So I'm working on my aquarium here at home, and so far, I've only added a few essentials to it. Like gravel and water. Also a pump and a thermometer is hanging on the inside of the glass.
Sometime during next week, I'll try and get some plants in as well so it will stop being so extremely boring to look at... cause right now, it's just a tank of water being lit up by a lamp. Bit boring... or what do you think?
It's boring right? The small stuff next to it, the rocks, will be added to the tank after the plants have gone in. I actually had a sweet thing I wanted to add, a bit of left over slag in a beautiful iceblue colour... but it seems that would be a bad idea, as I found after I had washed it off (it was dusty), and I had blue water in my hand. Don't think that would be good to put in the water.
We'll see if I get some skull or sunken ship or just a rock formation down there too for the future fishies to play hide and seek in. I highly doubt that the coffeé shop extravaganza this weekend, will see any fish, but they will see some goddamn plants!
If I had time today, I would get it today... but my fridge is rather empty, so got to deal with that small issue first.
Well that is going to be it for this sunday... a small hobby thing instead of gaming.
My life, with everything that entails. Toughts, ideas, games... what ever I feel like writing.
söndag 31 januari 2016
måndag 25 januari 2016
Emotional Gaming
A while and a bit ago, I started a new girl in Fallout 4, and this time, I went another way of completing the main story line. This time around I went with the Brotherhood of Steel. And boy oh boy was it different... it actually made me feel bad and slightly confused and somewhat guilty.
When I finished the game on The Institutes side, it was fine. I got to go up against the biggest, baddest army in all of the Wasteland. I got to fight for the side of my family, even thou my son was older than me and dying of old age.
But this time... I destroyed The Institute... and my son along of with.
I hope I never have to make a choice like that in real life.
Anyway, here are some pictures about the last trip where I felt like the worst mother in history.
When I finished the game on The Institutes side, it was fine. I got to go up against the biggest, baddest army in all of the Wasteland. I got to fight for the side of my family, even thou my son was older than me and dying of old age.
But this time... I destroyed The Institute... and my son along of with.
I hope I never have to make a choice like that in real life.
Anyway, here are some pictures about the last trip where I felt like the worst mother in history.
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Follow the Big Guy to destruction and victory! |
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The last of the Institute is under that cloud of death and fire. |
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I got my son back? But he was old... so what IS this? |
fredag 22 januari 2016
Coffee Shop
That is what my home will be in a few weeks. A coffeé shop.
I'll be celebrating my 38th birthday, but instead of having a party in the usual sense, I'm just gonna have an "open door" for people to come by and have a cup of coffeé or tea or something with a few biscuits and buns and what not.
So today, I'll be baking some. It's 2 weeks left to the "fika" (as we call it in sweden), but the things I'm going to bake, can all be frozen, and then just taken out the day before to thaw, and it's fuckin perfect.
For 5 hours (or more if people wish to stay) I'mm be the dude who is celebrated, and also filling peoples cups and giving them free sweets :P
Gonna be great.
I'll be celebrating my 38th birthday, but instead of having a party in the usual sense, I'm just gonna have an "open door" for people to come by and have a cup of coffeé or tea or something with a few biscuits and buns and what not.
So today, I'll be baking some. It's 2 weeks left to the "fika" (as we call it in sweden), but the things I'm going to bake, can all be frozen, and then just taken out the day before to thaw, and it's fuckin perfect.
For 5 hours (or more if people wish to stay) I'mm be the dude who is celebrated, and also filling peoples cups and giving them free sweets :P
Gonna be great.
måndag 18 januari 2016
Hobby No game
As I haven't done a sunday edition on the blog, due to a lack of gameplay. I thought that perhaps I could share something else instead on this late Monday evening.
It's about my writting. This next thing I'm writting, is a SciFi story set in the past, about 1200 years in the past. Now, it is written in Swedish, so I won't be sharing anything written with you. But I thought that perhaps I could share some thoughts about my limited experience about it all.
First of all, the world I am creating, is vast. Far larger than anything I've ever even concived of before. Planets, races, organizations, religions and not to mention... people. I have very few main characters, but far more than my last book, which revolved around 2 girls, and that was pretty much it. Now I have 6 or 7 main characters, and a whole slew of side characters. And one of the toughest things is to keep them as themselves.
What I means is, I can't let one characters personality bleed into anothers, and that is some times harder than it sounds. At the same time, I can't forget a character as well. Currently, in where I am in the story, I have a total of 17 characters to keep track of, and more is on the way, and I don't want too many of them to end up in the shadows, so I have to keep at the very least, a notion of who they are, so when I have them speak or act, they need to do so according to character I have imagened them to be.
