Today, started off good. Got up, had some breakfast and enjoyed my vacation.
At around 1 o'clock, I went by a friends place to make sure his two little cute smiling reptiles had fresh water, and on the way home, I figured, that since the day was so beautiful and warm, I'd go out on my inlines for a roll after lunch.
I had lunch, but before I would go out skating, I had to go to a sports store and return an item I had bought yesterday, it didn't work with me, so I wanted the 12 euros back (or what ever they cost).
But on my way back from that shop, I noticed that the wind was moving a shitload of dark clouds along with it.
Clouds that I could see were pouring out rain.
I had to stop by a food store on my way home, but since I only wanted one item, and they have automated things there, little "guns" to help with shopping, I figured I'd be done and home before the rain would show up.
Boy was I wrong!
When I was leaving the shop, a massive torrent of water was coming down.
At first, I stayed inside the shop, hoping to wait it out, along with some others too. One girl, wearing typical summer cloths, short pants, small top that made her massive boobs almost pop out if she had had the hiccups, was caught in it completetly, and were standing next to me with her hair dripping.
All I could think, was "at least you have a car, I used my bicycle to get here."
No worries, I was still in a very good mood and talked with her for a moment until the rain let up a bit and she ran out to the car.
Once the rain "looked" like it was just a drizzle, I went out too, unlocked the bike, got on and before I was even out of the parking lot, I was wet from head to toe, and could barely see out of my glasses.
When I finally came home, 5 minutes later, I took off my cloths, ALL of them, and hung em up to dry. I kid you not, I could rinse out water from the legs of my pants.
But now I am in my kilt, new socks and a dry shirt.
Also, there was lightning and thunder too, that seem to have knocked out my computer. I had to restart it when I got in, and it told me that it "had been turned off wrong".
But no great loss, it's all fine.
Good day in other words :)
Oh yea, Gothenburg was hit by something unusual yesterday... a damn earthquake! We don't get those alot. Well, we do get them, but they are rarely big, and noone ever gets hurt, and our houses are always fine.
My father lives in Gothenburg, and he reports, that one cat went apeshit, the other 2, couldn't care less.
My life, with everything that entails. Toughts, ideas, games... what ever I feel like writing.
torsdag 30 juli 2015
söndag 26 juli 2015
Saint Material
Was playing a bit of Saints Row III, when this happened.
My job, was to go to a specific point, and drive a prostitute around with a client, while they do... what ever, in the backseat. I was going to drive, keep the IRS (for some reason) off our backs, and also do some wierd shit to further excite the client.
But looking at the above image, does it look like I'm driving? Does it look like I'm even in a car? No? Well that's cause I fell through the earth, and tried to skydive to the center of the planet.
I restarted the "activity", and found myself in a car, thankfully, and could proceed to evade, crash and make a nuisance of myself while some woman in the backseat got her "twinkle-cave" played with by some pleasure girl.
We were in other words three women in the car, all enjoying some kind of fun for a few minutes.
Good times.
But, I've played Saints Row 3 already. I've completed it two or three times. Haven't completed all the extra jobs, not stolen all the extra cars or assassinated all the targets in my "Saints Phone"... but it's still boring. Kind of...
So I am currently downloading and installing the latest purchase of mine, Saints Row IV: Game of the Century Edition. Appearently saved 51,77 euro on that purchase... all thou, in reality, I just spent 29,99 euro. Didn't save shit! (unless I had actual plans earlier, to buy the game and all the little DLC's individually ofc, which I didn't).
My job, was to go to a specific point, and drive a prostitute around with a client, while they do... what ever, in the backseat. I was going to drive, keep the IRS (for some reason) off our backs, and also do some wierd shit to further excite the client.
But looking at the above image, does it look like I'm driving? Does it look like I'm even in a car? No? Well that's cause I fell through the earth, and tried to skydive to the center of the planet.
I restarted the "activity", and found myself in a car, thankfully, and could proceed to evade, crash and make a nuisance of myself while some woman in the backseat got her "twinkle-cave" played with by some pleasure girl.
We were in other words three women in the car, all enjoying some kind of fun for a few minutes.
Good times.
But, I've played Saints Row 3 already. I've completed it two or three times. Haven't completed all the extra jobs, not stolen all the extra cars or assassinated all the targets in my "Saints Phone"... but it's still boring. Kind of...
So I am currently downloading and installing the latest purchase of mine, Saints Row IV: Game of the Century Edition. Appearently saved 51,77 euro on that purchase... all thou, in reality, I just spent 29,99 euro. Didn't save shit! (unless I had actual plans earlier, to buy the game and all the little DLC's individually ofc, which I didn't).
tisdag 21 juli 2015
Stupid Woman about Women
This is going to be
a slightly angry post… you have been warned!
I learned something
the other day, that made me “blow my top”, some fucktard named
Elizabeth Harper, wrote a long thing about the upcoming movie
Warcraft, based on the games by the same name.

First, the movie
hasn't even come out yet. There has only been a teaser trailer for
it, and not everyone has been granted the opportunity to see it yet
(it comes out in November world wide), and a trailer, can only show
so much. She even points this out.
She also goes on to
say, that WoW (World of Warcraft), has long been a sexist game, and
that women is left out and that there are only a handful of prominent
women in it, but that they are always left behind, less important and
just generally not allowed to be a part of the game world.
She has apparently
played WoW for many years, and as I have as well, I would like to say
this: What the hell did you play?

