I didn't forget, I've just been busy... okay I forgot a little. I admit, it did slip my mind a few times. And right now, it's like 2 in the morning, and I should go to bed, but I wanted to get this done before I got to sleep, post it on ze facebook tomorrow... or today as it might be for you.
Anyway, the tenth chapter of my Bounty Hunters adventures is up.
This time, it's time to hunt for some allies for our alliance, and it seems someone is stiring up trouble in the underbelly of the Zakuul capitol... sounds like our kind of stuff.
So I go back to Zakuul in order to find this anarchist, and end up having some fun while recruiting this menace to society.
Also in gaming news, it seems the Fallout 4 have given us an update in the form of a small, but so far very cool, little "addon" called Automatron. It all started with me finding a radio signal of people in trouble. They were being attacked by evil robots, and I go to investigate... all I find, are a shitload of robots that damn near killed me, and once they were dealt with, a lonely robot was left that now follows me around.
But she's not just greatful I saved her, no she is remorsful that she couldn't save her human creators, and have asked me to find the one responsible. So off we go to find the one called The Machinist (I think that was the name at least), and on the way, she teaches me how to build and improve other robots... very cool...
Anyway, that's it for now.
My life, with everything that entails. Toughts, ideas, games... what ever I feel like writing.
måndag 28 mars 2016
söndag 20 mars 2016
Alliance Cop
I almost forgot that it's sunday today. Go figure huh? Guess I was busy watching the whole of the second season of Daredevil on Netflix... it's good. Very good.
Anyway, it is sunday, so I should tell you about my adventures with the Fallen Empire and their knights. And I will do this, by giving you a video of it! That will let me skip to sum up what has happened, and let you continue to watch the series in chapters, as I had intended it.
Today, it's just one chapter, cause we are closing in on the numbers of chapters there are. And they only release a chapter, once per month.
So go and enjoy Chapter 9: The Alliance.
In other games... my girl in Fallout 4, has now taken it upon herself to clean the streets of Boston of crime. She did this, by finding a police hat. So now, She Is The Law!
Anyway, it is sunday, so I should tell you about my adventures with the Fallen Empire and their knights. And I will do this, by giving you a video of it! That will let me skip to sum up what has happened, and let you continue to watch the series in chapters, as I had intended it.
Today, it's just one chapter, cause we are closing in on the numbers of chapters there are. And they only release a chapter, once per month.
So go and enjoy Chapter 9: The Alliance.
In other games... my girl in Fallout 4, has now taken it upon herself to clean the streets of Boston of crime. She did this, by finding a police hat. So now, She Is The Law!
![]() |
Be afraind raider scum. Be very afraid. |
tisdag 15 mars 2016
Two Hated
I saw something on the news today that made me go a bit apeshit mad (no worries, I kept it together as I was at work after all), and figured I'd write about it here.
Now it was a news report about some guy that had escaped Syria two years ago, now works as a doctor, speaks very good swedish and seem to have adjusted very well. So good on him.
But there was one thing he said that made me want to be able to deport him.
Now before I go further, I want to make sure you know one thing. If you flee from a country that is at war, where your home, work, city even your very life and the life of your family is at risk of becoming dust and shadows, I welcome you here. Do come to Sweden (or another country if you like, it's up to you in the end I guess).
But there are two kinds of "refugees" that I would like to stay the fuck away from Sweden. I mean it, stay the flying fuck out of my country, cause you do not deserve to be helped by us.
The first kind: People who call themselves "refugees", but in reality just wants to leave their own country to try and get a better economic situation somewhere else. So called "Economic Refugees". they are not refugees, they are spungers. they use a system to their own benifits, without even trying to give anything back.
And these fuckers usually lie about who they are too, saying they come from Syria or the likes, even if they realy come from a country that is currently in a time of peace.
The second kind: And this is the kind that the doctor mentioned above is. It's the kind that actually leaves a country that is at war, but don't bring his family.
This guy fled the country, came to Sweden, and only later, sent for his family. That man, is a fuckin asshole!! If I found myself in a wartorn country, and had to flee for my life. If I had a family, I wouldn't fuckin leave them behind! I would take em with me. Even if the road to safety is lined with dangers, it might be a fucking warzone where I came from, and thus, equally dangerous or worse there.
In Syria and the other wartorn countries, they are currently having problems with fundamentalists, most common kind, the muslim version. They kill, maim and make sexslaves of women and kids. They make children go to war and cut off heads with knives, film it and post it on the net.
These places are not friendly. So why the hell would you leave your family behind in a place where that could happen?
