Serana seems happy too. |
Considering the massive post you got a few days ago, with the whole quest of a mission to kill an old vampire and screen shots to document the whole thing, I thought that maybe... you were not that inclined to see something like that again.
So lets not do the normal screen shot thing this sunday. Can't give you a written thing either, as I haven't written anything that would look good here.
But I can talk about what I'm currently working on... wanna hear? You do? Sweet.
So I'm working on a Sci-Fi book. It's gonna be EPIC!!! (I hope) It's a three part story, first book, will be the opening, the beginning where we get to know the various characters, find out how it all starts and see the predicamant of the life the people now have to face. The second one will be of the main event, currently, I'm thinking, a war. Big war with millions and millions of dead, entire species eradicated and planets forever rendered uninhabitable. Basically, a really shitty war. And the third one taking up the very end of the war and the happy ending.
I've never written a Sci-Fi before, nor do I realy know how to do that, but so far, it's fun, and I know it's gonna take a really long time to finish... we are talking years here.
As of now, I am mainly writting about the various species I am creating, what they are called, what their social structure looks like, what themselves look like, and what makes them stand out (besides appearance). Also inventing orginazations, so far, three different ones, and I totally stole from both Star Wars and Star Trek by having one Empire and one Federation, but also a Coalition that is slightly different.
Also created two different religions and been writting about various technologies that is scientifically plausible, meaning, it might work cause there is nothing within our current understanding of science, that says it simply wont. Cause that's a thing with me, I want the tech, ships, machines and stuff to be accurate in the way, that a scientist can't say: Listen here son, that shit just doesn't work, re-write!
Instead I want them to say: That is really cool man, could maybe work too.
Also... is there anyone amoung my readers, that is good at drawning fantasy maybe? Would be awesome if I could get a visual of what my species and stuff look like as I write them.
If you feel inclined to do this (without pay other then maybe a few beers and for your own personal enjoyment), give me a call or something.