fredag 30 maj 2014


Thought I'd drop a few lines before I go out and get hammered at a friends place. In other words, have a few beers with a few good friends, and then being able to walk home if needed. I dont get hammered anymore, its not as fun as it seems to have been in my eariler years.
This also means, that if I do drink say, 5-6 beers (class 3 that is, the kind you get at the pub), I'm gone! I'll be so wasted, I'll hardly be able to lift my own head, let alone walk anywhere :P

I thought I'd wright a little about something that is a big thing here in Sweden, gender genus, or gender equality.
Many seem to think, that this is a thing about making everything not only equal, that say woman and men should get the same pay for the same job, or that both man and woman in a parent situation should get equal amount of parent leave.
No what they are screaming about, is that the genders dont realy exist. At least this is what I've understood.
They want to teach kids to be both girls and boy at the same time. Even thou both men and women, little girl and boy, continuously prove it all wrong.
I saw a show on TV a while back, about this thing, and they interviewed a single mom I think, well, she was a mom anyway, no idea if there was a guy around too.
She said that she was teaching her son to become a "hen" or in english, he/she him/her... hem? Hir? What ever.
She told the TV reporter, that she made sure that the boy had both "male" and "female" toys and cloths, and that "hen" then could chose what ever he wanted to play with or dress like.
Now this is a nice thought, dont get me wrong. If a boy wants to play with police cars while wearing a dress, then more power to him. But what I saw in the interview, was a sad and misguided woman, that tried desperatly to prove a point, that didn't even work on her own son.
She admited that the boy never played with the girl toys, never wanted to wear a skirt of dress, and always asked for the t-shirt with the cool monsters on them. That his favorite toys where the cars and action figures.
Yet she tried to make it all seem like he was the next generation of "hen's", the next generation of gender neutral people.

Beard and tatoos? *faint*
When ever I see these things, I cant help but look at the various researches that has been done, as well as my own observations.
When the movement of this gender genus thing started, it was naturally started by femenists, if you say that is not true, then you are just lying to yourself, and the world looked like it always had.
But from my own observation alone, I have come to the conclussion, that men and women, dont really want gender neutrality.
First of all, more and more men around the country, is now sporting beards, me included (all thou I've wanted one since I was 15), and even the woman, those I know atleast, who are for the gender neutrality or gender genus, are all drawn to men with beards.
And I think it's rather well known, that a beard, is really REALLY manly. A man become so much more of a man, when he has facial hair. A beard is sexy, manly and shows strenght.
If you dont agree, then fuck off, couse its been proven for the past 10 000 years.

So what made me want to wright this? Well I saw something in the new gym I go to these days, the same company, just a new, closer location. And I noticed something that they have, that I've never seen before, that made me think; "These guys know what men and women are."
And its as simple as a door.
When going in to the mens locker room, you round 2 corners, and you are there. No doors, so if you want to see naked man butts and some flacid penises, all you have to do, is lean in, and BAM! you got penises.
But to the womens locker room, the first corner is blocked by a door, with a handle, so you cant peek in.
Now before you start calling me a pervert for noticing or what ever, allow me to explain why this is so interesting, and "non gender genus-ist".
Now I haven't asked any men or women about this, but I think, that the number I am about to present, is rather accurate.
Lets say that 10 guys are in their locker room, for some stupid reason, all of them are naked and either on their way to the showers, or about to get dressed. A woman comes in to change and get ready for an hour of gym workout. 9 out of those 10 men, wouldn't care less, they would allow her to change, even use the showers when she is done. A few of them would naturally think dirty thoughts, but all of them wouldn't mind, wouldn't shield themselves or even ask the woman to leave "cause this is the mens room".
2nd scenario, same thing, but the other way around. 10 women in the womens locker room, all naked, and a man comes in to change for his session at the weights.
10 out of 10 women would scream to high heavens for the man to leave, shield themselves and even call the police.
Why is this? Well, men dont mind being seen naked, women, in general, do.
But if all men and women truelly wanted gender nautrality/genus, then scenario 1 and 2, would look identical, either like the first or the second.
But the good people at Member24, know different. Because men and women are different.
So that simple little door, is one of the things I love about that gym.

And lastly, one more thing to the people that say that we ARE the same, no matter what we have between our legs, you have been proven wrong many times by something called... Science!
Look it up.


söndag 25 maj 2014

Imperial Constructions

Got the updated, HD version, of Age of Empires II.
Its not realy an HD version thou, its just so you can play it again on more modern computers and have it set to 1920p resolution screens... beyond that, its the same game as far as i can tell.
But it is a good game, so I guess it made sense to release it again like this.

I'm usually doing the campaign's, but at times, I play a random map, like here.

I became the Aztecs in this random map. And about half an hour after that screen shot was taken, I got attacked from 4 sides... bastards...

