Been trying to lvl various characters in ToR, but that turned out to be boring.
I've tried to play minecraft too, but guess what? Yea that was boring too.
I even started to play some Dawn of War Soulstorm just to pass the time, and luckely I still find those kinds of games fun. You build a bunch of buildings, produce an army and then wack the shit out of your enemies.
But even those games, atleast the ones I have, soon get boring again.
I do know that I miss work. To have something to do each day. And the fact that I haven't been able to be with Isabelle this weekend. But the main reason for my boredom is probebly due to the fact that SW ToR is no longer all that fun. So if I can afford it, I will be canceling my sub to ToR next month, and pick up Tera Online instead. No idea if it will be any fun, but its "just" 400 bucks, and if its fun enough, I might keep at it for a few months.
I think I need something new, not just a game I love, but a hobby or something that I can emerge myself in. I'm not saying I will stop playing games, couse lets face it, I'm a gamer, and will probebly be one for the rest of my life. But I need something else too, preferably something that requires a physical interaction. I do have sort of a dream hobby.. but that requires some cash that I dont have... I'll leave you wondering of that one until I've started it.
I have gotten myself one game thou that is still fun as hell... and old too, and usually not working on newer computers.... say new as in made after 1999 :P
Dungeon Keeper 2!!!!

Its freakin awesome!!!!
But I will try and hold myself from doing more then 1-2 levels per day, to not ruin that too, or completing it too fast. And once I get back to work (tomorrow), I will probebly not do more then 1 level per day, so thats good.
Other games I'm looking forward to right now is Guild Wars 2, specially since it will be free to play (after you buy the actual game, no subsciption fee that is). And ofcourse Torchlight 2. mmmmmm yes, I do look forward to those :)
The holes in my stomach are healing well... if a bit slow to my taste, still hurts like hell to sneeze, cough or turn around with my feet still standing still :P
But the wounds look good atleast.
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