If you come to Sweden looking for a better economy, or for protection but have left your family behind. You can fuck off!!! Cause you are a horrible person, and should be miserable, in pain and fear for your very life, cause you don't deserve to one in the first place.
Now it was a news report about some guy that had escaped Syria two years ago, now works as a doctor, speaks very good swedish and seem to have adjusted very well. So good on him.
But there was one thing he said that made me want to be able to deport him.
Now before I go further, I want to make sure you know one thing. If you flee from a country that is at war, where your home, work, city even your very life and the life of your family is at risk of becoming dust and shadows, I welcome you here. Do come to Sweden (or another country if you like, it's up to you in the end I guess).
But there are two kinds of "refugees" that I would like to stay the fuck away from Sweden. I mean it, stay the flying fuck out of my country, cause you do not deserve to be helped by us.
The first kind: People who call themselves "refugees", but in reality just wants to leave their own country to try and get a better economic situation somewhere else. So called "Economic Refugees". they are not refugees, they are spungers. they use a system to their own benifits, without even trying to give anything back.
And these fuckers usually lie about who they are too, saying they come from Syria or the likes, even if they realy come from a country that is currently in a time of peace.
The second kind: And this is the kind that the doctor mentioned above is. It's the kind that actually leaves a country that is at war, but don't bring his family.
This guy fled the country, came to Sweden, and only later, sent for his family. That man, is a fuckin asshole!! If I found myself in a wartorn country, and had to flee for my life. If I had a family, I wouldn't fuckin leave them behind! I would take em with me. Even if the road to safety is lined with dangers, it might be a fucking warzone where I came from, and thus, equally dangerous or worse there.
In Syria and the other wartorn countries, they are currently having problems with fundamentalists, most common kind, the muslim version. They kill, maim and make sexslaves of women and kids. They make children go to war and cut off heads with knives, film it and post it on the net.
These places are not friendly. So why the hell would you leave your family behind in a place where that could happen?
If you come to Sweden looking for a better economy, or for protection but have left your family behind. You can fuck off!!! Cause you are a horrible person, and should be miserable, in pain and fear for your very life, cause you don't deserve to one in the first place.
söndag 13 mars 2016
Time To Leave
Chapter 8 of my Bounty Hunters adventures in the Star Wars universe is now out for anyone to watch. In this chapter, we figure it's time to get the hell out of Asylum, but we should have tried that a few minutes earlier, as someone invited a party-pooper. And that party-pooper, is damn hard to kill.
So I go up against this party-pooper, not once but twise. A mother and daughter has a very heated argument and a guy who see's the future, gets his ass murdered... so much for his powers :P
Anyway, here's the link to the video.
Nothing more to report this sunday... so watch the video, it's almost an hour long. Then go on with your life as if you just had fun. The other option, is to not watch the video, and feel the emptiness of missing out. ;)
So I go up against this party-pooper, not once but twise. A mother and daughter has a very heated argument and a guy who see's the future, gets his ass murdered... so much for his powers :P
Anyway, here's the link to the video.
Nothing more to report this sunday... so watch the video, it's almost an hour long. Then go on with your life as if you just had fun. The other option, is to not watch the video, and feel the emptiness of missing out. ;)
söndag 6 mars 2016
Sorrow Asylum
Today, I have 2 chapters ready for you all to enjoy, one that is half an hour long and one that is an hour long. The short one comes first... you know, unless you want to watch them out of order, in which case the long one is a great start :P
Anyway, my Bounty Hunter is coming to a new place, finding some new people, gets into trouble and later on, she looks for a lady of "Sorrow"... And that one, is a wierd one. But also awesome.
So here are both the videos, all linked in the playlist, so if you start with the short one, you can just keep watching, and the long one starts up right after.
On an another matter... the Jawa known as Blizz, a companion to the Bounty Hunters, I got as a companion on my Sith Inquisitor (after some work)... and his old buddy wrote to me after I got him off the frozen rock that is Hoth.
Isn't that sweet?
Anyway, my Bounty Hunter is coming to a new place, finding some new people, gets into trouble and later on, she looks for a lady of "Sorrow"... And that one, is a wierd one. But also awesome.
So here are both the videos, all linked in the playlist, so if you start with the short one, you can just keep watching, and the long one starts up right after.
On an another matter... the Jawa known as Blizz, a companion to the Bounty Hunters, I got as a companion on my Sith Inquisitor (after some work)... and his old buddy wrote to me after I got him off the frozen rock that is Hoth.
Isn't that sweet?
fredag 4 mars 2016
Fucked Up Shit
The crown princess of Sweden has had another baby (congratz guys), it was a boy and they named him Oscar. A good name in my book. But already, not even a week after their new joy has arrived in to the world, does a fucked up feminist demand that they do not "force gender" on the child and that the child should make up it's own mind about it.
