lördag 16 januari 2016

Frozen Water

For the people here in Sweden, I doubt it has escaped you that it has been snowing and rather cold these past few days, even weeks. But latetly, it has been realy freakin cold.
Now I'm not complaining, as I have good cloths so I stay warm. But there is a part of my body that is very difficult to protect against the cold, specially when riding my bike to work. And you know it's "bad" when you have to take off your glasses when going to or from work.

You see, I am nearsighted, so that means I see well up close, not far away, so it's okay to remove the glasses from time to time. But when riding a bike on very uneven ground, you kind of want to be able to see well. But, if I keep the glasses on, on days it's 15 to 20 below freezing, there is a large chance that my breath will be caught as condensation on the inside of my glasses, and then that condensation will freeze, making my glasses a sort of white wall of death. Can't see shit.

So when I have to take off my glasses to ride my bike six kilometers to and from work... I know it's cold.
On the up side thou, when I do take off my glasses, I can put my scarf up higher, and keep my nose warm, and not having to bother with removing ice from my mustasch... always a plus.

It seems that this cold, is gonna be with us for a while too... so I guess it's just time to "man" up and go with it. That, or fill up my buscard and just take the bus to work every day :P


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