torsdag 31 januari 2013

Scan 4 Life Incomplete

I bought some stuff on monday, a whole bunch of stuff... well maybe not a bunch, but a few things... a few new pillows (that cost virtually nothing), a new showerhead that I cant install couse I cant remove the old one :P ... a bike, a few inches too small, but it was cheap, and I can use it without any difficulty.
And I also bought a new printer with a scanner.
This has lead me to be able to turn some old photos into digital photos... its awesome!!!
And to share this new found greatness, I shall give you a picture of me :)

I dont know how old I was there, but as you can probebly imagen, I wasn't very old... I think it's safe to say that it pre-dates the internet :P
The picture is taken in a yellow (duh) car somewhere in Norway.
Dont know if it was a camping trip, all thou I wouldn't be supriced at that, we did alot of that in my early years...
Come to think of it, I miss camping... need to get out into the wild some more.

Anyway, the bike!!!
Its making me dirty.
This weather is creating puddles and sluchy on the road, and the mudflap isn't really helping all that much.. my backpack is not only blue and black, but it now also includes light brown polkadots :P
These dots also shows up on the lower part of the back of my jacket ^^

Thats life thou...

And as I said, its a few inches too small... but with the amount of money I have to spend each month, it was either pay 2200 bucks for a right size bike (if the old memory works properly about that number that is), or go down 2 inches and 1200 bucks... The decision at that moment was easy... So what if I have a slightly smaller bike for a few months or even a year or two? It works! I'll get a better one later when the cash flow is better.

On the gaming front.. got some idea to pick up Guild Wars 2 again. Dont know why I stopped.. but one thing is for sure... a lot has happened since last I visited the world of Tyria.
And since I haven't played in a while.. I wanted to start from scratch (sort of, I mean I still have some gold, gathering materials, and a few skills at high lvl to help a new character along). So I made a Mesmer, a wizard/sorceress that uses manipulation, mirages, confusion and controls the enemies. Currently I have a massive two handed sword as a main weapon.. and belive it or not, but its a ranged weapon in a mesmers hands :P
I'll see if I cant get some evidence of this at some point.


söndag 27 januari 2013

Far Screenie 101!

The 101st blog post is a sunday screenie entry! Go figure :P

Gonna keep at the Far Cry 3 screenie for this one, couse its such an awesome game. Dont have an action screenie yet, couse letting one hand all of the sudden run off to push the "Prt Scr" button when you are being fired upon, is not a good idea.. but I'll work on it. Perhaps can get the button macro'd to some other button.

Anyway, this on is just a screenie of an early mission, where I use my camera to zoom in on, and pinpoint the loaction of, the pirates, and also figure out where my main targets are...

The guy with the yellow thingy over his head, is my main target... he and 2 others.
The mission tells me to not get noticed, so I cant just kill em all and get the keys from the main target to get to the radio, thats an automatic fail. So I have to lure them away by throwing rocks around, then sneak up on em, stab em with a big fuckin machete and then drag their bodies way to hide em.

Anyway.. if memory serves, I failed shortly after that screenie was taken, so I had to try again :P

Anyway... we'll see if you get more of these.. if not... oh well :)


måndag 21 januari 2013

100th Celebration

It is time to celebrate my good friends!
For this is the...

100th Blog Entry!!!

Yes folks, you read that correctly, I have to this date, made, and written one hundred blog entries. And to celebrate this "First Edition 3 Digit Blog Entry", I thought I might wright something meaningful... or funny.. or crappy...

So come along for the ride, a ride noone knows where it might end up.

My first thought of a celebration thing I could do, was to make a video of me playing a game, and doing voice over, either at the time I was playing, recording both my voice and the game in one file, or record the voice after and add it to the video.
Then upload said video to youtube, and post it here for all my fans (?) to see.
But alas, so is not the case.
For you see, I have a crappy voice (according to noone else but me), an even crappier microphone, and a computer that makes all the videos I record laggy as hell, so who would ever want to watch that shit?
So in the end, I made the decision to not torture people with that, and instead make a regular post here, like any other day of the week.

But ofcourse, its not like any other day of the week, its not like any other of the entries... is it?

No it is not, for this is the 100th entry... yes I might say that a few more times... and thus, I must celebrate it.
For you see, I never thought I would get this far. I never thought I would even get as far as 10 entries, and definitely not over 25... So reaching the 100 marker is a big deal, atleast for me.
Now granted, most of my posts have just been screen shots of games I play, once per week, or very long "facebooky" entries, with some added images I find littering the interwebz.
But you have to admit, there has been some deep thoughts here too, like my Wolves of Chaos entry way back when, and ofcourse, a shit load of gaming stuff like the Derpy Sniper entry.

