tisdag 12 september 2017

Afterlife ... a "short" story.

Yea, I've made up my mind and gonna publish my short story about Max and Cloe from the game Life is Strange... you know, the girls up in the picture above this text/post. I don't realy know why I should, but I felt like it all of the sudden.

Now before I post it know this... if you haven't played the game, or watched it on youtube, then this is just a story I've writen. But if you have... then you know where I'm coming from.

Here it is.


Life is Strange – Afterlife
A Fan Made Semi-Erotic Story following the Game: Life is Strange
by: SillyKinma
Chapter 1

Max Caulfield and Cloe Price had been driving for a good hour. One hour away from Arcadia Bay. One hour closer to a better life. The landscape outside the window was tranquil and green and yellow and red, the animals in the forests and out on the plains and the sky were all busy with finding food or a mate. It was all so very beautiful that Max could hardly believe that Arcadia Bay had just been destroyed by a damn tornado. Everyone she knew there were now gone but she also knew it was much worse for Cloe who had just lost her mother, Joyce, to that storm. She knew the Cloe were glad that she did not go back in time to kill her but at the same time sad that her mom was now gone too.

Max felt a light headache come across her as she was thinking all these thoughts. She had not gotten any sleep last night so that did not help her, she were tired, more so than she would admit too. She looked over to Cloe who just sat there behind the wheel of the old pickup truck looking, normal, like nothing had happened, one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand leaning against her head, resting the elbow on the edge of the window.

All thou Max was not a hundred percent sure, she move herself closer to Cloe, so close that she almost touched and then she leaned in and rested her head against Cloe’s shoulder. She could feel how Cloe turned her head when she leaned in, but nothing more. Max closed her eyes and let the rocking of the car lull her to sleep. She fell asleep almost immediately.

Max woke up to an early evening. The sun had sunk down to around 4 or 5 in the afternoon and the car was silent and still. She became afraid when she also noticed that Cloe were nowhere near her, she looked outside and all she saw was the highway and forest and on the other side were a small gas station and a house that looked like a diner. She knew that Cloe would never leave her, she would stay with Max forever. Max also remember that it was her that had said forever by the lighthouse and not Cloe, but she still knew that the truth to that word was true for Cloe as well, but she was still afraid that Cloe might just have left her there, with her car. No, that did not make much sense, Cloe love this piece of shit car and the fact that they had been on the road for quite a while made holding it in would just be impossible. She could feel her fear going away and even more when she saw Cloe coming out from the diner with a paper bag in her arm and a walk that she had not seen in a long time. Cloe looked happy. Genuinely happy as she was walking towards the car.

“Good afternoon sleepyhead.” She said as she opened the car door and gave Max the paper bag filled with both food, warm and smelling fantastic, and a lot of other things like cigarettes, candy, magazines and what not. “You looked so peaceful after you’d fallen asleep that I didn’t want to wake you. Hope that’s okay?” Max knew it was okay, she didn’t bother saying what she wanted to say, that she had gotten scared when she woke up without Cloe there, that she had thought the worst, so she just said what she knew Cloe would like to hear. “Yea I’m fine.” She could not take her eyes of Cloe, she looked at her like she had never seen such a beautiful creature in all her life. Worst part was, Cloe saw it. Cloe was looking at Max the same way, and before she knew it, Cloe leaned in and gave her a kiss. Nothing like what Max had done a few days ago in Cloe’s room, but a proper kiss, one with feeling in it, a warm and loving kiss. At first Max were shocked at the kiss, no not the kiss, but the revelation of the kiss, what it meant. Cloe were just about to open her mouth and say something, what that something might have been she did not care about for now it was Max’s turn to kiss Cloe. She leaned in and kissed her, just as their lips meet her hands found Cloe’s head, sealing the kiss deeper. She could feel her own mouth open just as Cloe’s did and then their tongues meet. Max’s breath took on a more heavy breath, Cloe made a sound of pleasure. She could feel Cloe’s arms reaching around her midsection, hugging her closely, so close that she had to tilt her head to the side and almost hug her with her own head. She felt a hunger inside her now, a hunger for Cloe, a hunger that could never be sated unless she was there with her. The kiss became even more heated, more intense, just more. The kiss must have been forever. A loving and hot kiss between two girls who had been best friends forever, not spoken in five years and then found each other in a week of hell. A kiss for the ages.

Once the kiss had ended they just sat there, Max in the lap of Cloe. Cloe still holding on to Max and they were looking into each other’s eyes. The love that was there were now apparent to anyone, there were no way to hide it and there were no reason to anymore. They loved one another. Cloe let a hand remove a lock of hair from the forehead on Max. “Wow Max, that was intense huh?” She looked happy, even more so than she had a minute ago, so Max decided that this would be the moment she had to take and just say it. “I love you Cloe.” The silence that followed was like no silence she had ever heard before. The cars on the highway did not make a sound, the birds and people and the wind, all silent. Like the world had gotten a giant silencer, all that could now be heard was the heartbeat from herself and from Cloe. She could hear it, plainly and loudly. It was the perfect setting for the words she knew would come from her, she knew they would come even though she really had no idea what she would say. “And I love you Maxine Caulfield.” The words filled her with happiness so much so that she kissed her again and just hugged her hard.

“So now what?” She asked.

“No we find a good spot to fuck!” Cloe were not going to mins on words, she knew what she wanted, and Max wanted it as well. So Max did the only thing she knew, she smiled large and silly and got off her. She did not get off her too far thou, just pushed the bag of food away so she could sit as close to Cloe as she possibly could without causing an accident when they were on the road again.

“The waitress told me of a good place to eat our food a bit further down the road, a lot of empty space and a good spot for lovemaking.” Cloe said with a wink of her eyebrows. “Good.” Max did not bother with asking if the waitress she hinted at knew something or if Cloe knew something beforehand as it did not matter. They were going to make love, or fuck as Cloe said, then they were going to eat and then sleep in each other’s arms.

Cloe had just turned the engine on when she turned it off. “We are going to need something to pull over us, a blanket or something.” She opened the car door and went out. “Hold on, I’m coming to.” Max said and followed her out. “Knowing you it’ll be an itchy blanket in dark colors.” Cloe just laughed, laid her arm around her back and hugged her and started to walk towards the shop part of the gas station.

Inside the shop they found two kinds of blanket, one that was itchy and one that was not, they got the one that was not itchy and also found a pair of pillows. The pillows however were smaller than Max and Cloe were used to so they got a few of them, 5 to be exact. Happy with their purchase they got back in to the car and drove off.

... to be continued.


So there it is, the first part of the story. If you like it and want more of it..  let me know here or where ever.


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