinished, and so, I have not tried them, but the third, Necromancer, is complete. Thats what I picked. Weak spells, but minions... I can currently summon a demon wizard, 3 small, slow, but sturdy zombies and 2 skeletons with big swords and shields. They help.
So this screenie, is of the game Tourchlight 2. I had been watching a TGS Podcast, where one of the "casters" talked about this mod to T2, and how it made the game 100 times better. I figured I'd try it, the game is fun, but I've completed it once already, so might aswell try a mod that might make the game even better.
The mod is called Synergy, and it did make the game 100 times better. First off, it spawns a shitload of more enemies, loads of "veteran", "hero" and named enemies. The drops are better, and they added an npc that allowes you to completetly respec your character, this wasn't possible before, only get your last 3 skill points refunded... doesn't realy help if you are level 37 and want to try a different path.
They also added a portal in the first town that allow you to enter a dungeon with several floors, where the enemies will always be close to your level, and be even more in numbers... once I actually had around 20-30 deadly fuckers on me, and 6 of them were heros and one was a named enemy (they are realy fuckin hard). I thought I was dead, but I managed to survive, and so I opened a personal portal to sell some stuff and when I poped back in... the room... wasn't empty... it was again, full of enemies.. and not the same ones.
Anyway, time to give you a screenie.
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Is there a floor? |
It was a fun place.. full of annoying mobs... :)
Another thing that the mod had, was new classes, 2 of them, Paladin and Warlock, was unfinished, and so, I have not tried them, but the third, Necromancer, is complete. Thats what I picked. Weak spells, but minions... I can currently summon a demon wizard, 3 small, slow, but sturdy zombies and 2 skeletons with big swords and shields. They help.
3 Stars and...
I've been watch, yet again, a video with Doctor Neil deGrasse Tyson, PhD Astrophysics. And he said something, that I just had to share with you, becouse its so fantastic and mind blowing, that it can not be said.
Most of you have probebly heard of the Hubble Telescope, if not, here's the gist of it. Its a big freakin camera/telescope in orbit around our little blue and green speck in the universe.
And this telescope is able to see so many wonderful things, and in many different ways, like near-ultraviolet and near-infrared.
This one time thou, between september 24 2003 and january 16 2004 it took 800 pictures on a small area of the sky, or space, that didn't have anything in it. Nothing. It was just black (or void as space doesn't have color).
And the image that came back contained a total of 3 stars.... and...
Besides the stars with the spikes... every single dot, swirl and disc in that image, is a galaxy. Every one of them. And each of them, are very very far away, roughly 13 million light years away. And they were formed around 400-800 million years after the big bang.
Now to take a picture like this, obviously takes a long time. And if they were to take pictures like this of the entire sky, it is estimated to take about a million years... thats: 1 000 000 years... a realy freakin long time.
I just found all this to be way to fascinating to not share with you.
You are welcome.
Most of you have probebly heard of the Hubble Telescope, if not, here's the gist of it. Its a big freakin camera/telescope in orbit around our little blue and green speck in the universe.
And this telescope is able to see so many wonderful things, and in many different ways, like near-ultraviolet and near-infrared.
This one time thou, between september 24 2003 and january 16 2004 it took 800 pictures on a small area of the sky, or space, that didn't have anything in it. Nothing. It was just black (or void as space doesn't have color).
And the image that came back contained a total of 3 stars.... and...
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The 3 stars, are the ones that look like stars. The ones with spikes on em. |
Now to take a picture like this, obviously takes a long time. And if they were to take pictures like this of the entire sky, it is estimated to take about a million years... thats: 1 000 000 years... a realy freakin long time.
I just found all this to be way to fascinating to not share with you.
You are welcome.
fredag 9 augusti 2013
K9 Guardian
This weekend, starting in roughly 23 hours, I will be watching a dog for a few of my friends... one dog... one weekend... no problem. But that damn dog is so full of energy at times, and is so strong, its gonna feel like having a juiced up wrestler in the house :P
I skiped workout at the gym tonight too, becouse it was raining as hell, and I didn't feel like showering 3 times in one night, so I'll do it tomorrow.... this means, that with the dog, I will have atleast 2 hyperactive moments with her... First time when she comes here... second time when I get home from the gym. Gonna be great.
Gonna try and film her a bit with my camera phone, mash it all together and post it on the tube. And if I do, I'll let you know.
Perhaps I'lll even add some music to it.. make a music montage of little miss Crazy Dog! Or I wont... what ever.
Until then...
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In mom's lap |
Gonna try and film her a bit with my camera phone, mash it all together and post it on the tube. And if I do, I'll let you know.
Perhaps I'lll even add some music to it.. make a music montage of little miss Crazy Dog! Or I wont... what ever.