Off the top of my
head, Iridi (leading woman in a novel I'm currently reading, thus she
came first), Valeera Sanguinar, Sylvanas Windrunner, Alleria
Windrunner, Vereesa Windrunner (the Windrunners produced some serious
kickass women), Jaina Proudmoore, Draka, Magatha Grimtotem,
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder, Ysera, Maiev Shadowsong… well you get
the idea, there are a lot of women in that world.
And just to be
clear, when playing the game, if you pick a female character
(something I often did) one thing that you'd notice, if you payed
attention, is that the games NPC's (non-playing characters) didn't
see you as a male of female person. The only thing I noticed, were
some character that sometimes were amazed, that a specific race could
do what you, as the player, had just done, and I should mention, not
in a racist way, but more in a way that had the NPC realize that
he/she had been wrong in his/hers assumptions.
Whether you were a
man or woman, they never gave a flying fuck about.
So the sexism that
Harper felt in the game, I wonder, if that was not just bad players
she came across, and then felt as if it was the game itself.

She actually wrote
that! She actually admitted that the information she had been given
through a trailer, was not enough to actually know if the movie was
going to be sexist or not, if the movie was going to shun women or
So why the fuck did
she even bother to complain about something she really doesn't know
jack shit about?
I really hate people
that does this. It just seems that everyone, specially feminists, are
just looking for excuses to banter and complain on things without
first acquiring all the information.
So to Elizabeth
Harper, I say this, as a final thing about the subject (feel free to
talk to me about this later if you like).
Elizabeth… Fuck
Another thing that
made me a little cross, was a study that had been made in the USA
(not that I know why I should care what goes on over there, but
still), where they spent 3,2 million dollar of tax payer money, to
figure out, that one third of lesbian women were obese. They found
this to be a problem, but that they didn't care about the fact that
half of the straight women were obese. Half. So just because 33% of a
minority of women is obese, we should care more, than that 50% of the
majority of women is obese.
I just found that
study to be a waste of money.
söndag 19 juli 2015
Infested Hotel
Was running around in the ruins of Washington DC when I found a metro station, walked down it, and then it too me 2 hours before I saw daylight again.
That was one massive underground area, and when I did see daylight, it was from a bombed out apartment, 3 floors up!
A crane or tower or something made it possible for me to walk over to a different house, that was a damn hotel filled to the brim with super mutants!
So I took out my trusted hunting rifle, and blasted them!
And with Dogmeat at my side (yes, that's actually his name, the dog there), how could I possibly fail?
Found the hotel's local watering hole too.. had a Super Mutant Master in it, with a minigun... but the idiot was no "mastermind", cause he stood behind the counters there in the middle, and shot the counter full of lead instead of me... so i picked him off rather easily.
Once I was out again thou... I figured I might want to go to the movies soon...
Anyone seen any of these? Which one would you recommend?
That was one massive underground area, and when I did see daylight, it was from a bombed out apartment, 3 floors up!
A crane or tower or something made it possible for me to walk over to a different house, that was a damn hotel filled to the brim with super mutants!
So I took out my trusted hunting rifle, and blasted them!
And with Dogmeat at my side (yes, that's actually his name, the dog there), how could I possibly fail?
Found the hotel's local watering hole too.. had a Super Mutant Master in it, with a minigun... but the idiot was no "mastermind", cause he stood behind the counters there in the middle, and shot the counter full of lead instead of me... so i picked him off rather easily.
Once I was out again thou... I figured I might want to go to the movies soon...
Anyone seen any of these? Which one would you recommend?
måndag 13 juli 2015
Pittsburg Slavery
Another DLC in Fallout 3 completed, The Pitt.
So I find a radio signal deep in the wasteland, and follow it to the very northern parts of the map. There, a dude shows up, hunted by slavers, and he begs me for help freeing a whole slew of other slaves.
Being a nice guy and all, I say yes (or the quest would have ended there), and have to go to some camp, buy 3 slaves, get a slave outfit, and with the help of the first guy, get in to Pittsburg, aka The Pitt.
The bridge over the river to the city, reminded me of something thou...
It reminded me of the old movie Escape from New York. Where the bridge is lined with crashed and rusted cars, and there are mines all over the place.
Anyway, I make my way across to find a slave woman and ask her what needs to be done to free the slaves, and also, steal the very cure for radiation from the big boss man.
To gain the trust of the slavers, and be allowed to see the big guy, I had to do work in The Mill and then fight in an arena... now in the arena, if the other fighters didn't kill you, the ever increasing radiation would.
But once I had won 3 matches, I was allowed to go to the boss man's house.. and I do believe he thinks a bit too highly of himself :P
To shorten this... already short... story, I steal a kid, who has a natural immunity to radiation, kill the big guy (steal his power armor) and save the day!
Then I went back to the wasteland of Washington DC.
I haven't played anywhere near as much as I'd like too, for two reasons, I've haven't had time, and I would much rather play Fallout 4 that will come in a million gazillion years (or so it feels).
söndag 5 juli 2015
Post Apocalyptic Aliens
Fallout!!! The Third installment, is installed. And you are about to see some of it!
Aren't you just as happy as I am?
That doesn't look like the wasteland of Washington DC to me... where the hell am I?
Oh that's right, I was kidnapped by aliens, and I am now trying to take over the spaceship to get back to the shitty planet you see above. Earth sure has seen better days.
I wonder if that is expensive...? :P
Yey, I found a spacesuit! Time to go outside and find a way in to the cockpit of this thing.
Had to repair some consoles to open the traktorbeam that would take me up to the ships "master part" or what ever.
And wouldn't you know it? Another ship came along after I killed the captain, and tried to shoot me down. Bastards.
They failed... I did not.
Then I left, off to new adventures, with my pockets full of alien weapons, ammo and jewels.
Like I said last time, I was given the Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition, and that means, all the DLC's, and being taken to a spaceship and kill aliens that wants to probe your... anus?... is just one of the DLC's.
But it was a good one. Realy good.
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