söndag 19 juli 2015

Infested Hotel

Was running around in the ruins of Washington DC when I found a metro station, walked down it, and then it too me 2 hours before I saw daylight again.
That was one massive underground area, and when I did see daylight, it was from a bombed out apartment, 3 floors up!
A crane or tower or something made it possible for me to walk over to a different house, that was a damn hotel filled to the brim with super mutants!

So I took out my trusted hunting rifle, and blasted them!

And with Dogmeat at my side (yes, that's actually his name, the dog there), how could I possibly fail?

Found the hotel's local watering hole too.. had a Super Mutant Master in it, with a minigun... but the idiot was no "mastermind", cause he stood behind the counters there in the middle, and shot the counter full of lead instead of me... so i picked him off rather easily.

Once I was out again thou... I figured I might want to go to the movies soon...

Anyone seen any of these? Which one would you recommend?


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