I cant say that much will change on the blog after this entry... I mean, why would it, I'm happy with it.. granted, I wish more people would comment more, but I wont lose any sleep over it either. And I sometimes wish I had some deeper shit to say more often... and not just "deep" shit like the thing with the sex toys... that wasn't very deep, just a cold hard fact... ^^

Hmm speaking of commenting... lets take requests. Do YOU have anything you would like to see me adress, wright about or post screen shot of? If so, let me know, and it might not happen... see what I did there?
This is my blog, I wright what I want... all thou, if someone actually has a good idea that I like, ofcourse I'll wright about it, why wouldn't I?

One hundred... its a big number... but this isn't the only thing that I will be celebrating during the coming weeks... I will also celebrate, with my fiancée, our 2 year anniversary and a few days before that, my 35th birthday... I'm old -.-
Not to worry thou, I dont feel very old... parts of me sure, like my back, but I'll fix that with some much needed exercise... come spring time... until then, I'll just keep the body healthy with some minor weight lifting at home... got stuff for that you know.

So thats 3 different celebrations early in the year of 2013. All importaint, some less then others, but all adressed.

So what should I talk about now then?

Gaming? Movies? TV shows? Boobs? No not boobs, this is a "Safe For Work" blog after all... and if I start talking about boobs, I'm just gonna want to post a pic of a pair... cant have that now can we? If you wanna see boobs, just enter it into google... or look down if you are a girl.

But why not, lets talk about those things, all of em, from the first to the last.

Gaming first then.
I am currently playing... ummm... 5 different games. Not all at once ofcourse, that would be silly, but I do play them alternately, these are, in no particular order (but close to it) Far Cry 3, Minecraft, Metro 2033, Tourchlight 2 and Saints Row the Third. I alos play a bit of Warhammmer 40k Soulstorm when I'm bored too, but mostly just skirmish matches which never last for more then 10-15 minutes. Or I dabble with some game I never finish... like Warhammer Space Marine (posted a screenie of it before) or some Spore.

Movies! I look at them... what else is there to tell? I've seen alot of em... the latest one I've seen, all thou, it was a while back, late last year... as in 3 days before the end of the year, was The Hobbit. First thing about it... the Lord of the Rings trilogy was based of 3 books, so one movie for each book... the Hobbit is one book... so why 3 movies? But I wont complain, the movies are great, not my favorites, not by a long stretch, but they are fantasticly made, the cloths, armour, weapons, dialog, scenic views, makeup... well to the say it plainly... even if you dont like the movies, you just HAVE to appreciate them... Just wish I could get someone to get that ^^

TV shows. There are none... and by that, I mean there are no more episodes of any of my favorite shows going now!!! I miss the Sons, I miss my Dexter... I look forward to quite a few shows actually, but Sons of Anarchy and Dexter is the top 2 of em. After that, I guess it would have to be The Big Bang Theory... I'm sorry, I'm not that into The Walking Dead anymore... its just the same shit every time, and no, I'm not explaining that one.

Told you I'd post boobs
Boobs! Fine we'll talk about boobs... I like boobs. I like my fiancée's boobs. I like almost all boobs... couse they are BOOBS!!!

During the course of wrighting this entry, I have been listening to Foo Fighters... no idea how many songs have been playing by now, but I just love em to death, so I dont mind if I've heard some twise... all thou, its 54 songs in t his playlist, so I dont think I've heard any of em more then twise ;)
Might aswell talk about some music too... I like music... kind of like boobs, I like most music, some more then others, and some I just dont want to hear at all. Currently I like Foo Fighters, Rob Zombie, Slayer, Queen and Flyleaf the most. There is atleast one of these bands playing each day.

You know what?
I think I'm feed up with celebration now.
Gonna make sure some pictures are added and placed good, then call it.

Cya (on the 101st entry)

söndag 20 januari 2013

Another Screenshot Sunday

Todays screen shot comes from the Game Far Cry 3... another FPS game I figured I'd try...
And for the record, its awesome!!!

I was dissapointed... noone shot me, not even once...
This is, as previously mentioned in another entry, an open world first person shooter roll playing game... or "OWFPSRPG" for short... I realy hope that doesn't catch on...
And in this game, you play Jason Brody, a young kid, who turn out to be realy good at killing shit :)
The main story line is freakin insane, twists and turns and atleast one naked chick with paint on her nipples (that I do belive fucked the main character, aka you, while you were high and saw shit that didn't involve tits). Lots of guns, most that you can outfit with silencers, extended clips, scopes or sights or just have them repainted to what ever color you like (with restrictions thou).

