lördag 30 juni 2012

DoW 2 vid

I finally got Dawn of War 2 runing again, and got the idea of recording the first mission. Its an old game that most people have either played, or seen enough of on youtube, or where ever people go to watch gaming videos, but its still a fun game. Atleast according to me.

Or maybe I'm just bored and have nothing else to do :P

Anyway, gonna make more of these videos. So record all the missions, edit them, and then put em on youtube for all mankind to see!!!

But you can watch it right here.

It will probebly look better on youtube. But atleast its present here.


On other news, I bought some lawnchairs today, had to assemble them myslef, but it was worth it, bought 2 for the prize of one already assembled :P

When I got home with em, after walking in a wind that made em act like sails, I cleaned up the balcony, put em together and placed them next to eachother... and just as that was done... the sun was gone, and a hugh dark cload appeared in its place... go figure.

I'll give you a pic of it at a later date when I got a girl (read Isabelle) in one of em... I think it would be more interesting to see anyway :P

Now I just have to get a rug or something to put under it all, and maybe a small table to put our cold drinks on.

I do have a table ofc that would fit perfectly.. but it might be a bit big. Will see tomorrow.


torsdag 28 juni 2012


 Anger... in red!

So yea... RAGE!!!!

I was wondering why my computer, that has 6GB of RAM in it, only showed me 4GB. I asked a friend, and he was a little puzzled too to be honest.
He told me that we could probebly fix that by updating my BIOS. Which we did, and then some other things. All while not turning off my computer.

After close to 2 hours, we realized that we couldn't make it happen, so we would have to do it manually in BIOS. Being the idiot I am at these things, my dear friend, helped me out via the old cellphone... Now keep in mind, that he lives NOT in my country, but in the Netherlands... which means a call that far away, should be kept short.

One hour later, after much tweaking and changing and what not... we tried the ultimate manual.

By removing the RAM's too see which one might be broken.

None of them were.

What is broken however, is my motherboard.

F U Motherboard!!!

So yea... have to see if dustin wants to do me the hugh favor of giving me a new one. Which means... that I will have to dismantle my computer, remove the motherboard, and send it to them (they dont have physical stores). Then wait for a week or what ever until a new one arrives, or the old one fixed.

Until then...

 This is me... without my computer.

No computer? OMG!!!!

Cya... I hope.

måndag 25 juni 2012

Nothing to wright...?

I just realized that I haven't written anything here in almost 2 weeks.. or longer..
Thats not good! Right? Not okey!

Better wright something then.

So what should we wright about huh? My piercing? Noooo you already know about that. Gaming? Nothing new has happened there either. Any new projects? Nope, empty there too I'm afraid.

So what ever should I say here?

Yea you got me.. I got nothing.

I admite... I'm running on fumes... and I'm tierd. Why do I allways get these things started at the middle of the fucking night? I mean, its freakin 20 minutes 2 in the morning right now!!! I'm going to bed at 2! Otherwise I'll just sleep too long and fuck up my system!!
Its allready a fucked up system thou... what? Sleep from 2 at night to 9 in the morning? Then go to work at 4 in the afternoon and be home by 10:30... most people have gone to bed then, and most people are at work while I diddle daddle alone at home, and start to come home while I get my ass to work... no social life to speak of that is. Yes, I am free every weekend (unless they need me to work extra, which doesn't happen very often), but even with free weekends, I rarely see my friends, couse thats time I want to spend with my fianceé, time I treasure I assure you. But still...

I'm not saying I hate my job, I dont, its alot of fun. But I do think I need a change in my system. For one, more hours, and secondly... better hours.

Allthou, we are planing to start our own business... but with such a project, we will have to work 12-14 hours a day... atleast in the beginning, so not realy a better option if I want more free time to try and see friends... but thats the sacrifice you have to be willing to make... and damn it, I want to make that sacrifice.

Okey, so I did have something to wright about... or whine about :P

Allways something I guess.

But now that I think about it... there was midsummers eve this passed friday!

Wasn't all that exciting realy, but me and Isabelle did spend it with another couple I know.. that is also to get married soon. She hadn't meet them properly before so thats even better... might have been awkward to be at their wedding in a few months and not even have made proper introductions before hand :P

We spent the evening with light chatting while BBQing some meat and veggies, then more small talk over dinner, lots of more veggies there, always good. And then we moved on over to a movie that would make a hypochondriac go into overdrive :P We saw the movie "Contagion"... a bit hyped up scenario of what would happen if a virus started to kill the world... kind of like a super version of the swineflu or the birdflu or the bubonic plague.
If you guys haven't seen it... its slow, but oh so good. Atleast when it came to the actors portraining their characters, photo, and main story... very unforgettable.

Any whooooo.. after the movie it was starting to get late, and the hostess was getting sleepy, and to be honest, so was I... so we called a cab (man they are getting expensive those damn things) and went home.

Also got a call that night, in the middle of the movie actually, that informed me that I was needed at work for 2 hours the following morning... needingthe hours I said yes... even thou they knew full well I had called in sick the day before. Idiots.

So yea, also got some work on the saturday... a holiday day too... which means it was like working 3½ hours realy... and I wasn't even there for the full 2 hours, they told me to go on home after 1½ :P But dont worry guys, I still get payed for the full 2 hours.


Damn.. sit here long enough, and it appears as thou I did have shit to say... go figure.

Well I wont bore you any more... so I'll just leave you with this.. then I'm off to bed... its 02:10 now... way passed my bedtime :)

Pillow fight went wrong... was suppose to hit Alfred.


torsdag 14 juni 2012

PA and Meat!

