tisdag 29 maj 2012

Short vacation

My weekend was a little longer then usual, kind of, well not realy, but almost.
I stayed with my beloved an extra day. So was atleast with her for another 24ish hours.

Reason? She had a funeral to go to on sunday and I didn't want her to be alone that night.
Yea I know, I'm a big softy, but it was worth it. I'll do almost anything for her... within reason ofcourse :P

Anyway, we did a little shopping on the saturday before, got a pair of sunglasses that I can pop on to my normal glasses, and a new shirt, the kind you have under a suit jacket, but still no suit thou... or yet.

But here's the "fun" part.

On the sunday, when she was at the funeral, I wont go into details as to why I was not attending, but belive me when I say it was the best choise, I went out into the sun to catch some rays and read a good book I also bought on saturday, The Land of Painted Caves by Jean M Auel, the last in a series of 6 books about Ayla, the cavegirl. If you haven't read them, do, they are fantastic.

Anyway, I found a great spot down by the lake and had some serious views.

View to the right.

View in the middle-ish

View to the left.

Also had 2 girls close by, but was a kind man and did not take pictures of them... looked good thou. 

The book started out great, and after just a few minutes, 2 hours had gone by :P And 400 million other sun-lovers had camped out around the meadow, couples, singles, dogs, old bitches and kids in all sizes :P

Well it was great, but I was getting hungry so I packed up and went home, where another 4 hours would pass before my beloved would return... and about at that time I remembered that I had forgoten a crucial element to my sunbathing... sunscreen.

Isabelle was kind enough to take this lovely snapshot of me before bedtime...

Yes... it hurt.

Was a tad bit difficult to find a good sleeping position, but I managed that after awhile.

I dont burn well...

Anyway, today when we went to the train station Isabelle saw something that made me laugh. Now let me set this up for you first.

They are working alot around the train station in downtown Stockholm, prep work for a new and improved subway station or some shit like that, and its noisy and dirty and what not... so they made it into a joke.

Even the statue of Nils Ericson gets ear protection


söndag 20 maj 2012

Boredom deluxe.

This past week, specially after Isabelle went home, I have been bored out of my ass!
Been trying to lvl various characters in ToR, but that turned out to be boring.
I've tried to play minecraft too, but guess what? Yea that was boring too.
I even started to play some Dawn of War Soulstorm just to pass the time, and luckely I still find those kinds of games fun. You build a bunch of buildings, produce an army and then wack the shit out of your enemies.
But even those games, atleast the ones I have, soon get boring again.

I do know that I miss work. To have something to do each day. And the fact that I haven't been able to be with Isabelle this weekend. But the main reason for my boredom is probebly due to the fact that SW ToR is no longer all that fun. So if I can afford it, I will be canceling my sub to ToR next month, and pick up Tera Online instead. No idea if it will be any fun, but its "just" 400 bucks, and if its fun enough, I might keep at it for a few months.

I think I need something new, not just a game I love, but a hobby or something that I can emerge myself in. I'm not saying I will stop playing games, couse lets face it, I'm a gamer, and will probebly be one for the rest of my life. But I need something else too, preferably something that requires a physical interaction. I do have sort of a dream hobby.. but that requires some cash that I dont have... I'll leave you wondering of that one until I've started it.

I have gotten myself one game thou that is still fun as hell... and old too, and usually not working on newer computers.... say new as in made after 1999 :P

Dungeon Keeper 2!!!!

Its freakin awesome!!!!

But I will try and hold myself from doing more then 1-2 levels per day, to not ruin that too, or completing it too fast. And once I get back to work (tomorrow), I will probebly not do more then 1 level per day, so thats good.

Other games I'm looking forward to right now is Guild Wars 2, specially since it will be free to play (after you buy the actual game, no subsciption fee that is). And ofcourse Torchlight 2. mmmmmm yes, I do look forward to those :)


The holes in my stomach are healing well... if a bit slow to my taste, still hurts like hell to sneeze, cough or turn around with my feet still standing still :P

But the wounds look good atleast.


måndag 14 maj 2012

Surgery Complete.

My gallbladder surgery is now complete.

I was given a cocktail of morfin, and what not, in a tub straight into my hand which made me a bit groggy, kind of like a adolescent drinking binge (ha ha). They told me I was going to get groggy, and probebly start to see fuzzy, and when I did, I was to give a sign as I had a gasmask over my mouth and nose to give me a boost of oxygen that made it like breathing in headwind.

When I gave em the sign, I just a raised hand, they started to give me the sleeping-cocktail. A few seconds later I closed my eyes for a second to see if I could already feel the effects, then opened them and wonder where all the big lights went...

I was done... and lying in recovery.

Which ofc meant, that the surgery went well.

The surgeon told me later what he thought might have been the leading couse to my pains I've had, and that was a completety infected gallbladder. The WHOLE FREAKIN BLADDER!!! Infected... go figure.

But it is now removed, and in a few days I wont be having any more issues. *crossing finger*

My beloved Isabelle took a nice picture of the aftermath of the surgery too... my covered 4 holes in my stomach.

Wanna see?

Ofcourse you do.

Yes the patch under (slight on) my belly button is completety covered in blood. But the doc said to leave it until I HAVE to change it, so not change it just becouse I want to, but when its no longer holding up.