Normally a game gives you access to a map from the start that is either fully revealed, or gets partly revealed as you explore. Here you have to get to radio towers, climb the bloody things and turn them on, and vóila, a section of the iland is revealed to you.
And yes, you are on a tropical iland somewhere that has old japanese WWII guns, bunkers and shit on it... but also clearly samoan folks too... so I'm guessing its located in the area around New Zeeland... or there about.

Either way... its awesome.


fredag 18 januari 2013

Why Longest Cry

The longest week is about to come about, the week between Isabelle returns to Sweden, and I finally get to have her in my arms again. Granted, its not a full week, but she gets back on saturday (tomorrow), and I wont see her until the following friday... Thats a week minus a day... or in lovers-time, just under a thousand years. ^^

Now for something completetly different, I found an image somewhere on the interwebz, that made me say pretty much the same thing as what is written at the bottom of this image... and I have to admite, I am still wondering why this is so... also, its a bit funny... and a bit NSFW (not safe for work) :P

Seriously... this is how the world works... granted, I doubt most women have a 1970s style golden vibrator in their closet, more probable its a rabbit or a power drill with an attached black dildo the size of an arm... but even so, its still okey for women to have sex toys to enhance their solo sexual moments, but when a guy is having his sexual solo time, no matter what he uses, be it a sex toy, like that fleshlight, some lubricant or just porn on the tv/computer, its fuckin perverted, wrong or he's one or all of the things mentioned in the image.
Girls, why is this? I mean it, why? I need an answer damn it!!!

In other news, I took a gamble, and got Far Cry 3... according to a site called "can you run it" I wasn't gonna be able to play it... guess they were wrong :)
For you who play some games online, or atleast keep track of games for some wierd reason, its kind of like a present day setting of Skyrim, a First Person Shooter, in an open world, where you have to create your own injection based "healing potions", craft rugsacks, wallets, ammo pouches and stuff like that.
The game starts with you, the antagonist, being on a tropical iland with your older brother, younger brother and 4 other friends. All of you get cought by pirates/bandits that pretty much control the whole iland, and let me tell you, its a big fuckin iland. You escape, but your older brother, who helped you get out, gets himself shot dead, right infront of you too... thats how the game starts, before they even tell you what the game is called... the whole opening scene is that, see some images and video of the vacation, the fact that you got into trouble, escape and see your brother die... then you have to try and locate and save the rest of the idiot young people, while both killing the bandits, help the peaceful guys in blue (bandits wear red) and hunt or stay away from the wildlife.
Haven't played alot of it yet.. but its looks like a fun game... might give you an image or two from it later... like on sunday :P


söndag 13 januari 2013

Sunday Screenie with Bonus

I've been playing alot of Tourchlight 2 the passed few days, and I thought I'd share an image of this.

My engineer is currently lvl 38 (or maybe 39, cant remember) and is in some damp forrest full of werewolves, gravediggers, undead and bloated abominations that hits like a truck.

Whack a mole!
In this screen shot, I am doing a wide hit with my two handed axe at 3-4 enemies, and killing them instantly... I pack a punch on the smaller ones.. the bigger ones thou, I might have to punch a few times ^^

As the title stated, a bonus today.

I found, through Vsauce's twitter, a map of the world, that has the names of all places (or most atleast) with the names of what they mean in english... And for the record.. I had no idea that my country, Sweden, meant "Land of the Free", in english :)

For the map, click this sentence.


torsdag 10 januari 2013

Snowy Rage

Today, I became filled with the red dust of rage!
I used my brain... a bad idea from the start I know, but I got hung up on a specific thing, that got me mad... and when your object of rage is nowhere to be found, its difficult to vent this infernal red dust.
Then later I went to the store to get some shit, and when I got home, I got a text from the post office, saying my package had arrived from the computer store, yey right? Wrong. First of all, the post office is INSIDE the bloody store, second, only one out of 3 items had arrived. The new screen.
And then, when I got home, I realized that the 2 lunchboxes I had taken out of the backpack just 30 minutes earlier, were nowhere to be found, I searched for an hour (still not found btw) before I just went totally crazy and made a shitload of noise in the kitchen while making lunch and prepearing the food for work.
About half an hour before I had to leave for work.. I got another text from the post office saying that the OTHER half of my package had arrived...
I now know that they get all their daily packages in one go... so why do I have to go there twise to pick up ONE shipment, from ONE company, that was ordered at the same time and payed for at the same time?
Are they lazy or just borderline retarded?

... after that I wanted to seriously kill someone...

I know that alot of todays anger was also due to many other things.. but at the time, I couldn't think of any.


Its snowing here again...

And when I got home and dismounted my bike...

