Since I got my good friend JJ to boost me a bit for gear in various flashpoints, I also had the luck to gain this speeder I'm on right now. A very rare drop from the final boss in the flashpoint "The Foundry". And what can I say, its super cool. And if you dont think so, well thats just your opinion, you are entitled to have you own opinion... but dont tell me, couse I couldn't give a rats ass! :P
Anyway, I've now managed to get this bad boy up to lvl 37, close to 38. What can I say, I dont play that often, and since my dear brother works different hours then me (I'm the one with wierd hours btw), we cant play these guys together... so I'm probebly pulling ahead... dont know... will have to ask him about it.

Ofcourse its not... it was just a small glitch that happened when I was doing a flashpoint with my Sith Marauder, all of the sudden, it looked like I was standing in space and fighting :P
Fun glitches are fun... period.
Anywhoooooooo... I've also made some progress in Minecraft... if one CAN make progress in single player mode in Minecraft.
I've finished the "Evil Tower of Doom" :P .. well as finished as I can be bothered with at the moment. I will be adding to it later, but for now its boring the shit out of me, so I'm doing other things.
And one of the plans I have is to make a basement to hold animals I "domesticate" and crops.
Yes you can grow shit underground.. just need enough light. So mucho torches gringo!
Video on the interior will be presented when all the floors actually have something on them.. right now its jsut the bottom floor, some on the second and the top floor where I also have my bed :)
Until next time kids... dont bonk yourself on the head with a pixelated pickaxe!
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