I picked up Skyrim again, closing in on 1100 hours already. But the important change I've done to the game, is added a mod that changes the lighting.
Now you might think that such a mod would be useless... and in the long run, it is. But when it comes to realism, depth and the pure feeling of the game, it makes all the difference.
Here are some examples.
The Great Hall of the Jarl of Whiterun |
With the mod, this hall is now lighted by the actual light sources, like candles, brazers and ofcourse, the giant firepit in the middle. And it does look good doesn't? (no I won't give you any pictures of what it looks like without the mod)
My bedroom in Breezehome, Whiterun. |
The bedroom of my house in Whiterun (after a mod, as the home looks like shit otherwise), gets alot of its light sources from the holes in the ceiling. Now I can repair the holes, but right now, I like the light it gives.
The first Word you learn is here (if you stick with the main story line that is). |
Not alot of light sources in that cave. And it looks fuckin fantastic!!
I can't believe I never used a mod like this before... I've played 1000 hours without a lighting mod, and I don't get why? It's obviously a fantastic mod right?
But having this mod, also causes you to have some issues... like in caves and dungeons. They are poorly lit, and here is an example of that.
What I see without the use of a torch or other light source. |
What I see with a torch. Spot the difference? |
And if you are wondering what those three little things down in the right corner are, it's a mod that makes so I could actually die if I don't eat, drink and sleep. They start off green, then yellow and end at red... if I let them be red for too long, I die of thirst or hunger, I can't die from sleep deprivation, but I will have a rought time fighting as both my health, magicka and stamina goes lower, and thus, I can't fight as well.
Makes it a bit more challenging, and a good reason to actually hunt, gather food and cook meals.
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