So I did what every guy who hasn't had lunch yet would do.. I rage quit :P

Now I'm off thou to vote in the European Parlament. Hope it will go smoothly.


tisdag 20 maj 2014


Today, I was at a meeting of sort at my job, or more, at my employers main office, I dont work there, the people who dont do what I do, work there.
Anyway, I was there as a mandatory thing, to listen to some lady talk about the importance of listening.
She made alot of good points, and I now also know, that when people call me a good listener, it seems they were right... not that I ever doubted them thou :P

But during this meeting, and the exercise we also did, I came into a realization, of what I see alot of at the gym.
I read, and see, and hear, alot of people fearing to go to a gym to workout, the get fit, either by loosing weight, or gaining weight.
Fear that they might be laughed at, pointed at and shunned.
And even thou I was never fat, I get it. I've been thinn like a stick for most of my life, so I do understand that part perhaps better then the other. But I get it, I do.

There is nothing worse then being laughed at when trying to change your life, to turn everything on its head, and get it better, to start doing shit you've never done before. Even if you were to be 100% alone in a gym every time you get there, its still hard as hell to make the change.
But the reality, is far from what you think. The fear is real, but unnecessary.

Lets say that YOU, are in need of exercise, to loose weight. You are fat, like, seriously obese. Your life is shit and just getting out of a chair, makes you breath heavy. You are sick of it, you want change, you want a healthier life. You want to be able to go to the beach, and not make people vomit in their mouths. (slightly exaggerated perhaps, but a point has been made)

You reach down deep and find the courage to buy a membership card at a local gym. The fear of it all will either overwhelm you, of you find an ounce more of courage, and go to the place, with a gymbag full of stuff you think you need, but mostly, a shirt, pants or shorts and a pair of sneakers and hopefully, a water bottle.
As soon as you enter, you see a whole army of buff, fit and strong men and women. And here you are, a sack of blubber and sweat, and so far, you've only looked at the machines, that are everywhere.

But here's the good news.
There is nothing to fear.
Nothing. To. Fear.

I've seen it first hand, experienced it first hand.
I'll start with what I've seen. Now I dont remember when it was, but it was a few months ago or so. A very large woman, most likely over or close to 100 kilos, but with the height of an 8 year old girl, maybe a 14 year old, in other words, she was short, and pretty much as wide as she was tall. She was in need of loosing half her weight, at the very least.
My first thought when I saw here, wasn't 'look at that fat fuck', no its was more like; You go girl! You've done the right thing! I'm proud of ya!
And I have no idea who she was. Never meet here before, and shortly after, I started working out after work instead before to make me stress less, so I've never seen her again.
But I also saw, how she was using a machine slightly wrong, and someone else did too, luckely, someone with far more experience also saw this, and walked up to her, showed her how to work the machine, give her a pat on her back, and even thou I couldn't here their conversation, I did see her smile, him smiling and how she instantly, after what ever he said, gained a renewed batch of energy.
Before I left to hit the showers, I saw another guy, giving her a thumbs up, making her again, be filled with a new batch of energy.

I've seen this more since then, and before too. When people that are fit, are buff and have been working out probably several years, if not decades, see people start from scratch, they know how hard it is, they know what it's like to start with that unsure feeling deep down. Perhaps they had it differently, but in the end, they know. And they are damn proud of you for starting. For taking that first step to the life you want.

My personal experience, was when I was new too, I could barely lift the weights I wanted, but I didn't give up. I sat on a bench, red as a damn tomato in the face, lifting a barbel that had maybe 4 or 6 kilos on it.
I felt like a damn idiot from the moment I saw the bench, until the following happened.
I made eye contact with a guy, through the mirror, that was sitting on a bench next to me, and he could see how I struggled, and just as I couldn't lift the damn things any more, I droped them, and he gave me a smile and a thumb up.
That single gesture, that single acknowledgement, was enough to movivate me for the rest of the day, and the rest of the week, and it is still motivating me. And I can bet, that the fat girl, is still being motivated by the guy that talked to her.
Couse thats what guys and girls do at the gym, well, to be honest, I see more guys that motivate then girls, but thats just what I've seen so far.

So if you want to change your life. And you know, that a gym would be ideal for it. Then go, couse the people there, will love you and support you. You might never know their names, or see them anywhere else ever, but while you are there, you are among the best friends there is.


söndag 18 maj 2014

Land of the Dead

As you know, I've returned to Skyrim. All the other games are just too freakin boring.
And the new girl I made, has now started the questline that is going to make me the new head chieftain of the Vampire Lords, by killing the current boss, Harkon.
To do this, I first had to become a vampire... and not just a normal vampire, no they are to weak and pathetic, but an actual vampire lord... and thus, get the coolest eyes in the game.
And then I had to find a Moth Priest to read one of the Elder Scrolls, and I am now hunting down another 2 of these elusive scrolls.

