I upgraded my windows to Windows 10. So far, so good. All thou, I have still not dared to turn off the computer, but I did try that last night, but it never shut down, it just rebooted, so I let it, and went to bed. Reason I did not dare too? Well you can either go further back in my posts to find the reason... or read on on this paragraph. Cause last time I upgraded to Win10, my computer was impossible to enter, after I had shut it down for the night, resulting in me having to format the whole harddrive after struggeling with it for two days.
After that, I have been installing patches and stuff for Windows 10, so far, there have been a few. Security updates, general updates and what not.
Also a few updates to various drivers, like for the graphics card.

So I had to get a new one. Luckily, I have the money for it, so I went out the day after to buy a specific one, but found out, that the one I had aimed for, was already an old model, and was not in stock... so the guy convinced me to get another one, a different one. It was just 50 bucks more. So instead of spending 890 skr, i ended up spending 939 skr.
And I have to say, having a headset with its own soundcard attached, made all the difference when it comes to recording videos of games, and actually being heard. It's great.
Lets add something that is not about my computer. And that I found to be absolutely fantastic.
Right now, it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and one, very well know website, has taken that to heart, and will be giving 1 cent, for each 30 video watched between October 1st and October 30th. And let me tell you, they will give alot of money in the end. No doubt.
Cause the website, is PornHub.
Since I have an account on PornHub, I can't believe I've been away from it so long, that I've actually missed it for 17 days :P
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