Until then...
söndag 4 augusti 2013
Chillin Chilli
Hade a chilli day with some old and new friends last night.
Started off well with the pick up of the people, 7 in total in the damn car.
After we had gone through that "love", we started reading of the paper on how to make the "best chilli in the world"... in required the cooks, to drink a shot of tequila ever second or third step.... and well... long before the chilli was done... the two tequila bottles were empty. Good start ey?
Anyway, I thought that I would share some of the moments of this very very good event. But I wont name names... as I cant freakin remember half of them :P
It all started with the preperations, all the ingrediants, and ofcourse all the chilli, had to be placed on the table. Garlic, kumin, 4 different kinds of chilli, and last, but not least... the tequila.
The well tattooed lad, was first to pick up the gloves and cut the chilli.... later, that idiot (we love him even thou he was a moron) sucked his fingers... while having hte gloves still on. I can only imagen what sensation he was having in his mouth.
3 hours after we started, we sat down to eat our creation... everyone atleast a little drunk. But everyone was also very hungry. And I have to say, that even thou it was hot as hell... it was oh so good.
So thank you my dear friends for an evening of chilli and song and that god aweful fuckin tequila. It was a night to remember.
Started off well with the pick up of the people, 7 in total in the damn car.
After we had gone through that "love", we started reading of the paper on how to make the "best chilli in the world"... in required the cooks, to drink a shot of tequila ever second or third step.... and well... long before the chilli was done... the two tequila bottles were empty. Good start ey?
Anyway, I thought that I would share some of the moments of this very very good event. But I wont name names... as I cant freakin remember half of them :P
It all started with the preperations, all the ingrediants, and ofcourse all the chilli, had to be placed on the table. Garlic, kumin, 4 different kinds of chilli, and last, but not least... the tequila.
The well tattooed lad, was first to pick up the gloves and cut the chilli.... later, that idiot (we love him even thou he was a moron) sucked his fingers... while having hte gloves still on. I can only imagen what sensation he was having in his mouth.
By the time we started working on the other spices, and t he meat was gonna be taken out... the first bottle of tequila was empty. Now I dont know about the rest of you... but why tequila was ever invented, I just dont know. But I have to admite.... that the "golden" tequila, that was meant to be shot with a side order of orange, was a good thing... it realy helped take the edge of. So thank you Mr What-ever-your-name-was for picking that up when you went for more smokes.
The Lord of the manor, shifting the pot with all our hard, and drunken, work in it. Already there, it looks fantastic. And the smell? Oh yea... gooooooood smell.
3 hours after we started, we sat down to eat our creation... everyone atleast a little drunk. But everyone was also very hungry. And I have to say, that even thou it was hot as hell... it was oh so good.
So thank you my dear friends for an evening of chilli and song and that god aweful fuckin tequila. It was a night to remember.
Augusts First Screenie
Its sunday, I'm hungover (slightly), and its time to show you a screen shot of what ever game I am currently playing... and as I have been playing a bit of Warhammer 40k: Space Marine, thats what you are getting.
A mid fight screenie... that orc how ever.. turned out to not get his head cut off.. but I did stomp it into the ground, making it go "splat".
Its a fun game.. but I play it on easy, and still die far more then I'd like to :P
In a few hours.. I will alos put up why I'm slightly hungover.
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That Greenskin, is about to loose its head. |
Its a fun game.. but I play it on easy, and still die far more then I'd like to :P
In a few hours.. I will alos put up why I'm slightly hungover.
fredag 2 augusti 2013
Lots of New Pages
Ordered 3 new books a few days ago at a local bookstore, and the first has arrived. All books are by Anne Rice, and the one I can now pick up, is called: Claiming of Sleeping Beauty, and is the first of a trilogy... and knowing Anne Rice... I bet my left nut, its gonna be good, and possibly steaming hot too.
Right now, I cant remember the names of the other books, but one is atleast a follow up on the book titled The Wolf Gift that sits in my book shelf right now, and is about werewolves... also very good and pretty hot too :P
Beyond books thou, I got a shitload of other papers this passed tuesday, when I wrote the new contract for my job. Gonna read them this weekend, but I think I already got the basics or even detailed knowledge of what they all contain... but to be sure.. I'll skim em just incase.
In gaming news... NOTHING!!! :P
Right now, I cant remember the names of the other books, but one is atleast a follow up on the book titled The Wolf Gift that sits in my book shelf right now, and is about werewolves... also very good and pretty hot too :P
Beyond books thou, I got a shitload of other papers this passed tuesday, when I wrote the new contract for my job. Gonna read them this weekend, but I think I already got the basics or even detailed knowledge of what they all contain... but to be sure.. I'll skim em just incase.
In gaming news... NOTHING!!! :P
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