So I just got home from town, the central part anyway, where I spent some time with an old friend I rarely see and his son, who seemed a bit shy... but then, he hasn't seen me since he just discovered walking :P

Had a nice salad with some wierd things on it, looked like hardcore sprouts, small and brown and had kind of like seashells on it... good, but probebly wont eat that again anytime soon... but not couse it tasted bad, but becouse it was a bit expensive :/

After he went home I went to the coolest bathroom we have in this city... its a self cleaning one =D

But its what happened after that, that I cant wait to tell you...

Or maybe I can?

Yea I can wait.

Until now.

I got myself a new piercing!!! One that is knows as Prince Albert... atleast here in Sweden it is. A nice, rather big, ring trough my cock. And it freakin hurt!! But not for long... but its not gonna be fun to go pee later... probebly not been drinking enough water/pepsi/juice/milk/what ever to have clear urine... but live and learn.
But this also means that I should try and stay away from sex for atleast 3 weeks... Yea, like thats ever gonna happen =D


When I got home, I found that I hadn't quit the game I was playing, just paused it. It was Saints Row the Third. And now I finished it... kind of.. the main questline is done. And they made it so great that you can do the last part over again and get another ending. But before I do that, I want to finish all the side quests, like find all the blowup dolls, money pallets, assassinate all the "evil doers", steal the cars and get the achievements.

After that I might look at the alternative ending.

But still go slow and play some other things inbetween.


Found a shitload of funny pics online yesterday.. wanna see em?


I just found em funny... wanted to share :)


måndag 11 juni 2012

Wet grass and soccer

I feel I should wright something... something for the endless hordes of people that re... hehe ... haha... HAHAHAHA.... hehe... *whipe tear from eye*

I couldn't hold it, no sane person reads this shit anyway, and definetly not hordes of people. Yet anyway, one can hope.

But I do wonder how many that actually reads this, I do know one person, or two... but thats it, other then those two, I have no freakin clue of who, or how many that come here from time to time. Is there people that subscribe to this blog? And if there are, why? There is nothing of worth here morons!!! Or atleast yet, I still have no idea what this blog is all about, and it will probebly stay that way for a long time. Or until I get a hobby I want to share... and no not just gaming hobby, as I play too many games as it is.

Speaking of gaming, I'm going to record some saints gameplay in a near future. Probebly some random shit, kills, driving, more kills, and some more driving, some quests and then ofcourse the killing. But you will allready know what the game is about by the time you get to half of it... or worse, before you finish reading this sentence. Killing.

Lots of it.

With guns.

And grenades.

And a giant purple dildo on a bat.

Beyond that I dont think I have much games to show... its mostly old games like Dungeon Keeper 2, or Dawn of War or Minecraft... old boring-to-watch-games. But I'm till gonna record some of it... if nothing else, for my own amusment and learning.
Not learning as in learning to play the game, couse if I suck.. I'm gonna keep sucking at it. But to learn the "fine art" of video editing.


It seems its soccer season here in the world, lots of people watch and cheer for their various countries. We here in Sweden ofcourse cheer for... duh... Sweden.
But I am not one of them... well sure, it would be nice to see em win the whole thingy, but in the long run, I dont care. I am not a soccer fan. I was at a party this passed saturday, with a shitload of people I had never meet before, most of em under the age of 23... even one under the legal drinking age (but we'll leave that persons name under the rug), and a game was on.. germany versus.. umm.. some other team. And then, some idiot thought it would be a fun idea to buy our own football and go play.

That means, that 10ish people, most of em drunk or slightly drunk, went out after dark, in wet grass, and played soccer...

One of my toes is still hurting from kicking the ball, missing the ball, and instead kicking the foot of the "attacking" opponent. I was the goalie for my team.

It should be noted, that when we broke it off, we were in the lead. No idea if they kept at it later or not, but we were in the lead, something like 8 to 6 or something... you hear that professional soccer players??? 8-6... beat that in your silly world cup! While drunk!! HA! :P

All and all, it was a good evening, with good beer. Kilkenny is the shit!

Took a sweet picture of our hostess too.

Look at me.. I make smile!

The weekend has thou passed... much to the dismay of all mankind. We do love our weekends (unless we work weekends) and openly wish they would last 5 days and that the work days were just 2... but still have as much cash to play with.

But alas, that is not the case, and unless something wierd happens while I sleep tonight, its gonna look the same tomorrow.


onsdag 6 juni 2012


So I picked a new game a day or so ago, Saints Row the Third.
Now for you who haven't played it yet (or not going to), let me tell you why you should get your ass to town right freakin now to buy it, or buy it through Steam.

1. Its actionpacked to the max.
2. You get to fight enemies with a giant dildo on a baseball bat.
3. You can have a bazooka that shoots squids that mindcontrols what ver enemy you hit.
4. You drive cars like a mad man.
5. You are famous and get to pose for picture from random people in town.

And if these 5 reasons aren't enough... you are boring!!!! :P

Its got everything for everyone! Unless you are nota gamer, not even a little, then you can just skip what I've said so far. But get this game, its sweet as fuck.


Next weekend I am appereantly going to a party... a party I think me and Isabelle will be a minority. We will be the oldest people there...
Could be interesting... could be boring as hell too.
Having a bunch of 18-22 year olds (I'm guessing here) surround you while they blast crappy music on highest volume possible so you have to scream to eachother in order to be heard. My guess is that the only good thing about it, will be what ever alcohol I bring with me... and the fact that I get to take home the sexiest girl at the party (yes honey, I mean you).

Beyond t hat, I dont know if I will enjoy it, but then.. stranger things have happened. I might enjoy myself, I might not. I might get hit on from some idiot girl or some idiot boy. I might puke in the bathtub or break something in the hallway. I might have so much fun that I have to hold my stomach, I might be so bored that I beg Isabelle to let us go home.

Should be interesting.

I know not much this round of blog entry... but fuck it.