This is one of the biggest things I have ever undertaken. A massive project... and worse is, I don't even know the whole story yet, just the basic one... I have far more ideas for the following 2 books' storyline that will take place in the same world, just later.
Anyway, as I have no gaming news for you, this is it. I hope you enjoyed it a little... at least.
It's about my writting. This next thing I'm writting, is a SciFi story set in the past, about 1200 years in the past. Now, it is written in Swedish, so I won't be sharing anything written with you. But I thought that perhaps I could share some thoughts about my limited experience about it all.
First of all, the world I am creating, is vast. Far larger than anything I've ever even concived of before. Planets, races, organizations, religions and not to mention... people. I have very few main characters, but far more than my last book, which revolved around 2 girls, and that was pretty much it. Now I have 6 or 7 main characters, and a whole slew of side characters. And one of the toughest things is to keep them as themselves.
What I means is, I can't let one characters personality bleed into anothers, and that is some times harder than it sounds. At the same time, I can't forget a character as well. Currently, in where I am in the story, I have a total of 17 characters to keep track of, and more is on the way, and I don't want too many of them to end up in the shadows, so I have to keep at the very least, a notion of who they are, so when I have them speak or act, they need to do so according to character I have imagened them to be.
This is one of the biggest things I have ever undertaken. A massive project... and worse is, I don't even know the whole story yet, just the basic one... I have far more ideas for the following 2 books' storyline that will take place in the same world, just later.
Anyway, as I have no gaming news for you, this is it. I hope you enjoyed it a little... at least.
lördag 16 januari 2016
Frozen Water
For the people here in Sweden, I doubt it has escaped you that it has been snowing and rather cold these past few days, even weeks. But latetly, it has been realy freakin cold.
Now I'm not complaining, as I have good cloths so I stay warm. But there is a part of my body that is very difficult to protect against the cold, specially when riding my bike to work. And you know it's "bad" when you have to take off your glasses when going to or from work.
You see, I am nearsighted, so that means I see well up close, not far away, so it's okay to remove the glasses from time to time. But when riding a bike on very uneven ground, you kind of want to be able to see well. But, if I keep the glasses on, on days it's 15 to 20 below freezing, there is a large chance that my breath will be caught as condensation on the inside of my glasses, and then that condensation will freeze, making my glasses a sort of white wall of death. Can't see shit.
So when I have to take off my glasses to ride my bike six kilometers to and from work... I know it's cold.
On the up side thou, when I do take off my glasses, I can put my scarf up higher, and keep my nose warm, and not having to bother with removing ice from my mustasch... always a plus.
It seems that this cold, is gonna be with us for a while too... so I guess it's just time to "man" up and go with it. That, or fill up my buscard and just take the bus to work every day :P
Now I'm not complaining, as I have good cloths so I stay warm. But there is a part of my body that is very difficult to protect against the cold, specially when riding my bike to work. And you know it's "bad" when you have to take off your glasses when going to or from work.

So when I have to take off my glasses to ride my bike six kilometers to and from work... I know it's cold.
On the up side thou, when I do take off my glasses, I can put my scarf up higher, and keep my nose warm, and not having to bother with removing ice from my mustasch... always a plus.
It seems that this cold, is gonna be with us for a while too... so I guess it's just time to "man" up and go with it. That, or fill up my buscard and just take the bus to work every day :P
söndag 10 januari 2016
21 Endings
So that's it... I've made a total of 21 episodes of my playthrough in Fallout 4. The whole journey, recorded for the masses to enjoy, is at an end... atleast one side of the story, as you can end the story in more than one way. Another way, is the way I will be doing it this time, but on Survival Difficulty, and without recording it.
Have been playing on Survival for awhile now.. and boy oh boy... I have never died so many times, it almost silly. Basically, the rule is, don't engage Super Mutants and for the love of the gods don't even look at Deathclaws!
Anyway, I have recorded and uploaded the final 2 parts, Part 20 and Part 21. Happy viewing!
And for those that are allergic to YouTube, hopefully, you can watch pictures :)
Have been playing on Survival for awhile now.. and boy oh boy... I have never died so many times, it almost silly. Basically, the rule is, don't engage Super Mutants and for the love of the gods don't even look at Deathclaws!
Anyway, I have recorded and uploaded the final 2 parts, Part 20 and Part 21. Happy viewing!
