tisdag 21 juli 2015

Stupid Woman about Women

This is going to be a slightly angry post… you have been warned!

I learned something the other day, that made me “blow my top”, some fucktard named Elizabeth Harper, wrote a long thing about the upcoming movie Warcraft, based on the games by the same name.

She is saying, that the movie has a problem with women. That it will be just as sexist and lacking of women as the game World of Warcraft is.
First, the movie hasn't even come out yet. There has only been a teaser trailer for it, and not everyone has been granted the opportunity to see it yet (it comes out in November world wide), and a trailer, can only show so much. She even points this out.

She also goes on to say, that WoW (World of Warcraft), has long been a sexist game, and that women is left out and that there are only a handful of prominent women in it, but that they are always left behind, less important and just generally not allowed to be a part of the game world.
She has apparently played WoW for many years, and as I have as well, I would like to say this: What the hell did you play?

Cause when I played WoW, I was amazed at the number of powerful women in the game, powerful, prominent, important and leading women. Anywhere from leaders, warriors, wizards to common folk, there were women to act as main story tellers, story characters and main protagonists.
Off the top of my head, Iridi (leading woman in a novel I'm currently reading, thus she came first), Valeera Sanguinar, Sylvanas Windrunner, Alleria Windrunner, Vereesa Windrunner (the Windrunners produced some serious kickass women), Jaina Proudmoore, Draka, Magatha Grimtotem, Alexstrasza the Life-Binder, Ysera, Maiev Shadowsong… well you get the idea, there are a lot of women in that world.

And just to be clear, when playing the game, if you pick a female character (something I often did) one thing that you'd notice, if you payed attention, is that the games NPC's (non-playing characters) didn't see you as a male of female person. The only thing I noticed, were some character that sometimes were amazed, that a specific race could do what you, as the player, had just done, and I should mention, not in a racist way, but more in a way that had the NPC realize that he/she had been wrong in his/hers assumptions.
Whether you were a man or woman, they never gave a flying fuck about.
So the sexism that Harper felt in the game, I wonder, if that was not just bad players she came across, and then felt as if it was the game itself.

“We've put together these pieces from the limited information about the movie that's available to us. We've seen little in the film to suggest what the finished product will be like, and that's part of the problem.”

She actually wrote that! She actually admitted that the information she had been given through a trailer, was not enough to actually know if the movie was going to be sexist or not, if the movie was going to shun women or not.
So why the fuck did she even bother to complain about something she really doesn't know jack shit about?

I really hate people that does this. It just seems that everyone, specially feminists, are just looking for excuses to banter and complain on things without first acquiring all the information.

So to Elizabeth Harper, I say this, as a final thing about the subject (feel free to talk to me about this later if you like).
Elizabeth… Fuck off!!!


Another thing that made me a little cross, was a study that had been made in the USA (not that I know why I should care what goes on over there, but still), where they spent 3,2 million dollar of tax payer money, to figure out, that one third of lesbian women were obese. They found this to be a problem, but that they didn't care about the fact that half of the straight women were obese. Half. So just because 33% of a minority of women is obese, we should care more, than that 50% of the majority of women is obese.

I just found that study to be a waste of money.


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