This also means, that if I do drink say, 5-6 beers (class 3 that is, the kind you get at the pub), I'm gone! I'll be so wasted, I'll hardly be able to lift my own head, let alone walk anywhere :P
I thought I'd wright a little about something that is a big thing here in Sweden, gender genus, or gender equality.
Many seem to think, that this is a thing about making everything not only equal, that say woman and men should get the same pay for the same job, or that both man and woman in a parent situation should get equal amount of parent leave.
No what they are screaming about, is that the genders dont realy exist. At least this is what I've understood.
They want to teach kids to be both girls and boy at the same time. Even thou both men and women, little girl and boy, continuously prove it all wrong.
I saw a show on TV a while back, about this thing, and they interviewed a single mom I think, well, she was a mom anyway, no idea if there was a guy around too.
She said that she was teaching her son to become a "hen" or in english, he/she him/her... hem? Hir? What ever.
She told the TV reporter, that she made sure that the boy had both "male" and "female" toys and cloths, and that "hen" then could chose what ever he wanted to play with or dress like.
Now this is a nice thought, dont get me wrong. If a boy wants to play with police cars while wearing a dress, then more power to him. But what I saw in the interview, was a sad and misguided woman, that tried desperatly to prove a point, that didn't even work on her own son.
She admited that the boy never played with the girl toys, never wanted to wear a skirt of dress, and always asked for the t-shirt with the cool monsters on them. That his favorite toys where the cars and action figures.
Yet she tried to make it all seem like he was the next generation of "hen's", the next generation of gender neutral people.
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Beard and tatoos? *faint* |
When the movement of this gender genus thing started, it was naturally started by femenists, if you say that is not true, then you are just lying to yourself, and the world looked like it always had.
But from my own observation alone, I have come to the conclussion, that men and women, dont really want gender neutrality.
First of all, more and more men around the country, is now sporting beards, me included (all thou I've wanted one since I was 15), and even the woman, those I know atleast, who are for the gender neutrality or gender genus, are all drawn to men with beards.
And I think it's rather well known, that a beard, is really REALLY manly. A man become so much more of a man, when he has facial hair. A beard is sexy, manly and shows strenght.
If you dont agree, then fuck off, couse its been proven for the past 10 000 years.
So what made me want to wright this? Well I saw something in the new gym I go to these days, the same company, just a new, closer location. And I noticed something that they have, that I've never seen before, that made me think; "These guys know what men and women are."
And its as simple as a door.
When going in to the mens locker room, you round 2 corners, and you are there. No doors, so if you want to see naked man butts and some flacid penises, all you have to do, is lean in, and BAM! you got penises.
But to the womens locker room, the first corner is blocked by a door, with a handle, so you cant peek in.
Now before you start calling me a pervert for noticing or what ever, allow me to explain why this is so interesting, and "non gender genus-ist".
Now I haven't asked any men or women about this, but I think, that the number I am about to present, is rather accurate.
Lets say that 10 guys are in their locker room, for some stupid reason, all of them are naked and either on their way to the showers, or about to get dressed. A woman comes in to change and get ready for an hour of gym workout. 9 out of those 10 men, wouldn't care less, they would allow her to change, even use the showers when she is done. A few of them would naturally think dirty thoughts, but all of them wouldn't mind, wouldn't shield themselves or even ask the woman to leave "cause this is the mens room".
2nd scenario, same thing, but the other way around. 10 women in the womens locker room, all naked, and a man comes in to change for his session at the weights.
10 out of 10 women would scream to high heavens for the man to leave, shield themselves and even call the police.
Why is this? Well, men dont mind being seen naked, women, in general, do.
But if all men and women truelly wanted gender nautrality/genus, then scenario 1 and 2, would look identical, either like the first or the second.
But the good people at Member24, know different. Because men and women are different.
So that simple little door, is one of the things I love about that gym.
And lastly, one more thing to the people that say that we ARE the same, no matter what we have between our legs, you have been proven wrong many times by something called... Science!
Look it up.