If you wanna know more.. give me a call.

If you dont have my number... though luck :P


fredag 11 maj 2012

Powertech Diary Entry 3

So I've been working a bit on my Powertech, Kinma'rath. And these days he looks more like an actual bounty hunter then a sith warrior. I've updated his armour basicly. But that helmet looks just awesome, like a robot spider face!
Since I got my good friend JJ to boost me a bit for gear in various flashpoints, I also had the luck to gain this speeder I'm on right now. A very rare drop from the final boss in the flashpoint "The Foundry". And what can I say, its super cool. And if you dont think so, well thats just your opinion, you are entitled to have you own opinion... but dont tell me, couse I couldn't give a rats ass! :P

Anyway, I've now managed to get this bad boy up to lvl 37, close to 38. What can I say, I dont play that often, and since my dear brother works different hours then me (I'm the one with wierd hours btw), we cant play these guys together... so I'm probebly pulling ahead... dont know... will have to ask him about it.

And a quick question... Is space combat suppose to look like this? --------->

Ofcourse its not... it was just a small glitch that happened when I was doing a flashpoint with my Sith Marauder, all of the sudden, it looked like I was standing in space and fighting :P

Fun glitches are fun... period.

Anywhoooooooo... I've also made some progress in Minecraft... if one CAN make progress in single player mode in Minecraft.
I've finished the "Evil Tower of Doom" :P .. well as finished as I can be bothered with at the moment. I will be adding to it later, but for now its boring the shit out of me, so I'm doing other things.
And one of the plans I have is to make a basement to hold animals I "domesticate" and crops.
Yes you can grow shit underground.. just need enough light. So mucho torches gringo!

Video on the interior will be presented when all the floors actually have something on them.. right now its jsut the bottom floor, some on the second and the top floor where I also have my bed :)

Until next time kids... dont bonk yourself on the head with a pixelated pickaxe!


onsdag 9 maj 2012

Renewing and candy

Thought I'd share a picture of the renewed necklace that is currently dangling from my neck. It was improved by the same artist that made the stuff for my beloved. Looks kind of nice, and before you go all bonkers, I had to take off my shirt before taking the pic as it was a black shirt and the feathers are black too.. so not that easy to see.

And then another pic to show you a fun candy we bought in the loval store in Stockholm... its candy that you squirt into your mouth, both of em cost 25skr... but I didn't see candy.. I saw dildos with candy inside :)

Its just funny... and no.. I wont t ell you if we ever use em for anything else but the candy inside.


tisdag 8 maj 2012

Doctor and gift talk.

So today I will be seeing, and talking, to an anesthesiologist for my upcoming surgery that will start on monday at 07:30 in the freakin morning. I hope I will have lots of intelligent questions, but right now, my head is pretty much empty :P

I do know a few questions ofc, like what happenes if the anaesteasia wears off during surgery? How will I react after I wake up? Will I be groggy as hell or will it just be like waking up from a normal sleep? Will I need physical support to simply walk up stairs? And does he know how long it will take until I can get picked up and go home?

Dont know if any of those can be considered intelligent questions, but they are still questions I want answered. And to tell the truth, I AM a bit nervous about the surgery... I mean, why wouldn't I? Its freakin surgery!! Its not major surgery, its a rather simple one, but even simple surgery can go south, and it if does, what then?

*crossing fingers* Please dont go south, please dont go south... I cant afford to be away from work more then a week... :P


Okey! Lets talk about better shit shall we?

Alrighty then. Better shit it is!

I gave my beautiful beloved a gift on friday, for no other reason then that I love her. Nothing big or expensive, but still with heart. I got her some earings and a bracelet, hand made by a work buddy, so I even got a discount :)

Now these aren't realy stuff for everyday, but more for parties and special occations such as a concert or something. But they still look pretty good.

 And ofc I submited a pic of what the package looked like before she ripped it open! The reason she ripped it open you ask? Couse I told her I had a secret to share with her on wensday, and she had been sitting on needles ever since :)
I know, its almost mean to do that, but it was also fun, made it a bit more special when she finally did get to open the gift.
And she did seem happy for the gift... and in all honesty, I dont think it realy matters what the gift was, it was a gift. A gift that was given for no other reason then my love for this wonderful woman.


Some gaming news!

On sunday, we had a short (around 45 minutes) guild meeting, where we came up with the idea to make the guild international, which means that one of my best friends is now a member. YEY!
After that we went on to the evenings raid in Karagga´s Palace Hardmode. And my non-swedish-speaking friend, and our newest member in the guild joined us, way undergeared, he had about as much health as some of the meaner damage dealt :P But being the "god" that he is on healing, he still shined like a star.
And after some wiping on G4-B3 Fabricator, a big robot with a puzzle! :P We finally took down all of KP (Karagga's Palace) for the first time, much joy. And I got a new helmet to boot! :)

I've also played a bit on my powertech that has recived some boosting from a friend... the one meantioned above actually :) But I'll fill you in on him later.

In minecraft I've started building my tower of evil! (not that evil) since I have finally shaved down the mountain that was standing in the way =D Video/pics of that when its its done.

Thats it for now folks.