Thats a Point OF View, of my feet right after I got of the bike... My front wheel likes to discard all the excess snow on to my legs... stupid wheel.


tisdag 8 januari 2013

Story Time Kids

Gather around kids, its time for Uncle Daniel to tell you all a little story. A story about misery, handy work, joy and more misery. I hope you'll enjoy it kids.

On new years eve, december 31st, I took my bicycle to work. To both get to work fast, but also to get home faster. The reason for wanted to get home faster was simple little children, my beautiful fiancée Isabelle was waiting eagerly for my return. So I used the bicycle to return home fast so we could spend more time in the bed, fuckin our brains out, or as it turned out, have a few drinks with friends, then go home and fuck our brains out.
But alas, about 2 kilometers away from work, on the way home, my back tire gets a flat. So it still took a long time to arrive to my home. I know kids, its a sad story of misery, I did tell you.
But I also told you that there were other things to my story didn't I? Well lets get to them aswell shall we?
This passed saturday, I made the decision to repair my bicycle, so I can use it for my travels to and from work. I got out my tools from my new shiny tool box and set to work to repair the flat tire. My hands got dirty, sweat was at my brow and before I knew it, I had a whole tire again.
I was so happy I almost wanted to jump from joy! Yes kiddies, I was so very happy!!
So today, or yesterday as its now tuesday, I proudly took my bicycle out to ride it to work.
But misery stuck its ugly head out again, and gave me yet another flat rear tire... same as before, but this time just a kilometer from my own home. To add to the misery, I was now gonna be late for work...
Oooh dont cry my little children, its okey, my boss understood and did not blame me or cures at me, for you see, my boss is a kind boss.

Well now children, that is my story for you, filled with misery, a little joy, and then some more misery.
Let this be a lesson to you little ones. For it is a reflection of life... just went you think its gonna go your way, life fucks up the ass, and just as your ass get better, it fucks you up the ass again but with a lead pipe!

Just had to get that off my chest.. no I dont think my life sucks just becouse I got a flat tire twise. It just plain sucks in general, and I think you would agree to this.



söndag 6 januari 2013

Space-y Sunday Screenie

This weeks sunday screen shot will be of a game I suck at :)
I mean it, I suck so bad at these games, FPS, First Person Shooter. Granted you see the character you play from slightly to the right of their back, as to usual when all you see are their hands, but I still call it a FPS game.
Its Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine.

Its awesome, you kill orks... by the hundreds, sometimes you stand alone (usually with 2 buddies at the back) against 10-15 at a time. Which usually means that all you see is blood, guts and the odd gleam coming of your power axe (that I have equiped in the screen shot). Beyond that, its hard to see just what the hell is going on at times!
But its bloody, its rage fueled, and its brutal. Just the way we like it.

Off with your head green skin!
When you are not in combat, all you see in the HUD is that gleaming emblem at the lower left corner... in combat thou, you also see the weapon and ammo status in the lower right corner.
In other words, no useless shit cluttering the screen, and thats always nice. You want to see a maximum of blood when you are swinging an axe against orks on a Imperial Manufactorium planet somewhere in the deep space of the 31st century...

"In the far future, there is only war."


torsdag 3 januari 2013

Death of Vows

The year of 2013 is now officially 3 days old... or well, not exactly 3 days, but we are now on day 3 of this year. This knowledge means exactly nothing, so dont get your panties in a bunch.
Did you give a new years resolution? Pledge to make something change? Promise someone that you would do something? I know alot of people say they are gonna loose weight, quit smoking or simply eat better.
Here's a secret for all those who have... Its not gonna work, not this year either. Why? Couse you told people. Yea I know, thats what fucks it up. Just trust me here, if you want to make a change, and then tell people about that change, it wont happen, couse your brain, just like mine and everyone elses, is stupid.
What happens is that when informing the general public, in other words friends and family, that you are gonna start loosing weight/quit smoking, they get happy for you (one would hope), and you get happy couse they do, and thus, your brain get the happiness it wants, making you feel like you have already accomplished your goal, making it far less likely you'll even start.
Go ahead and look it up, its a proven fact, that giving big resolutions to people, about tasks that are hard to accomplish, is even harder to make happen, after you made it official.
In conclusion, dont make any fuckin promises you wont be able to keep.
I made a simple promise... I promised I would do what ever I could, to keep breathing for the foreseeable future. Its not gonna be hard to keep that one I can tell ya. Or atleast thats what I'm hoping... But if I should fail in this promise...

Beyond promises and vows and what not, I hope this year will be better then the previous one, that something new and different happens, something perhaps I am responsible for... like say... umm... I dont know, what ever. Something good atleast.
But like in my previous post, I know bad shit is gonna happen, it always does, I just hope it wont be so bad that I forget to breath.

I'll leave you with a small gif to brighten your day.