One of em, was found with my new best friend, Serana the Vampire's mother, Velerica, or Velarica, or something like that. She on the other hand, was hiding in the Soul Cairn... a place where unwanted, or stolen, souls were kept. Basically, a bad place for the dead to be.

Dark skeletons guards the place... very poorly thou.
The place was filled with misery and souls of the dead. I guess you could call it purgatory. But it did allow me to help some poor schmuck, and be rewarded with his horse... also dead for the record... that I can then summon and ride in the world of the living.

An arrow to the head... of a rotting dragon... yea that happened!
To be able to get my hands on the scroll, I had to kill 3 keepers to open the soul prison, and let myself in to let Veleria to show me where the damn scroll was. And becouse I had opened that place, a big, rotting, dragon came swooping down to nibble at my head.

I killed him, got the scroll, and then when leaving, the same dragon, reassembled himself and said hello to me. The first time I did this, I was kind of dumbstruck: Didn't I just kill you?

Anyway, he tought me how to call his name in dragon tongue, so he could feel the actual air under his wings again... I said sure thing buddy! What is one favor between seasoned warrior?


fredag 16 maj 2014

Sleepless Heat

Summer heat is upon us all!!! Nice weather, warm weather and just the right type of winds. Its basicly summer here in Sweden now... so what do I do? I am awake all freakin night!
Not by choise mind you, I just cant seem to get tierd during the dark hours of the night.
Take last night for example. Now I did get stuck with a word document for hours, but that only allowed me to forget about time, I was still wide-fuckin-awake until almost 7 in the morning!
This shit is not okay!!
Me, at noon today.
So this "morning", I just said fuck it to the cellphone when it tried to wake me up at a decent hour of noon, and went back to sleep... not the best choise I know, but I was tierd, and thus, slept to 14:50. Meaning, most of my day was now gone.
Atleast I did the importaint stuff, grocery shopping. No big items, just what i needed to make a special meal that will also allow me to make a few lunchboxes for next week.
I'll also go to the gym as usual later, probably around the time everyone else is at the pub.

What else has happened lately? Well, not much I have to admit, thinking about buying, or getting, a laptop. It will make my extra work easier when not at home, couse taking the stationary with me on trips, is just out of the question. So if I go visit my dad in Gothenburg, I can just take along that, with a few movies, shows and my wrighting project, and what ever else I feel I want to bring along that is made of binary code.

But laptops are not cheap, that is, as cheap as I would like em to be, and most of em, if not all, has Windows 8 on em (the new ones that is). And I dont know about Windows 8, granted, I have zero experience with it, so I shouldn't say its crap before hand, but what I've heard of it so far, it is crap, compared to their previous system, the 7, which I am sporting in my stationary computer.

Also thinking of buying some new pants... but goddamn it, pants are fuckin expensive! Mine costs around 500 bucks, and if I do find cheaper ones, in my brand, they usually dont have my size. M65 pants are hard to come by man. But no worries, I'll keep searching.


söndag 11 maj 2014

Back 2 Skyrim

Yes, I am back to playing Skyrim, also some other games, but I'll get to those later.

Figured I needed to start from scratch, a new girl, with new possibilities, adventures and better mods.
I didn't remove alot of old mods, I have to admit, just removed some I never had any use for anymore and added 2 or 3 new ones that made the game just look and feel better.

Anyway, one of my mods, that I added sometime ago, lets you start the game in a different way.
This time around, I started as a nobody, that had been left to die, alone and with just some miner's clothing to warm me. No weapons, no armor, just a dead horse for food, and an area not too firendly to outsiders... which it seemed I was.

And with no protection and nothing to fend of would-be-rapists, I ventured forth, into the dark and scary forrest. Well not that dark, it was day time and there were no clouds in the sky, so a lovely and lush forrest was awaiting me, but still scary... wolves, bears, traveling bards... scary shit.

But I was in luck, and soon came upon 3 dead imperial soldiers that had been killed by some rebels. So I looted everything from them, weapons, food, money and armor. Not like they needed it anymore, am I right?

I didn't bother looking as how they had died... but after I took the armor from one fo them.. it looked like he was having waaaaaaay to much fun on the forrest floor.

So ofcourse I took a picture of it... gonna send a copy of it to his late wife too. And after she see's what he does in the forrest all day long, I think she'll be glad he ended up dead with his hand up his *biiiip*.



fredag 9 maj 2014

Social Problem

No, its not me with the social problem... well mostly not, do need to get out more :P But it seems we here in Sweden is suffering from a social problem that needs to be dealt with fast, and spend a bunch of tax money on too, in order to solve.

