A politician from one of the "blue" parties, has said that this 'social problem' is one of the more serious ones when it comes to paraphilias... or in more understandable words, different sexual orientation. That a specific part of the population, is suffering due to them, and that we need to help them as soon as possible to make sure they can live happily with their orientation, their needs or what have you.
This problem, is best solved with tax payer money, 100 000 skr for the organization that will be hired to teach specific people, so that this problem can to be fixed. (not included logistics and such for the people in the orginazation that will do the work)
Okay, fine... lets do that. We should always solve issues like these for the people that are suffering due to their sexual orientation, as we, as a people (in general atleast) are perfectly fine with what ever sexual preferences you have, heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, asexual, transgender or bipolar... wait, not the last thing. So ofcourse we should do what ever we can to end this suffering!!
So where are these inhuman sufferings being conducted? Where can we use our goodwill to save these people from oppression and pain?
Schools? Work areas? Hospitals?
None of those?
Okay, well are they suffering in train stations? Or supermarkets? Or perhaps the church?
None of those either huh?
Well then where is the need to wright this wrong?
Retirement homes? You mean where the elderly live when they are unable to properly take care of themselves? A place where they can feel security and not have to worry about laying dead on the floor for weeks on end without being found or where they are sure to be reminded to take their pills?
Those places?
Yes? ... Okay... umm... what?
How is this a social problem? Can anyone tell me? Why do the elderly, in modern Sweden, need to have their staff, that are working in the retirment homes, to be taught how to tell the elderly, that its okay if you like penis or vagina or both?

I can almost swear too, that most old people dont give a flying fuck about sex either! And those that do, and want to have sex, usually have the balls to ask for aid, or find out for themselves!
I can not belive that this is a social issue! I just cant!
So please Mr Stupidpolitian. Show us evidence that this social problem actually do exist first, in such an extent, that it requires a "hbt-certificate" that last for 3 years, going to cost a minimum of 100 000 skr, before you actually cough up the money.
And if it realy is such a big issue, then why doesn't it fall under medical care or the likes, but have to be directly paid for, by the tax payers? (yes the tax payers pay for medical too, but ffs, use the medical money you get of taxes first, then dip into what ever taxes are left after the state has filled its belly)
Anyone agree? Anyone that does belive this is an issue that needs to be solved right now? Or do more then just me see the idiocy in it?
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