Can you give em a few weeks of happiness atleast? Can you give the woman who have pushed this little bundle of joy out of a tiny hole, rest and recover before you start pushing your shit on her, her husband and the rest of the damn ROYAL FAMILY???
Earlier in Swedish times... like just a few short years ago, if you voted for, or agreed with, the Swedish Democrates (SD), you were automatically labeled as a racist and were excluded from everything from your own inner circle of friends to blood relatives, lost your job, lost the right to be part of your union party and basically lost all credibility as a human.
Today, the political party known as Moderaterna (M), who were the ones asking people to "open their hearts and wallets" to save refugees, has an even stronger policy against immigrants.
Where are the voices of pure hatred and rage that they are now racists? Why isn't people who agree with (M) now being treated like trash and called racists? Why isn't the media hunting down on (M) politicians like war criminals like they did/do with (SD) politicians?
Due to the increasing insecurity on the streets of Sweden, the police is asking for more funds to get over 3000 new police officers on the streets by 2018. I agree, we need more cops. But we also need cops that can actually do shit, just not wear their shit and then not be allowed to hardly touch a person for fear of being called a violent pig, racist or "going over the line".
If we need more cops, we should also need these cops to be allowed to do more, get more hands on and use force when peaceful talking is out the window.
Recently, 2 cops had to litterly FLEE from a scene due to a massive amount of people tried to attack them. What I wanted them to be allowed to do, was pull their guns, and then fuckin shoot a few of them in the legs (or heads, I'm good with that too), to stop them from attacking those who are trying to help you or who ever or what ever they are there for.
Currently in many places, cops, ambulance personell and firefighters have been attacked with stones and shit... for just doing their job. I don't care what colour your skin is in this matter. If you do shit like this, I feel that the cops should have the right of law to SHOOT YOU IN THE FUCKIN FACE!!
And to add to this, everyone in Sweden these days, gets offended by everything. We have freedom of speech in Sweden... but you can't realy tell anymore.
Every day I see shit in the news, both "offical" and what is called "hate sites", that make me less and less guilty for enjoying to jerk off to cartoon babes with giant dicks fuck other cartoon babes with giant dicks.
I fear for what will become of the people... but while I do that... I'll keep downloading futanari porn and listen do death metal.
Can you give em a few weeks of happiness atleast? Can you give the woman who have pushed this little bundle of joy out of a tiny hole, rest and recover before you start pushing your shit on her, her husband and the rest of the damn ROYAL FAMILY???
Earlier in Swedish times... like just a few short years ago, if you voted for, or agreed with, the Swedish Democrates (SD), you were automatically labeled as a racist and were excluded from everything from your own inner circle of friends to blood relatives, lost your job, lost the right to be part of your union party and basically lost all credibility as a human.
Today, the political party known as Moderaterna (M), who were the ones asking people to "open their hearts and wallets" to save refugees, has an even stronger policy against immigrants.
Where are the voices of pure hatred and rage that they are now racists? Why isn't people who agree with (M) now being treated like trash and called racists? Why isn't the media hunting down on (M) politicians like war criminals like they did/do with (SD) politicians?
Due to the increasing insecurity on the streets of Sweden, the police is asking for more funds to get over 3000 new police officers on the streets by 2018. I agree, we need more cops. But we also need cops that can actually do shit, just not wear their shit and then not be allowed to hardly touch a person for fear of being called a violent pig, racist or "going over the line".
If we need more cops, we should also need these cops to be allowed to do more, get more hands on and use force when peaceful talking is out the window.
Recently, 2 cops had to litterly FLEE from a scene due to a massive amount of people tried to attack them. What I wanted them to be allowed to do, was pull their guns, and then fuckin shoot a few of them in the legs (or heads, I'm good with that too), to stop them from attacking those who are trying to help you or who ever or what ever they are there for.
Currently in many places, cops, ambulance personell and firefighters have been attacked with stones and shit... for just doing their job. I don't care what colour your skin is in this matter. If you do shit like this, I feel that the cops should have the right of law to SHOOT YOU IN THE FUCKIN FACE!!
And to add to this, everyone in Sweden these days, gets offended by everything. We have freedom of speech in Sweden... but you can't realy tell anymore.
Every day I see shit in the news, both "offical" and what is called "hate sites", that make me less and less guilty for enjoying to jerk off to cartoon babes with giant dicks fuck other cartoon babes with giant dicks.
I fear for what will become of the people... but while I do that... I'll keep downloading futanari porn and listen do death metal.
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