A politician from one of the "blue" parties, has said that this 'social problem' is one of the more serious ones when it comes to paraphilias... or in more understandable words, different sexual orientation. That a specific part of the population, is suffering due to them, and that we need to help them as soon as possible to make sure they can live happily with their orientation, their needs or what have you.
This problem, is best solved with tax payer money, 100 000 skr for the organization that will be hired to teach specific people, so that this problem can to be fixed. (not included logistics and such for the people in the orginazation that will do the work)

Okay, fine... lets do that. We should always solve issues like these for the people that are suffering due to their sexual orientation, as we, as a people (in general atleast) are perfectly fine with what ever sexual preferences you have, heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, asexual, transgender or bipolar... wait, not the last thing. So ofcourse we should do what ever we can to end this suffering!!

So where are these inhuman sufferings being conducted? Where can we use our goodwill to save these people from oppression and pain?
Schools? Work areas? Hospitals?
None of those?
Okay, well are they suffering in train stations? Or supermarkets? Or perhaps the church?
None of those either huh?
Well then where is the need to wright this wrong?

Retirement homes? You mean where the elderly live when they are unable to properly take care of themselves? A place where they can feel security and not have to worry about laying dead on the floor for weeks on end without being found or where they are sure to be reminded to take their pills?
Those places?
Yes? ... Okay... umm... what?

How is this a social problem? Can anyone tell me? Why do the elderly, in modern Sweden, need to have their staff, that are working in the retirment homes, to be taught how to tell the elderly, that its okay if you like penis or vagina or both?

My mother lives in a kind of retirement home, and fuckin hell, those old fuckers that live around her, know more about sexual orientation then most young people do!! And they even know, unless they have gone completetly senile ofc, that its okay these days to like the same sex, be another sex or what ever it is that gets you going.
I can almost swear too, that most old people dont give a flying fuck about sex either! And those that do, and want to have sex, usually have the balls to ask for aid, or find out for themselves!
I can not belive that this is a social issue! I just cant!

So please Mr Stupidpolitian. Show us evidence that this social problem actually do exist first, in such an extent, that it requires a "hbt-certificate" that last for 3 years, going to cost a minimum of 100 000 skr, before you actually cough up the money.
And if it realy is such a big issue, then why doesn't it fall under medical care or the likes, but have to be directly paid for, by the tax payers? (yes the tax payers pay for medical too, but ffs, use the medical money you get of taxes first, then dip into what ever taxes are left after the state has filled its belly)

Anyone agree? Anyone that does belive this is an issue that needs to be solved right now? Or do more then just me see the idiocy in it?


söndag 4 maj 2014

No MMO Screenie

Yea, no MMO screenie, ever again!!! Well, maybe not ever again, but it wont be the priority from now on, as I will probebly not play another mmo again... unless they make a fallout mmo, cause I know I wont be able to stay away from that shit.

Anyway, been playing alot of Banished this week, and even started playing Fallout New Vegas again, but since I have clocked in a game play of less then an hour there, I figured that posting a pic of that, would be kind of useless.

So Banished it is... perhaps more then just one.

My people need homes... so I build homes.

They also needa place to worship too... stupid idiots... so I started to build one of those too.

This is what my game usually look like... cluttered with various windows.
Just for fun, look at the last screen shot, the 4 houses just under the mini map.... those are the houses you saw the foundation of, in the first screen shot... just like... fun fact or something.

I've learned a few more things with this game, so my people breed properly, they dont die like ants in a forrest fire and they usually have plenty of food to make their belly's large and unsexy.

Right now, in that city, I have about 230 people, including children and students, and last I saw, I had 53000 units of food waiting to be eaten... did have some issues with the amount of tools availible thou, but atleast, my tailor had done a good job so noone was walking around naked.

Alright... thats it. No more to report this sunday.


fredag 2 maj 2014

Friday Bitches!!

Friday, a day of beer, party and bitches!! Unless you are me, in which case, its laundry, gym and slacking infront of the computer with a pizza. I prefer my version of fridays.
Woke up at noon, that was needed, been like a sack of rotten potatoes for the passed 2 weeks every morning, so sleeping in, was paradise. Once I was awake, I got cleaning, a bunch of t-shirts, underwear and socks, a few pants and a long sleeved hoodie too. While all that was brewing in the washers, I was supposed to go to my jobs main office to turn in a letter I had gotten a few weeks ago, but yet again.. I forgot. *facepalm*

Made some dinner after that and went to the gym where I worked on my legs. I didn't feel like it thou, no energy for it, so I only worked out as if it was a work day, and just did my usual routine. On fridays, I otherwise try and put in a little more effort, but today... that wasn't going to happen for some reason, so I bought a pizza and sulked at the screen...

"But Daniel, you're not suppose to eat a pizza full of fat and calories and other such things when you are working out and trying to both get healthier and fit. You are suppose to eat good, healty food, that help you build muscles, not make you fat and blubby like a jolly santa!!"

Dont care...