And for those that are allergic to YouTube, hopefully, you can watch pictures :)
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No wonder this bus crashed... |
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These pranks at school is getting rather rough. |
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Now this is my kind of Christmas Tree! Too bad the holidays are over huh? :P |
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Guessing they had some issues when the bombs fell. |
tisdag 5 januari 2016
Strange Ideas
Picture this, your iPod, Spotify or the likes, all of the sudden refused to play your music, and only played something else, cause it didn't like your music.
Imagen that your computer liked another kind of music than you.
Say you go out to buy a new computer, and besides having to worry about how much RAM it has, HDD space, graphics card and what version of Windows is on it, now you also have to worry about what music it likes.
"I only have this much money to buy a computer, and all I can get, is a computer that likes showtunes and hiphop."
Imagen having to pick and choose what TV to buy, so that it likes the same kind of TV shows and movies you like. Would be stupid if you like superhero shows but the TV only lets you watch romantic comedies and shows about loosing weight.
Blue Ray players that won't play a single movie unless it has some obscure B-moviestar in it.
You'll walk in to a room and flip the switch, but the lights won't turn on, cause the lightbulb has a headache and don't want to wake up.
You'd move out to the woods and live a life like the folks did a thousand years ago... but you would have to walk, cause the car don't want to get it's wheels dirty, and you once said it had a bad colour.
Artificial Intelligence at it's worst.
Imagen that your computer liked another kind of music than you.
Say you go out to buy a new computer, and besides having to worry about how much RAM it has, HDD space, graphics card and what version of Windows is on it, now you also have to worry about what music it likes.
"I only have this much money to buy a computer, and all I can get, is a computer that likes showtunes and hiphop."
Imagen having to pick and choose what TV to buy, so that it likes the same kind of TV shows and movies you like. Would be stupid if you like superhero shows but the TV only lets you watch romantic comedies and shows about loosing weight.
Blue Ray players that won't play a single movie unless it has some obscure B-moviestar in it.
You'll walk in to a room and flip the switch, but the lights won't turn on, cause the lightbulb has a headache and don't want to wake up.
You'd move out to the woods and live a life like the folks did a thousand years ago... but you would have to walk, cause the car don't want to get it's wheels dirty, and you once said it had a bad colour.
Artificial Intelligence at it's worst.
söndag 3 januari 2016
Soulstorm Institute
Time for some gaming stuff!!! During the week, I've uploaded yet another 2 episodes in my Fallout 4 play, episode 18 and 19. And they are there on youtube for your veiwing pleasure... if you enjoy that sort of stuff that is, if not, I'll give you a treat of other stuff in a minute.
Here's Episode 18, followed by 19.
I think it's safe to say, that I have sided with the "Commonwealth Boogeymen". Everyone is terrified of the Institute, but I decided to go with them. Next playthrough, that you won't see, I'll go with the Brotherhood, just to see that side of the story too.
But for all of you who don't give a shit about my videos, here are some screen shots... but not of Fallout 4, but Dawn of War: Soulstorm, modded.
Yes, there is a mod for Soulstorm. It adds more armies, more soldiers and machines and even titans (which are super heavy machines of weapons aimed to destroy whole worlds basically).
Anyway, some ofthe new armies are Tyranids, an alien race all about biology and the consumption of worlds, Chaos Deamons, a seperate part of the whole Chaos thing.
Anyway, here are some screenies of that.
Well that's it for this sunday...
Here's Episode 18, followed by 19.
I think it's safe to say, that I have sided with the "Commonwealth Boogeymen". Everyone is terrified of the Institute, but I decided to go with them. Next playthrough, that you won't see, I'll go with the Brotherhood, just to see that side of the story too.
But for all of you who don't give a shit about my videos, here are some screen shots... but not of Fallout 4, but Dawn of War: Soulstorm, modded.
Yes, there is a mod for Soulstorm. It adds more armies, more soldiers and machines and even titans (which are super heavy machines of weapons aimed to destroy whole worlds basically).
Anyway, some ofthe new armies are Tyranids, an alien race all about biology and the consumption of worlds, Chaos Deamons, a seperate part of the whole Chaos thing.
Anyway, here are some screenies of that.
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Dark Eldar has some serious firepower now. |
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A greater deamon in the armies of the Chaos Deamons. |
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A Chaos Deamon Titan, a flying biomechanical dragon that took out half a map. |
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A Tau titan with one of the biggest freakin guns I've ever seen. |
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