söndag 10 maj 2015

Skyrim Shenanigans

Been awhile since I made a post, a whole week to be precise. No random thoughts at all this week it seems. And if you had expected such things, I do apologize for that, and say... what ever :P

So how about some silly stuff from Skyrim?

Lets start off strong!

That's an undead Draugr, ancient Nords, long dead. This one is a female according to her body and clothing... with a beard (and two of my arrows in her/him). I've never seen a draugr female with a beard before... have you?

Not that I care where people store their staffs... but through your head? I know I killed him... from behind with a dagger... don't remember there being a staff in the way. Silly bandits.

This is not so much shenanigans, as it is hopeless. Potema thought she would have my ass... she died (again I might add) 2 minutes later... these undead never learn :P

Anyway... Haven't actually played any Skyrim for a while, maybe an hour or two during this week. What I have done, is build a "rollercoaster" in Minecraft... when it's done... I'll give you a video of it... I hope.


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